

What kind of particles do they release into the atmosphere?
Now it's the time that they explain us exactly and clearly the exact composition and official purpose of the #additives they put in aircraft #fuel.
Quels genres de particules balancent-t-ils dans l'atmosphĂšre ?
Vu qu'on se le prend sur la poire, il est temps qu'ils nous expliquent clairement la composition exacte et le but officiel des #additifs qu'ils mettent dans le #carburant des #avions, ou de certains avions.
Comme pour les injections, on veut la composition exacte et complĂšte !

#climat #géoingénierie #Agenda2030 #Geoengineering #WeatherWarfare #ClimateIntervention


»Klimawende fĂŒr Energie und Industrie« zeigt auf, welche Anstrengungen unternommen werden mĂŒssen, um zahlreiche Industriesektoren auf KlimaneutralitĂ€t umzustellen. Einerseits geht es dabei darum, woher die Energie in Zukunft kommen soll, wie sie gespeichert und genutzt wird, andererseits geht es aber auch darum, die Rohstoffe und die Produktionsmethoden insbesondere in den Branchen Stahl, Zement und Chemie anzupassen. Innovationen bei Techniken wie Wasserstoff, WĂ€rmepumpen oder Kraftwerksbau können Lösungen bieten.#Klimawende #Energie #Industrie #Klimawandel #Wasserstoff #Stahl #Zement #Zementherstellung #Baumaterial #WĂ€rmepumpen #Geoengineering #Wetter #klimaneutral #CO2-Emissionen #CO2-NeutralitĂ€t #Chemieindustrie #Stromnetze #Biomasse #Batterieforschung #Nanoröhren #Physik #Chemie
Klimawende fĂŒr Energie und Industrie


#Geoengineering Watch #Global Alert #News, December 16, 2023:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ovDuWXdMUQk

"It is time to consider giving the planet some sunblock", "It is time to consider tweaking the clouds to cool the planet", both statements are headlines from economist.com. Now lets add this science report title from Science Daily, "Superglue for the atmosphere: How sulfuric acid increases cloud formation". Exactly how many forms of toxic elements are being dispersed into our skies with virtually no environmental impact reviews or public disclosure? How many have yet summoned the courage to even want to know? How much more can the planet's life support systems take before total breakdown?

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.


#vobes #geoengineering #facethehorror #weareinalotoftrouble
#madness #ecocide #precarity #environment #environmental #ecosystem #extinction
#climateengineering #existentialthreat #nanoparticles #followthemoney
#awareness #awakening #agnotology
"they are not going to stop."
"What can we do to stop it?"
"That boils down to a critical mass of awareness of the populations understand: they're fighting for their lives.

Football games, politics, electrical devices which many cant seem look up from... none of that will matter."
"the only solace I've known, is to be fully engaged in this fight."


#Blocking #Sunlight

This paragraph should make everyone stop in their tracks:

Beyond the fundamental needs of #food and #water, #healthy ecosystems provide substantial and often unrecognized services to #people and societies. Changes in the #environment due to climate change and other human-driven stressors result in changes in the ability of #ecosystems to provide those services. The ongoing #Holocene #extinction event is likely driven largely by human-driven stressors, resulting in loss of biodiversity in terrestrial and marine environments throughout the Earth at a rate unprecedented in human history.

The term Holocene extinction event is defined by climate change extremists as this:

Many believe that the #earth is presently undergoing another #mass extinction event, the "Holocene extinction #event," and consider the arrival of human beings, and their dispersal over the globe, as linked to this current event.

They are admitting that we are currently in an extinction level event, that they have induced via poisoning our biosphere, but they brainwash the masses saying it happened because humans arrived on earth. They are using this extinction level event as a reason to poison our earth some more with absolute catastrophic consequences. They are blaming humans and their carbon emissions on this extinction level event. Many scientist have debunked the climate emergency. Read here the World Climate Declaration stating there is no climate emergency.

There is however, undeniably, a poisoning of our biosphere and all life on earth via geoengineering/ solar radiation management. If you would like to know more about the last 70 years of weather warfare, this is a great article.

Geoengineeringwatch also provides excellent research and you can find more information here: Bee heroic

The insanity of these evil criminals is almost unfathomable. We pay with our taxes to develop this congressionally mandated nonsensical cover up of crimes against humanity - which is what these geoengineering solar radiation programs are.

If you have not watched my interview with Nikki Florio to understand #how #Geoengineering and the Internet of Things with the Nanotechnology in our bodies is all interconnected, you should review this information packed video:

Geoengineering, #5G, #Nanotechnology, #Internet of Things and Planetary Extinction Threat
SEPTEMBER 27, #2022

For this week’s episode for Dr. Ana’s #Science of Light Radio show I interviewed Nikki Florio, founder of Bee Heroic. Nikki is a brilliant extremely knowledgeable scientist who understands the interconnectedness of life on earth. Hence her viewpoint is vitally #important to incorporate into the understanding of true #health. The poisoning of our environment

Source: https://www.brighteon.com/embed/0eb77864-4170-45b5-b101-41f3c88c249bSee less


he slips in a load of (albeit, as typical, muddied) truth in the start of that, aye. before it toggled to noising with daft stuff at 2m50s, and the advert after that.

iirc, 2003 or 2004 i became aware of the #geoengineering programs. back then i thought we'd all soon become aware real quick, just seeing it, and pointing it out...

but here we are, two decades later, and still, as he says, "people just dont believe that we have the ability to control the weather, even though mainstream media reports on things like dubai's government making it rain there to combat the extreme heat and drought.", which reminds me of how (as i did one day earlier this year) you can read from an article that says it's from a bbc disinformation specialist saying there's no such thing, then also saying there's such thing once you scroll down, and then go look at forbes and bloomberg promotional puff pieces for stocks of geoengineering corporations. XD #dontlookup, lol. wakey wakey folks. we ready to start doing #democracy and #afullyinformedpublic again(?)?



#JIM-LEE interviews Dr.SHIVAℱ #Geoengineering & #'Climate Change “ #Science”
#JIMLEE #interview s Dr.SHIVAℱ Geoengineering & Climate Change “Science”

Dr. #SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the #inventor of #email, is a scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, and Fulbright Scholar who holds 4 degrees from MIT including his PhD in Biological Engineering. He started 7 successful high-tech companies providing ...


‘We’re changing the #clouds.’ An unintended test of #geoengineering is fueling record #ocean warmth

Source: https://www.science.org/content/article/changing-clouds-unforeseen-test-geoengineering-fueling-record-ocean-warmth

By dramatically reducing the number of #ship tracks, the #planet has warmed up faster, several new studies have found. That trend is magnified in the Atlantic, where maritime #traffic is particularly dense. In the shipping corridors, the increased light represents a 50% boost to the warming effect of human #carbon #emissions. It’s as if the #world suddenly lost the cooling effect from a fairly large volcanic eruption each year, says Michael Diamond, an atmospheric scientist at Florida State University.

#science #sun #climate #crisis #earth #temperature #news