

he slips in a load of (albeit, as typical, muddied) truth in the start of that, aye. before it toggled to noising with daft stuff at 2m50s, and the advert after that.

iirc, 2003 or 2004 i became aware of the #geoengineering programs. back then i thought we'd all soon become aware real quick, just seeing it, and pointing it out...

but here we are, two decades later, and still, as he says, "people just dont believe that we have the ability to control the weather, even though mainstream media reports on things like dubai's government making it rain there to combat the extreme heat and drought.", which reminds me of how (as i did one day earlier this year) you can read from an article that says it's from a bbc disinformation specialist saying there's no such thing, then also saying there's such thing once you scroll down, and then go look at forbes and bloomberg promotional puff pieces for stocks of geoengineering corporations. XD #dontlookup, lol. wakey wakey folks. we ready to start doing #democracy and #afullyinformedpublic again(?)?


#lmao @ this piece from the #bbc regarding #chemtrails. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-62240071
oh, it's total bunk is it? total "conspiracy theory" eh? except the stuff acknowledged long time ago, even #biotrails. but none of it's happening since the 1950s and 1960s eh? lol. trust Alistair Coleman, "Disinformation specialist". lmao. XD too funny. gotta love that level of #investigativejournalism. lol. beyond incompetence. beyond neglect. is it's not possible to trot out a piece like that without bending over backwards to avoid the truth, and spin the wordings and article structure through cognitive dissonnance. heh, i needed another good laugh.

for it to be a conspiracy, you'd think it'd necessarily be a lot more covert. you can look up companies advertising their services for cloud seeding. amusingly, the phrase "cloud seeding" does not appear once in the article. well thanks Alistair Coleman for telling us what's the doubleplus goodthink overton window we're allowed. lol.
... i had to triple check... and it still seems incredulous to me, that the article genuinely was published 23 July 2022... not 1992. not 2002, not even 2012. just last year. ... at least 20 years since such services have been openly advertised. that's got to be something beyond just cognitive dissonance, right? that's gotta be... what... paid to spin implausible lies? some kind of serious dissorder of psyche?
it's not like you have to try hard to find many companies offering cloud seeding services. it's an effortless first page websearch. you don't have to dig. there's nothing cryptic about it. they get their services climbing high in search algorythm results. ... or am i somehow more crazy than i've considered so far, and are completely halucinating when seeing such results?
if it's not my next level crazy, then you can go buy stocks on the stock markets in various weather modification and cloud seeding companies, read articles in all the usual financial news/advertising outlets promoting such companies, hear from their ceos/directors and advertising departments directly extoling the, not only virtues and advantages of their services, but the "necessity" for our times.
i wont bother plucking an assortment of them to link here for you (i dont think they deserve promotion), and instead i'll just leave it to you to #lookup the websearch results for yourself... or even just go outside more often, #lookup and play "chemtrail or contrail?" with yourself, with friends, with anyone in earshot.

that was such hilariously implausible disinformation propaganda from alistair coleman and the bbc.

may wanna look into #geoengineering more seriously than that farcical pantomime of implausibility.

if anything does take more digging deeper into websearches abot it, it may be the stuff about biotrails and experimenting on the spread of pathogens on the public [edit: the recent hubub about #candidaauris has me wondering if that were one of the ones i read about being biotrailed in 2015 or so] ... but, alistair coleman pointed out this has been done... XD ... so it's not like that's in denial and something to discover a new as a fresh revelation. lol. so loopy. but yeah, #dontlookup all the other times that's been done in various places since the 1950s/1960s, since that's the only time that was done, according to alistair coleman. or at least as i skim read it.

lemme know if (and how) i'm way off, grabbed the wrong end of the stick from my skim read of that piece.
was it intentional satire? is chemtrail denialism now the target of satirical roasting? is the position "disinformation specialist" a satirical joke intended to point out the absurd? or are people really that far gone in an orwellian hole, that it's to be taken seriously? XD or just him telling you he's doing disinformation?

... i was about to semi-rhetorically ask if people were that stupid and gullible to fall for that.... but then i remembered reading a piece earlier on today pointing out that some people do not even know stars are suns, or that the world isnt flat.

#satire #unintentionalsatire #disinformation #disinformationspecialist #weathermanipulation #chemtrails #biotrails #geoengineering #toofunny #ow #lol #lmao #dontlookup #lookup #websearch #publiclytraded #stocks #conspiracytheory #advertised XD


after all the playful fun, they get to the "good" bit, about 35 minutes in..
... mentioning the cloud seeding, in 1966, for weather warfare, ...

but sure #dontlookup nothing to see here.

surely they only did that the once back then, and stopped.

#grahamelweed #leecamp #operationpopeye
#geoengineering #chemtrails #cloudseeding

and of course they wont ever use that to manipulate, influence, control, populations. :P
pay no attention to the many companies offering such services.
keep mocking anyone who mentions it, with the dismissive name-calling of "conspiracy theorist".
dont hold, those doing it, to account. dont be democratic. dont care for the world.

... does my sarcasm come through loud and clear there?


some people still #dontlookup ( see start clip in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I5LBpsyMDo )

even in 2004, when i was becoming aware of this, it had already been promoted, without hiding, for years.

#cloudseeding (and other purposes), via #chemtrails (and other methods, like ground-based cloud-seeding and cloud production) all marketed as #geoengineering despite the #weatherwarfare origins of this lineage of #weathermanipulation, and not in #democratic scrutiny.

i strongly doubt the other purposes are for our #health.


VOTEZ POUR MOI, #servitude volontaire #présidentielle #dontlookup #abstention - #JeffreyGoines

Bonjour les ami(e)s, qu'il s'agisse de la rĂ©Ă©lection d'Emmanuel #Macron ou d'un autre poulain de la #caste #politique, nous devons saisir les #enjeux de cette mise sous tutelle Ă©tatique financĂ©e avec notre argent, au profit d'une #ServitudeVolontaire faisant de celles et ceux qui s'y prĂȘtent une partie du problĂšme.
Paix sur vous



🙄 Alors comme ça les scientifiques nous alertent (une fois de plus) et "tout le monde s'en fout" pour reprendre la formule de "Bon Pote ?" đŸ˜«

📱 NON, pas tout le monde !!!
Nous, activistes de tous horizons, et bientÎt VOUS - citoyen·ne·s concerné·e·s par notre avenir - devons nous emparer de ces sujets cruciaux sur l'#UrgenceClimatique et écologique !

📰 Dans cet article, il est question du dĂ©passement de la 5Ăšme limite planĂ©taire, et du silence royal autour de cette actualitĂ© :
👉 https://bonpote.com/la-5eme-limite-planetaire-vient-detre-officiellement-franchie-et-tout-le-monde-sen-fout/

❌ ArrĂȘtons le scĂ©nario Ă  la #DontLookUp,
Informons nous 📰
Diffusons cela đŸ—Łïž #TellTheTruth
et Agissons âœŠâœŠđŸżâœŠđŸŸ #ClimateAction

Les annĂ©es passent, la situation climatique se tend, et aucun acte de nos gouvernements n'est Ă  la hauteur des enjeux 😡
Exigeons de tels actes, sans quoi la RÉBELLION sera INÉVITABLE !
Il est temps ⌛



#A66 #A66 #FecherBleibt #DontLookUp


Le falta un pasito, una 'EdiciĂłn B' en la que el mundo se salva porque la gente no acepta ni la manipulaciĂłn ni la mentira, toma el control y consigue salvarse del asteroide.
La crĂ­tica es eficaz si se sigue de acciones.

