

Procesa The Sea Witch

A new digital painting - A Sea witch by the name of Procesa.

Made as one of my experiments with combining photo collage (the sea, and the wooden object Procesa is holding which is an artwork made by my wife) and then painting on top - in this case Procesa herself.

As my old Disapora pod which hosted this free culture project got closed I am posting my art here. You can see it using the #katharsisdrill and #darkkatharsisdrill tags.

Link for the High resolution image

As always Creative Commons - attribution

#art #mywork #Krita #digital #painting #Witch #sea #woodenobject #wood #cc #creativecommons #freeculture


Two older drawings from February 2020. Just for fun and so they would not be forgotten and buried under the heavy weight of all the other things I have made.

As my old Disapora pod which hosted this free culture project got closed I am posting my art here. You can see it using the #katharsisdrill and #darkkatharsisdrill tags.

As always Creative Commons - attribution

#art #mywork #Krita #drawings #blackandwhite #storyteller #tea #sea #cc #creativecommons #freeculture


Imperial Archive 5

I have been a little ill these last couple of days and have had a bit hard concentrating on anything. I have been doing some digital painting work for a friend that is to be used as material for a animated film, and I have finished the e-book of the Otagburuagu-project, but moving ahead really slowly.

This digital painting is what I produced yesterday after doing what I could for the animation project. It is one of the many pulp-fiction scifi book covers without a story that I have made the last six month. The city behind was something I doodled a while ago without really knowing where it should lead. But yesterday I sat down and figured out what it was - The entrance to Imperial Archive 5.

As my old Disapora pod which hosted this free culture project got closed I am posting my art here. You can see it using the #katharsisdrill and #darkkatharsisdrill tags.

Go here for the high resolution Image.

As always Creative Commons - attribution

#art #mywork #Krita #archive #dystopia #empire #imperialism #bureaucracy #history #secrets #scifi #sciencefiction #cc #creativecommons #freeculture



For the first time in a long while I have had time for some casual monster painting.

As my old Disapora pod which hosted this free culture project got closed I am posting my art here. You can see it using the #katharsisdrill and #darkkatharsisdrill tags.

Go here for the high resolution Image.

As always Creative Commons - attribution

#art #mywork #Krita #nightmare #nightmares #cc #creativecommons #freeculture



Today I was editing all the illustrations for the Professor Otagburuagu book because I had made a mistake when setting up the template. It have taken all day. After that I just needed some time off... so I made this peculiar painting.

Incubo means nightmare in Italian - I am sort of an expert in nightmares.

As my old Disapora pod which hosted this free culture project got closed I am posting my art here. You can see it using the #katharsisdrill and #darkkatharsisdrill tags.

Go here for the high resolution Image.

As always Creative Commons - attribution

#art #mywork #Krita #nightmare #nightmares #cc #creativecommons #freeculture



The Katharsisdrill project was always meant to be an outlet of whatever I produce and which I, for whatever reason, don't see any reason to put a fat, slimy copyright label on. Here's something new and different. A finished score of a small melody which slowly travereses chromatically upwards.

As Salman Rushdie just suffered a stupid and despicable attack by one of those morons who think that they will get a share of the glory of the rich, self-righteous or powerful, by doing their bidding like a thrall, I guess this one is for him. For Salman Rushdie.

As my old Disapora pod which hosted this free culture project got closed I am posting my art here. You can see it using the #katharsisdrill and #darkkatharsisdrill tags.

Go here to download the score as a PDF file.

As always Creative Commons - attribution

#music #art #mywork #musescore #piano #score #SalmanRushdie #cc #creativecommons #freeculture


Strangely, when you have launched a Kickstarter all you can do is wait and occasionally pester people... and then there's a lot of time for other things, so today I made this angry fantasy crab.

For the left side legs I used a cc-by photo by Simon Matzinger. I have redrawn them a fair bit, but they are still there somewhere underneath.

As my old Disapora pod which hosted this free culture project got closed I am posting my art here. You can see it using the #katharsisdrill and #darkkatharsisdrill tags.

Go here for the high resolution Image.

As always Creative Commons - attribution

#art #mywork #Krita #crab #fantasy #creepy #world #cc #creativecommons #freeculture


The New Age tribunal

I have been busy with my next Kickstarter, but also found time for this uncanny piece.

As my old Disapora pod which hosted this free culture project got closed I am posting my art here. You can see it using the #katharsisdrill and #darkkatharsisdrill tags.

Go here for the high resolution Image.

As always Creative Commons - attribution

#art #mywork #Krita #NewAge #tribunal #fantasy #creepy #world #cc #creativecommons #freeculture