

Lenin and the Art of the Impossible

The Tree of Woe contemplates the impossibility of revolution:

Every rock star began as a long-haired freak in a garage with a dream of a record deal and groupies. Every best-selling author began as a would-be writer being told that no one buys books. Every successful entrepreneur began by faking it until he made it. Every revolutionary began as a nobody. None of them had the odds on their side. Victory wasn’t assured; it wasn’t even plausible; it was so unlikely as to seem impossible! It was all a LARP… until it wasn’t.¹

The reason so many successful actors, musicians, and politicians are narcissists is that in order to become a highly successful actor, musician, or politician, you have to take long shots against long odds. Often the only people who take long shots against long odds are the people who are self-deluded enough to think they’re better than all the others who tried and failed.

People like Lenin.

#Lenin was a #self-deluded #nobody. He was a #loser. He had accomplished virtually nothing with his life except a stint in the #gulag. He was nowhere near as influential as the well-established figures who currently are prominent among the dissident right. He wasn’t even… #NickFuentes.

But Lenin he changed the world. Sure, he changed it for the worse — but he changed it. And so could we.

The advantage we have as #Christian #Nationalists presently subject to the #wicked #madness of #ClownWorld is that we know, as Bob Marley said, #Babylon is going to fall. Its fall is absolutely 100-percent guaranteed, because Clown World is a #rebellion against #God, God’s #Law, and God’s #Creation. It is a rebellion against #morality, #mathematics, #Nature, and #physics, and as such, it cannot possibly be sustained.

It is our job to be the hard place upon which Clown World shatters. Because Clown World is caught between a rock and a hard place, and the rock, being #JesusChrist, isn’t going to break.


Geschichtsschreibung in Putins Russland

Putins Russland - Das gespaltene Verhältnis zur eigenen Geschichte

Wladimir Putin vereinfacht und verfälscht russische Geschichte, um seine Macht zu stärken und den Krieg gegen die Ukraine zu rechtfertigen.#RUSSLAND #Geschichte #SOWJETUNION #Zarenreich #WladimirPutin #LENIN #STALIN
Geschichtsschreibung in Putins Russland


Today is the Centennial Celebration of Lenin's Death (Russian Tsar, not John)


Alexander Garden, Moscow
Photo by Fenichel - Alexander Garden, Red Square, Moscow


Inspired by hearing this from someone recently emigrated from Russia, noting this day being historical, and sharing a post applauding (Murdoch's) _Wall Street Journal_f or mentioning it, but adding that it missed a bit of history, and/or geography,

David Satter posted on January 19. So where did the irreparable happen? Everyone knows - in Gorky (Leninsky). But David Satter demonstrates false erudition - he clarifies: "The first leader of the Soviet Union died on Jan. 21, 1924, in Gorki, Russia (now called Nizhny Novgorod), after repeated strokes."

Lenin's Tomb
Photo by Fenichel - Lenin's Tomb / Mausoleum

So, in the spirit of the day, and a nod to #history... and to the one who made it possible for me to take a few relevant photos.

Спасибо / Thank you. I was lucky to have a chance to see Moscow in pleasant times, Sochi Olympics, good times. (2014!) 10 yrs.

The title link leads to my Lenin page of #photography .

But for anyone who "comes here for the music", OK, here goes, in sync with today, but from the other Lennon, John.

Back in the USSR 🎶

I do hope the good people I celebrated with then, but who are suffering now, do find sunshine again, soon.

#myphoto #Russia #Moscow #Lenin #historical #truth #Leninsky #Gorky #Centennial #tzar #Russian #Beatles #music #musica #musique #musik #USSR 21January2024


I give my first impressions of him exactly as I entered them in my diary at the time: #trotsky #lenin #ussr #uk #germany #canada #halifax #lockhart #kerensky #ww1 #russianrevolution #brest #brest-litovsk #history ">

" February 15th, 1918. Had a two hours’ conversation with L.D.T. (Lev Davidovitch Trotsky).

