

It's one of a bunch of clear markers of the collapse of what we used to call western culture. (David Paulides did a whole video about this yesterday, all about #how to #destroy a #nation — referring to the US. One of the markers was moral weakness and decay, combined with loss of integrity and humanity in every area of so-called 'authority'.)

Something like this?

Four Fabians, Beatrice and Sidney Webb, Graham Wallas, and George Bernard Shaw, founded the London School of Economics with the money left to the Fabian Society by Henry Hutchinson.

Formed out of a prior club, because:

Some members also wanted to become politically involved to aid society's transformation; they set up a separate society, the Fabian Society.

And this seems completely correct:

Bertrand Russell briefly became a member, but resigned after he expressed his belief that the Society's principle of entente (in this case, between countries allying themselves against Germany) could lead to war.

A few responses:

Although H. G. Wells was a member of the #Fabian #Society from 1903 to 1908, he was a critic of its operations, particularly in his 1905 paper "The Faults of the Fabian", in which he claimed the Society was a middle-class talking shop. He later parodied the society in his 1910 novel The New Machiavelli.

During the First World War, Vladimir Lenin wrote that the Fabians were "social-chauvinists", "undoubtedly the most consummate expression of opportunism and of Liberal-Labour policy". Drawing from Friedrich Engels, Lenin declared the Fabians were "a gang of bourgeois rogues who would demoralise the workers, influence them in a counter-revolutionary spirit".

In the 1920s, Leon Trotsky critiqued the Fabian Society as provincial, boring and unnecessary, particularly to the working class. He wrote that their published works "serve merely to explain to the Fabians themselves why Fabianism exists in the world".

I am not sure they have done much "in their name", but, the LSE is slightly older than the U. S. Federal Reserve, the implications are obvious. And it seems to me that these "monetary tools" cause that same decay to those who are trampled by it. It seems more and more there are "parts missing" from everyone around me. I am of the view that "intelligence", i. e. primarily CIA, has this mission which is more or less by request from the British side. This kind of Capitalism is like a disease which is by no means necessary.


The Artist Against the System Down Through Time

by Jon Rappoport -- nomorefakenews.com

Whatever his medium, the artist stands outside the group and group’s slogans.

If the group is living in Tuesday, he is living in Friday.

He sees invention everywhere, even in the faces that float by on the street. He sees their theatrical roles and the messages that are written on their lips before they speak.

He sees the preposterous crises that are concocted to lead to revelations that never come. Populations walk through one gate after another, deeper into an internal slavery that knows no limit.

The artist sees one genuine emotion after another parlayed into flashes of cheap sentiment.

In midst of all this, the artist doesn’t surrender. Nor does he only observe. Nor does he only point out the lies.


He always has.

The artist opposes the most popular trends of the moment.

The trend now, under various guises, is the Collective.

We need to realize that the Collective, no matter how it is defined or shaped or covertly hidden, is seeking to marginalize the person who imagines and creates new realities.

The artist is able to spot the Collective. He opposes it.

This opposition can’t be settled and resolved with some absurd “rainbow philosophy” that pretends to include everybody. It can’t be dismissed or merged in a melting lump of happy-happy cosmic cheese.

Those pseudo-philosophers who speak about consciousness as if it were one all-embracing ocean, within which we are merely tiny and ineffectual drops of water, have already developed a convenient amnesia about the artist.

Down through time, in the face of every spiritual system devised by the priest-class, the artist has said no. Instead, he has built his own worlds. He has lived the life of imagination, immune to the latest and greatest “New Age.”

He has asserted his power.

This is the natural mantle worn by the person who invents, imagines, improvises, creates: power.

Power that is apart from the group.

The artist not only sees, with great clarity, the mindless brain-dead gatherings of Collectives; he not only sees how they are built; he not only sees how they import “the highest ideals” to flesh out their slave-programs and objectives; he not only rejects all this; he creates something entirely different.

He invents worlds of his own. Many worlds.

The artist proliferates. He doesn’t reduce.

The artist isn’t looking for the “one thing” that will unite us all under a banner of harmony. He knows all such harmonies wear out and are eventually co-opted to produce mass hypnosis.

The artist rebels. In rebelling, he reveals the uniqueness of the individual. He doesn’t pay lip service to this uniqueness. He demonstrates it.

The artist destroys the Matrix, over and over.

Whether in art, science, philosophy, healing, or any other field of human endeavor, the person who lives by and through imagination creates new realities. As the artist, he challenges the status quo on every level.

