

Trump suspensions lifted on Facebook and Instagram. Because of course. Gotta get the engagement up to drive up revenue even if it fucks over the foundation of society and the planet. “New guardrails” is BS too. These Silicon Valley techbro billionaires and their lackeys and sycophants can all go fuck themselves. #trump #facebook #instagram #BillionairesShouldNotExist #DeleteTwitter #DeleteFacebook #BigTechShouldNotExist https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/facebook-instagram-end-trumps-suspension-platforms-rcna67524


...and related to my prior post by the end of this year you will have anti-democracy people making the decisions on this stuff on all major social media platforms: Meta/Facebook (see Kaplan, Clegg, Andreesen, Thiel), Twitter (Musk and his band of alt-right tech bro assholes including Thiel again), Tik Tok (god knows what nefarious shit they have planned in collusion with the Chinese government), and then the willful ignorance of others like YouTube who let this shit run wild too. Secondary media is no better sadly, just check out the amount of insanity on Rumble, PeerTube, etc. along with the special built right wing social media systems. The anti-democracy movement is so thoroughly flooding the zone it is inescapable at this point. Most of the world are acting like lambs being led to the slaughter. Disheartening. Infuriating #DeleteFacebook #DeleteTwitter #DeleteTikTok #DeleteBigTech