

Corporations invested in #carbon offsets that were ‘likely junk’, analysis says

source: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/30/corporate-carbon-offsets-credits

#Delta, #Gucci, #Volkswagen, #ExxonMobil, #Disney, #easyJet and #Nestlé are among the major corporations to have purchased millions of carbon credits from #climate friendly projects that are “likely junk” or worthless when it comes to offsetting their #greenhouse gas #emissions, according to a classification #system developed by Corporate Accountability, a non-profit, transnational corporate watchdog.

So the capitalists really don't give a shit about anything for short-term #profit, even if #humanity is destroyed in the process.

#environment #news #scam #politics #co2 #fail #capitalism #economy #future #finance #society #problem #humanrights #earth


Wenn Mensch unbedingt noch fliegen muss, dann ist heute zumindest der Tag, um @easyJet zu boykottieren!

Warum? Dem Gründer #HajiIoannou gehört auch die #Grimstad, die heute ~30 Menschen illegal in die libysche Hölle zurück zwang:

Grazie @Sarita_Libre!




EasyJet ‘using sickness records to decide who gets fired’

#EasyJet has been accused of intending to use pilots’ #sickness records when drawing up plans for over 700 #job_cuts.
The pilots’ union said it was “unnecessary and wrong”, claiming the airline was risking #safety because unwell staff would be forced to report for work to avoid being fired.

EasyJet is planning 727 pilot redundancies as part of up to 4,500 job cuts and a restructuring that includes closing bases at Stansted, Southend and Newcastle airports.
#covid19 #workers_rights