This isn’t a superficial undertaking. It isn’t an attempt to “do something pretty and nice.” It isn’t part of “being a good citizen.”

The Collective is a fungus that seeks to swallow up people and nations. It enlists the highest-flying ideals as a cover. It sweeps away resistance with what seems like the most honorable of intentions.

Humanity on this planet has been undergoing a transformation into one ten-billion-member cult. You can find its leaders just by listening to their voices and their sentiments. They all come from the same manual.

This is really war by other means.

In the dying days of the engorged Roman Empire, which had squandered its capital through wars of conquest, it was decided that these other means were necessary. And so the Roman Church was invented. It would employ all the idealisms of past ages.

It would actually produce an unprecedented version of mind control as the weapon of conquest.

And today, we have “the Global outlook.” This is the silky cover for drawing in populations to a perverse dream of unity for all.

“We will harmonize the world.”

This is exactly the kind of program the artist has always rejected.

The artist says: there are are an infinity of worlds, and they can exist side by side; artists create them.

When that message is lost, we lose what we are and enter into amnesia.


There are some people who hear the word CREATE and wake up, as if a new flashing music has begun.

This lone word makes them see something majestic and untamed and astonishing.

They feel the sound of a Niagara approaching.

They suddenly know why they are alive.

The creative life is about diving in. It’s about a kind of transformation that shreds programming and gets down to the energy of the Fire.

Most people don’t want to travel to that grand arena because they have been trained like pets by some sector of this society to be good girls and boys.

The creative life isn’t about little changes done in little penguin steps. It’s about putting your arms and your mind around Deep, Big, and Wide Desire. It’s about making that Desire come to life.

99% of the world has been trained like rats to adore systems. Give them a system and they’re ready to cuddle up and take it all in. If they have questions, or if they want to argue, it’s about how to tweak the system to make it a little better. And with every move they make, they put another blanket over the Fire Within.

They sleepwalk through life and say yes to everything.

Maybe you once saw something truly free that didn’t care about consequences, and it blew you into tomorrow and turned on your soul’s electricity for an hour.

Maybe you’re sick and tired of bowing and scraping before a pedestal of nonsense.

CREATE is a word that should be oceanic. It should shake and blow apart the pillars of the smug boredom of the soul.

CREATE is about what the individual does when he is on fire and doesn’t care about concealing it. It’s about what the individual invents when he has thrown off the false front that is slowly
strangling him.

CREATE is about the end of mindless postponement. It’s about what happens when you burn up the pretty and petty little obsessions. It’s about emerging from the empty suit and empty machine of
society that goes around and around and sucks away the vital bloodstream.

People want a certain level of defined comfort, and they want to BELONG TO SOMETHING.

“I want to belong. It’s my reason for being. It’s my hole card. Therefore, I’ll sit on my imagination, so it won’t take me out beyond this thing I want to attach myself to.”

The propaganda machines of society relentlessly turn out images and messages that ultimately say: YOU MUST BELONG TO THE GROUP.

Day after day after day, year after year, the media celebrate heroes. They inevitably interview these people to drag out of them the same old familiar stories. Have you EVER, even once, seen a hero who told an interviewer in no uncertain terms: “I got to where I am by denying the power of the group, by denying the propaganda that says we all have to BELONG.”

Have you ever heard that kind of uncompromising statement?

I didn’t think so.

Why not?

Because it’s not part of the BELONGING PROGRAM, the program that society runs on to stay away from the transforming power of IMAGINATION.

#art #artist #imagination #create #society #individual #group #destroy #matrix #program


Assimilate & Destroy: The Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in Exploiting Then Suppressing Natural Medicine
Despite Rockefeller’s private belief in homeopathy, one of the effects of his Foundation’s work in medicine was to undermine natural alternatives to chemical prescriptions. The formalisation of GP training led to monopolies. Most medical courses were offered by just three universities: Dartmouth, Harvard, and Pennsylvania.8 As late as the early-20th century, US doctors typically trained in Europe. Rockefeller’s agenda was to bring the US medical profession up to Europe’s standards.9 Rockefeller modelled his health foundation on Berlin’s Koch Institute (founded 1891) and Paris’s Pasteur Institute (1887).

#Rockefeller #Foundation #Exploit #Destroy #Natural-Medicine


Lettera dal passato alle generazioni future.

