

joinpeertube.org - a free decentralized federated video platform alternative to centralize YouTube Dailymotion Vimeo


“show me the src“: https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube Developed with heart by Framasoft

“PeerTube is a free, decentralized and federated video platform developed as an alternative to other platforms that centralize our data and attention, such as YouTube, Dailymotion or Vimeo. clapper” (src)

cool! but…

users LOVE it! but, as probably everyone knows… hosting such platforms within EU is problematic, because users sooner or later start uploading:

  • conspiracy crap
  • illegal content (“full movie”)

and then the hoster of the platform get’s a letter from Universal and SONY lawyers and the fun & independence is over (or sometimes they just run out of disk space and funding)

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #youtube #devtube #peertube #Dailymotion #decentralized #Vimeo

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/02/02/joinpeertube-org-a-free-decentralized-federated-video-platform-alternative-to-centralize-youtube-dailymotion-vimeo/


Friendica - A Decentralized Federated Open-Source Social Network That You Can Self-Host

Friendica is a decentralized open-source social network which federates with many other social networks including diaspora*, Hubzilla, and the Fediverse of social networks. It can mirror too with Twitter and IFTTT, or export posts to Discourse, libertree, Tumblr, Wordpress and e-mail.

It is a good candidate for being an alternative to Facebook, and you can either join a public server, or self-host your own instance.

In this video I give an overview of Friendica's functionality and features, a comparison with Hubzilla, a look at it's interface, and a tour through the settings menu. I also make the case for it being a cleaner way to use Twitter.

Watch Bild/Foto

Friendica - A Decentralized Federated Open-Source Social Network That You Can Self-Host
by Danie van der Merwe on YouTube

#technology #opensource #friendica #decentralized #selfhosted #alternativeto #deletefacebook



Hello #diaspora!

While not exactly #newhere, I have been away from diaspora since such a long time now I was pleasantly surprised that this account still exists. My participation here wasn’t much even back earlier, but I’d like to change this. Perhaps a brief #introduction can help connect with relevant crowd better, so here it goes:


I am:
- a male in his 30's from #India, in a stable setup;
- a #Hindu, but not particularly religious or traditional. At various times, I have identified myself as atheist, religious, right wing, trad, - traditional, anti-theist, agnostic, ignostic/igtheist etc. At the moment I have stopped caring for these labels.
- an engineer, who, despite what my interests below may indicate, does no coding, nor builds anything;
- former knows-it-all, who still likes to dig a little;
- more of a skeptic/blunt critic, than trusting;

Hashtags that can get me interested to reading conversations here include:
- #politics #philosophy #religion
- #internet #p2p #decentralized #privacy
- #libreoffice #foss #freesoftware #opensource
- #books #blogs
- #question #help

While I am not above indulging in them, I’d like to avoid the following here:
- cats, dogs, other pets
- music, memes, sitcoms, movies, etc.
- food; including recipes, cooking and photography
- nsfw
- bitcoin/altcoin

Though bulk of my participation anywhere on the internet is through replies/comments, I’ll try to post regularly here. Just to make a few bookmarks through my posts, if nothing else.
Also, I am trying to figure out effective ways to bookmark stuff here. Can someone help me with that?


Twitter’s decentralized social network project finally has a leader - Jay Graber is leading the project and hiring developers

Jan. 21, The Verge - Bluesky, the Twitter-funded effort to create a decentralized social network standard, has finally found a project lead — the creator of Happening, Jay Graber. Bluesky and Graber have also begun hiring for the project’s first developers, meaning the slowly gestating project might finally become a bit less “blue sky” and a bit more real.

#fz_links / #Decentralized #SocialMedia #ProjectBlueSky


Inside #BitClout, the Dystopian #Social #Network with Big Backers and Vocal Critics

source: https://decrypt.co/62770/inside-bitclout-dystopian-social-network-big-investors-vocal-critics

  • BitClout is an ambitious #decentralized social network that tokenizes Twitter personalities. But one of its own investors says BitClout “fucked up their launch.”
  • The project has nearly $170 million worth of #Bitcoin in a wallet, most of which comes from its investors. BitClout aims to use the funds for something socially "good."
  • The man behind BitClout, whose identity is well known, hopes to withdraw himself a la Satoshi Nakamoto.

#technology #internet #news #bitcoins #btc


RetroShare is an open source Friend-2-Friend privacy social network with mail, chat, forums, channels, file sharing with zero data on and servers

This is similar to Utopia, previously shared, with regard to functionality and peer-to-peer operation, but unlike Utopia this one is fully open source, is not blockchain based, and starts out with only connecting to your known friends. The devs are also known, and it uses well known PGP encryption which you share directly with your friend to get authenticated.

'Onion routing' is used for anonymity and needless to say you don't need your real-world credentials to register. Being P2P it does not require any servers or central services to operate - you connect to, and via, your friends directly, completely out of site of Big Tech.

It's a bit like your own private secure Facebook and is actually great for younger children to participate safely. There are no hidden costs, no ads and no terms of service. It installs on Windows, Linux and MacOS desktops, and on Android mobile. Sorry no iOS app.

See Retroshare

#technology #P2P #decentralized #socialnetwork #privacy


Current version: 0.6.5Release notes Retroshare establish encrypted connections between you and your friends to create a network of computers, and provides various distributed services on top of it: forums, channels, chat, mail... Retroshare is fully decentralized, and designed to provide maximum security and anonymity to its users...
