

Going Nowhere, Slow: The Aesthetics and Politics of Depression by Mikkel Krause Frantzen

In Going Nowhere Slow, Mikkel Frantzen looks at depression not only in its personal aspect, but through the intertwining of the inside and outside. While most of the literature tends to focus on the psychological aspect, this work brings the phenomenological, and existential tradition to bear on the problem of depression. The author’s claim is that we can’t understand depression in isolation from a broader political, economic and cultural horizon. Depression is understood here as a cronopathology, a sickness of and about time. Drawing from Mark Fisher’s idea of Lost Futures, the author theorises that the increase in depression can be understood in terms of that loss. It became harder and harder for most people to imagine any hopeful version of the future.
The only antidote we have is “care”. This is not the empty meaningless ‘how are you?’ Or the vague and dumb insistence on positivity. This care is born out of understanding of the other and of the shared human predicament.

#philosophy #bookreview #mentalillness #depression #literature #books


A debt jubilee is the only way to avoid a depression

...Massive social distancing, with its accompanying job losses, stock dives and huge bailouts to corporations, raises the threat of a depression. But it doesn’t have to be this way. History offers us another alternative in such situations: a debt jubilee. This slate-cleaning, balance-restoring step recognizes the fundamental truth that when debts grow too large to be paid without reducing debtors to poverty, the way to hold society together and restore balance is simply to cancel the bad debts.....


#Debt #debtJubilee #MichaelHudson #covid19 #depression


#Depression is nasty...
I've been effectively crippled for years, and it got more extreme with time. I did not understand what I was suffering from before, but it has become clearer to me as I've been paying more attention to my mental health. Prior to this, I was just trying to force my way through things, and I just got worse and worse, until I could find no joy in anything, among other things. The ride is not over yet, I remain in the woods, but since I'm being treated for it now, my mind has cleared up enough that I can start to describe it.


Im Wald - Public Domain

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#foto #fotografieren #mywork #goodmorning #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC

Guten Morgen #Welt!

Ich glaub', ich steh' im #Wald!

Was ja nicht der schlechteste Ort auf dieser #Welt ist.

Ich stelle für mich fest, dass ich immer öfter eine kleine #Auszeit von unserer hektischen #Welt benötige und mich gerne dann in die #Natur zurückziehe.

Im Moment kommt einem in der angespannten #Weltlage und dem #Krampf den unsere #Politiker so produzieren, nur um ein paar #Stimmen bei der nächsten #Wahl zu holen, so viel #Negatives entgegen, dass ich mich frage ob es derzeit wirklich nur #Schlechtes gibt. Wir müssen mehr positives bringen sonst versinkt unsere Welt in einer kollektiven #Depression.

Nun, zum #Anfang könnten wir es ja schon einmal mit einem #Käffchen versuchen :-)


#Frühstück #Kaffee #Kakao #Welt #Tee


5150’d: My Journey Through A Psych Ward

Powerful, matter-of-fact memoir by Desmond Meagley, who was institutionalized for suicidal thoughts several times as a teen. “I can’t make up my mind whether the treatments helped me or hurt me in the long term. Each time, the other kids reminded me I wasn’t alone, and the hospital visits did provide an immediate intervention for me when I was in danger. But I would also depart with a greater awareness that society treats mental illness as a legitimate excuse to disregard the needs and desires of the vulnerable.”

#gender #LGBTQ #mentalhealth #depression