today had a friend forging damascus steel knives... actually he's a manager and director in a US company in Linz but, his passion is forging... so on and off he comes to improve his skills...
... and since i still have leftovers from the 1 ton of coke in the container, he filled the bucket for me again... funny thing is that in the plain coke there were growing 2 tress, a birch and a willow... had the birch replanted at Andrea's and let the willow do her own thing > she died.
#bach #baeume #bergbau #brook #burgruine #creek #forest #hills #huegel #jux #kurzach #loewensteiner-berge #matsch #mining #mud #nassach #nassachbach #rain #regen #ruine #stollen #trees #tunnel #wart #warthof #wasser #water #wetzsteinstollen #winter #winterlauter #wolfsklinge
Originally posted at: https://schubladenerinnerungen.de/blog/2022/01/11/matschwanderung/
this morn my creek looks like faeryland… the water is brownish because of the iron.
#creek #water #snow #yew #photography CC BY-NC 4.0
Gestern – Freitag, 8. Oktober – sind wir gemütlich durch’s Buchenbachtal geschlendert.
Manchmal war der Weg einfach zugewachsen und wir mussten improvisieren oder umdrehen und einen neuen Weg suchen.
Wir waren schonmal in der Ecke unterwegs. Im Stapel gibt es daher alle Bilder.
#autumn #bach #bridges #bruecken #buchenbach #buchenbachtal #creek #forest #herbst #tal #velley
Originally posted at: https://schubladenerinnerungen.de/blog/2021/10/09/gemutlich-durchs-buchenbachtal/