He struck me as perfectly honest and sincere in his bitterness against the Germans.

He has a wonderfully quick mind and a rich, deep voice. With his broad chest, his huge forehead, surmounted by great masses of black, waving hair, his strong, fierce eyes, and his heavy protruding lips, he is the very incarnation of the revolutionary of the bourgeois caricatures.

He is neat about his dress. He wore a clean soft collar and his nails were carefully manicured.

I agree with Robins. If the Bosche bought Trotsky, he bought a lemon. His dignity has suffered an affront. He is full of belligerent fury against the Germans for the humiliation to which they have exposed him at Brest.

He strikes me as a man who would willingly die fighting for Russia provided there was a big enough audience to see him do it.”

Trotsky was angry with the Germans. At that moment he was not quite certain what the German reaction would be tohis famous declaration of “no peace and no war,” but he had a shrewd idea that it would be unpleasant.

Unfortunately, he was also full of bitterness against the English.

We had not handled Trotsky wisely.

At the time of the first revolution he was in exile in America.

He was then neither a Menshevik nor a Bolshevik.

He was what Lenin called a Trotskist — that is to say, an individualist and an

A revolutionary with the temperament of an artist and with undoubted physical courage, he had never been and never could be a good party man.

His conduct prior to the first revolution had incurred the severest condemnation by Lenin.
“Trotsky, as always,” wrote Lenin in 1915, “is, in principle, opposed to the Socialist Chauvinists, but in practice he is always in agreement with them.”

In the spring of 1917 Kerensky requested the British Government to facilitate Trotsky's return to Russia. Common sense seemed to indicate one of two courses: to refuse, on the grounds that Trotsky was a danger to the Allied cause; or to allow him to return unmolested.

As usual in our attitude towards Russia, we adopted disastrous half-measures. Trotsky was treated as a criminal. At Halifax, Nova Scotia, he was separated from his wife and children and interned in a prison camp at Amherst with German prisoners for four weeks.

His finger-prints were taken. Then, having roused his bitter hate, we allowed him to return to Russia.

I am giving Trotsky's own account of the incident. I learnt afterwards that it was substantially correct.

The outraged Trotsky came back to Russia, threw in his lot with the Bolsheviks, and relieved his injured feelings by writing a fiercely anti-British pamphlet entitled
“A Prisoner of the English.” Some trace of his resentment showed itself during our interview* I succeeded, however, in soothing him.

Memoirs Of A British Agent (1933)
by R. H. Bruce Lockhart


Was ist Sozialchauvinismus? - Lenin 1915

Sozialchauvinismus ist das Eintreten für die Idee der Vaterlandsverteidigung in diesem Kriege. Aus dieser Idee ergibt sich weiter der Verzicht auf den Klassenkampf während des Krieges, die Bewilligung der Kriegskredite usw. In Wirklichkeit treiben die Sozialchauvinisten eine antiproletarische, eine bürgerliche Politik, denn was sie verfechten, ist in Wirklichkeit nicht die 'Verteidigung des Vaterlandes' im Sinne des Kampfes gegen eine Fremdherrschaft, sondern das 'Recht' dieser oder jener 'Groß'mächte, Kolonien auszuplündern und fremde Völker zu unterdrücken. Die Sozialchauvinisten machen den Volksbetrug der Bourgeoisie mit, indem sie dieser nachsprechen, der Krieg werde geführt, um die Freiheit und Existenz der Nationen zu verteidigen, und damit gehen sie auf die Seite der Bourgeoisie über, wenden sie sich gegen das Proletariat. Zu den Sozialchauvinisten gehören sowohl diejenigen, die die Regierungen und die Bourgeoisie einer der kriegführenden Mächtegruppen rechtfertigen und ihre Politik beschönigen, als auch diejenigen, die wie Kautsky den Sozialisten aller kriegführenden Mächte gleichermaßen das Recht auf 'Vaterlandsverteidigung' zusprechen. Da der Sozialchauvinismus in Wirklichkeit die Privilegien, Machtpositionen, Raubzüge und Gewalttaten der 'eigenen' (oder überhaupt einer jeden) imperialistischen Bourgeoisie verteidigt, ist er gleichbedeutend mit völligem Verrat an allen sozialistischen Grundsätzen und an dem Beschluß des Internationalen Sozialistenkongresses von Basel.“