Quando leggerete questa lettera io probabilmente non ci sarò più, cosi i miei coetanei, ingoiati dall’oblio del tempo.
Desidero lasciarvi un messaggio in bottiglia, una lettera di spiegazioni e di scuse da parte nostra per voi che dovete ancora nascere.
Siamo i vostri progenitori, chissà come sarà il mondo odierno, avete ancora piante e animali?
Siete liberi o si è instaurata l’ennesima dittatura?
Ciò che avete è ciò che vi abbiamo lasciato in eredità, bello o brutto che sia.
La nostra epoca, quella attuale in cui vivo io, adesso nel mio presente, è un epoca buia, c’è controllo e coercizione, chi dovrebbe garantire giustizia e diritti rema contro appoggiato da masse inerti e sottomesse di persone che si sono lasciate anestetizzare la mente per paura o per semplice comodità.
Alcuni di noi io compreso lottano per cambiare le cose ma è davvero dura, siamo Otto Miliardi su questo pianeta oggi, non so quale sarà la popolazione al momento in cui leggerete questa, credo che sarà di gran lunga più bassa.
Stiamo lottando anche per voi, spero che riusciremo a lasciarvi un pianeta migliore di quello in cui stiamo vivendo oggi.
Purtroppo siamo in pochi a lottare, pochi ad aver capito queste cose e molte cose sono ancora da capire, da svelare.
Ci sono poteri forti che censurano e reprimono per mantenere privilegi ingiusti, abbiamo caste e disparità sociali, ci sono ricchi e poveri, persone che hanno troppo che rubano a chi ha troppo poco per avere ancora dipiù, il superfluo del superfluo.
Molti hanno paura e chinano la testa, il popolo è sottomesso allo strapotere di questi vili esseri arricchiti vergognosamente sulle spalle di chi non ha niente.
Finanziano guerre per accapararsi risorse che non gli competono, sfruttano intere popolazioni, anche i bambini, solo perché hanno molto denaro e nessuno può o fa niente per fermarli.
Sono consapevoli della distruzione che stanno provocando ma continuano per il loro profitto personale con egoismo rischiando di compromettere il vostro futuro.
I poteri forti mentono e truffano eppure ci sono molte, troppe persone che ancora difendono questo sistema malato anzi malvagio.
Affermano che creare un mondo più etico senza denaro, senza ingiustizie e disparità, dove ognuno possa esprimere la propria natura in toto e in totale armonia con se stesso col prossimo e con l’universo, bene Signori, loro considerano questa un utopia.
Io rispondo loro che la vera utopia è quella che stiamo vivendo adesso, la vera utopia è basare la propria esistenza sul profitto, la vera utopia è basare una società sul consumismo in un pianeta finito e con risorse limitate, la vera utopia è sfruttare i deboli, è tagliare alberi quando invece dovremmo piantarne di nuovi, è mettere il denaro al primo posto fregandosene delle inevitabili consegenze.
Utopia è innescare un cambiamento climatico con circa 10.000 anni di anticipo per soddisfare la propria arroganza e il proprio egoismo, per continuare a fare profitto in modo ottuso fregandosene di tutto e di tutti.
Queste persone dovrebbero vergognarsi ma la loro dignità l’hanno svenduta al miglior offerente da un bel pezzo, oggi indossano una maschera e tanti begli abiti firmati costosissimi, fatti su misura, abitano costose ville signorili serviti e riveriti come se avessero un anima ma sono solo macchine, esseri spietati senza cuore ne dignità che rovinano la vita a milioni di persone per il loro bieco profitto facendo business su tutto, compresi i bambini. Queste persone sono un cancro per il pianeta, parassiti che si ingozzano delle vite di persone che forse possiedono meno ma almeno hanno ancora un anima, una dignità, e non devono indossare maschere per non farsi schifo ogni mattina quando indossano quegli squallidi abiti e quella viscida faccia falsa e conformista per continuare con la loro bieca attività, dare da mangiare alla bestia, al capitalismo e all’arroganza di persone altrettanto squallide per nutrire il proprio ego fingendo che sia giusto, per continuare nonostante tutto, costi quel che costi.
Mi vergogno di essere uomo e di appartenere alla razza più stupida e arrogante che abbia mai abitato questo pianeta.
Scusateci, almeno noi che abbiamo lottato contro questo schifo, sappiate che vi voglio bene e lotterò fino all’ultimo per fermare questa follia, io e tanti ma sempre troppo pochi che la pensano come me.
Con affetto, vostro Luca.
Genova - Italia - 24 Gennaio 2020
#Business #Vergogna #Destroy #Life #Planet
Fonte immagine: #GiornaleDellaVela #Mare