

An investigation by journalists has revealed that the Russian Ministry of Emergencies is passing on information on deportees to the #clergy, who then find placements for them in churches, monasteries and convents.
Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of #Ukraine, the Ministry has been emailing reports on the occupied territories and deportations of Ukrainians to the Russian Orthodox #Church’s Synodal Department for Charitable #Work. The Ministry also provides the clergy with daily reports on the progress of #military action in the occupied territories of Ukraine and on the numbers of Ukrainians being forcibly deported, the routes by which they are being transported, and their time of arrival in #Russia.
The relevant emails from the Church’s charitable arm were forwarded to the journalists by hackers from #Anonymous and #DDoSecrets.

https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/04/24/7341811/ #orthodoxy #deportation #war


The abduction and #deportation of up to 402,000 Ukrainians to #Russia, including some 15,000 people from the besieged city of #Mariupol, sends a chilling reminder of the region’s Soviet past.
While Russia claims that this constitutes an “evacuation”, #humanrights monitors report that deportees have been stripped of their passports and forced to sign papers saying they will remain in Russia in the districts they are moved to for two years to work without payment, rendering them as slaves.
According to #Ukraine’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Lyudmyla Denisova, some 84,000 children are among the abducted, who may be used as “hostages” to pressure #Kyiv to surrender in what has been labelled a “kidnapping” by the #US Embassy in Kyiv. This forms only the latest chapter of a long #history of forced population transfers by Russia, which, we argue, serves both economic and political ends. #lenin #stalin #gulag #economy #china #uighurs #labour



"You cannot kill us. You tried and failed" | DW | 29.03.2022

Joschla Melanie Weiß’ Großeltern wurden in der Nazizeit deportiert, weil sie Sinti waren. Die Schauspielerin verarbeitet das NS-Trauma ihrer Familie im Theaterstück "Rom*nja City - Stadt freier Menschen".#JoschlaWeiß #SintiundRoma #Rom*njaCity #Deportation #Auschwitz #NS-Genozid
"You cannot kill us. You tried and failed" | DW | 29.03.2022


Der #MDR zeigt momentan gute Dokumentationen zur #Shoa. Besonders infam, dass die Menschen bei der #Deportation auch alles #Eigentum verloren und dies von den #Nazis versteigert wurde - und die guten Deutschen sich bei den Versteigerungen darum kloppten, günstig an das #Raubgut zu kommen. Alle haben es gewusst und waren fein damit.

Vielleicht mal bei Omma im Keller nachsehen, ob der alte Schrank hinten einen Hinweiszettel kleben hat?

#Holocaust #Versteigerung #ARD #TV #Geschichte #Profiteure



Heute Charter-Abschiebung v. #Österreich🇦🇹 & #Deutschland🇩🇪 nach #Nigeria🇳🇬!

#AirTanker / #TitanAirways
ab Wien 05:21 mit Zwischenstopp in Düsseldorf
auf dem Weg nach Lagos
erwartet um 15:00 Ortszeit


via @deportationwat1




Der Abschiebecharter von #Österreich🇦🇹 & #Deutschland🇩🇪 mit #AirTanker nach #Nigeria🇳🇬 ist heute früh wie geplant von Wien über München gestartet und wird in einer ½h in Lagos erwartet.
#StopDeportation @EndDeportations #NoMoreCharterFlights

via @deportationwat1