– Lenin, Sozialismus und Krieg 1915

#sozialchauvinismus #zitat #lenin


On Nov. 7, 1917, Bolshevik Red Guards under the command of the Revolutionary Military Committee seized power in Petrograd, then the capital of the Russian Empire, by capturing key government positions and laying siege to the Winter Palace.

#OTD #USSR #Lenin #OctoberRevolution


Philip Zahner: „Adornos #Lenin|ismus“. Anmerkungen zur jüngsten Verballhornung der Kritischen Theorie ( 27.10.2019, Institut für #Wissenschaft und #Kunst, #Wien)
Runde Todestage sind so eine Sache: Oftmals dienen sie nur dazu, den dabei Erinnerten qua Ehrung ein zweites Mal zu Grabe zu tragen. Anlässlich von #Adorno|s 50. Todestag wird diese Tagung der Frage nachgehen, wie sehr Adornos heutige Nachrufer zu diesem Ritual des Vergessens durch Erinnerung beitragen – und worin die Aktualität des kritischen Theoretikers heute besteht.

https://www.mixcloud.com/red-q-read/quergelesen-260722/ #geschichte #kapitalismus #revolution #kautsky #ns #staat #linke


Vielleicht ist das am Ende der Grund, warum eine solche Bewegung ohne alle reale Folgen bleiben konnte: die Sorte Leute, die es geschafft hat, sich zu ihren Sprechern aufzuschwingen, will keine realen Veränderungen. Die Forderungen der #Bewegung, so wie sie sie interpretieren, sind illusorisch, undurchführbar oder ohnehin nicht ernst gemeint. Man muss der Tatsache ins Auge sehen, dass die bürgerlichen Intellktuellen Gift für jede soziale Bewegung sein werden. Sie kümmern sich um ihre eignen Belange. Und ihre Belange sind meistens fürchterlich neurotisch.
Was sie der #Gesellschaft abverlangen, sind komplizierte neue Wörter, die man lernen muss; umständliche Rituale, denen man sich unterziehen muss; aberwitzige Doktrinen, zu denen man sich bekennen muss. Die schiere Lästigkeit dieser Sachen erzeugt den Eindruck der Radikalität; wer so vehement eine neue #Sprache durchsetzt, lässt sich doch nicht gemässigt nennen! Aber alle diesen neuen Formeln und Doktrinen haben nur die eine Funktion und auch nur den einen Zweck: die Brücke zu zerstören zwischen der eigenen unmittelbaren Erfahrung, und zwischen den älteren und klareren Begriffen, in denen man sie beschreiben kann. Und das heisst: wirkliche Veränderung unmöglich zu machen.

https://dasgrossethier.noblogs.org/2022/07/neues-von-der-pseudo-linken-iii/ #usa #rassismus #linke #BLM #anarchismus #woke #occupy #religion #polizei #gewalt #literatur #boogalooboys #revolution #lenin #charlesmanson


The Russian “protest” #culture continues its procession down the road of moderateness and carefulness. First we witnessed the ROAR almanac, edited by Linor Goralik, which took in only the works by “correctly”, “humanely”, and moderately rebelling authors according to the principle “just don’t cause any inconveniences”, while also publishing poems by poor souls showing compassion to Russian jingoists. Now this tradition is continued by a band from a seemingly different cultural cluster: Russian import-oriented popular #music. It’s doubtful that the members and the vast majority of #LittleBig fans are reading Neo-modernist works, or even authors like Vera Polozkova, but this band’s new music video exhibits the very same thing: a half-hearted #rebellion.
The anti-war music video “Generation Cancellation” came out on 24th of June. This song, like many other songs of theirs, is performed in English; Little Big here tries to appear as part of the global cultural context and seemingly distance itself from the realities of “provincial” #Russia. But what we have is nothing new: cowardly pseudo-rebelliousness has become a defining characteristic of many Russian cultural figures.

https://www.nihilist.li/2022/07/06/little-big-s-pacifist-music-video-as-a-case-of-half-hearted-rebellion/ #subculture #lenin #yokoono #war #biden #putin #women


Heute verkörpert das Putin -Regime nicht nur ganz offen die erzreaktionäre #Ideologie der globalen Neuen Rechten in Kultur- und #Innenpolitik, heute liegt auch die brutale Realität eines autoritär-repressiven und neoliberalen Wildost- #Kapitalismus mit all seinen Hässlichkeiten klar vor aller Augen. Die innere Verfasstheit #Russland|s sollte eine Täuschung über den Charakter russischer #Aussenpolitik unmöglich machen. Sollte, wäre da nicht das Wegschauen vieler #Linke|r.

https://www.sozonline.de/2022/06/fossile-industrie-ruestung-geheimdienst/ #krieg #repression #armut #korruption #cocacola #vw #stalin #lenin #nationalismus #kirche #daimler #pinochet #siemens #tschetschenien #fsb #gewalt #wirtschaft #imperialismus #georgien


Rechte revisionistische Tendenzen mit ihrem Hautpinteresse der Schuldabwehr werden instrumentell als Popanz einer quasi nicht mehr existenten Kriegsschulddebatte eingeführt, um sich eine echte #Kritik des #Stalinismus zu ersparen. Diese „echte Kritik“ will man in einem letzten Verteidigungsschritt noch an intensive #Literatur auslagern. Man müsse den Stalinismus erst studieren und „verstehen“, um ihn kritisieren zu können.
Dabei sind die Verbrechen #Stalin|s und mittelbar #Lenin|s gegen die Menschlichkeit so offenbar, so offensichtlich, dass eine lebendige, somatische Moral im Sinne #Adorno|s Moralphilosophie Anspruch erheben darf, sich zu distanzieren, in Ekel abzuwenden von den Inszenierungen und Rationalisierungen. Man tut so etwas nicht. Selbst wenn es den Kriegsvorbereitungen gegen die #Nazis tatsächlich genützt hätte – was es nicht hat.
Ein #Kommunismus, der nicht in Schrecken vor dem #Leninismus und dem Stalinismus zurücktritt, ist keiner. Kommunismus, darauf ist zu beharren, bedeutet #Freiheit UND #Gerechtigkeit, bedeutet die Abschaffung von #Folter und #Todesstrafe, bedeutet, vor politischem Mord sicher zu sein und nicht, ihn zu exekutieren, zu glorifizieren und zu rationalisieren.

https://nichtidentisches.de/der-identifikatorische-sog-des-stalinismus/ #china #linke #putin #hongkong #faschismus #propaganda #russland #antisemitismus #nato #antiimperialismus #krieg #geschichte #udssr #usa #ukraine #kasachstan #wirtschaft #finnland #polen #frankreich #mussolini #terror #israel #militär


The abduction and #deportation of up to 402,000 Ukrainians to #Russia, including some 15,000 people from the besieged city of #Mariupol, sends a chilling reminder of the region’s Soviet past.
While Russia claims that this constitutes an “evacuation”, #humanrights monitors report that deportees have been stripped of their passports and forced to sign papers saying they will remain in Russia in the districts they are moved to for two years to work without payment, rendering them as slaves.
According to #Ukraine’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Lyudmyla Denisova, some 84,000 children are among the abducted, who may be used as “hostages” to pressure #Kyiv to surrender in what has been labelled a “kidnapping” by the #US Embassy in Kyiv. This forms only the latest chapter of a long #history of forced population transfers by Russia, which, we argue, serves both economic and political ends. #lenin #stalin #gulag #economy #china #uighurs #labour
