

#Epik, l’hébergeur Web favori de l’extrême droite américaine, victime d’un piratage d’ampleur

L’entreprise héberge notamment le forum #8chan ou le réseau social pro- #Trump Parler : 180 gigaoctets de données, présentés comme volés sur ses serveurs, ont été mis en ligne.


#pirate #piratage #hébergeur #hébergement #vol #data #antifa


#Anonymous Hackers #Leak #Epik's #Database—Experts Confirm Gigabytes of Data Were Obtained; #8chan, #Parler, and Other Clients Now Affected

Source: https://www.techtimes.com/articles/265416/20210915/anonymous-hackers-leak-epiks-database—experts-confirm-gigabytes-data-obtained-8chan.htm

"The data set is all that's needed to trace actual ownership and management of the fascist side of the #Internet that has eluded researchers, activists, and, well, just about everybody,"

#hack #hacker #security #hosting #news


Operation EpikFail

Anonymous leaks gigabytes of data from alt-right web host Epik

Clients include 8chan, Parler, and Gab, among others.

DDoSecrets will, when they have they have the whole leak, release it to us in a more practical way. In the mean time, here's the page where this will eventually appear. Watch this space!



180 gigabytes of user, registration, forwarding and other information behind the "privacy" web hosting and registrar service Epik, known for hosting fascist, white supremacist and other right-wing content as well as harassment and doxing websites.

Original torrent

The original torrent is presented [here](magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7870f10ce71afa3fee1d986b839bd19e80713cba&dn=EpikFail&tr=https://tracker.bt-hash.com:443/announce) as-is and was created and released by the source independent of Distributed Denial of Secrets. Due to its size, it's incompatible with most torrent clients and many users will have difficulty downloading the data. When we're able, we'll release a more accessible version of the data.


According to the hackers, the contents include:

  • Domain purchases
  • Domain transfers
  • WHOIS history
  • DNS changes
  • Email forwards, catch-alls, etc.
  • Payment history
  • Account credentials
  • Over 500,000 private keys
  • An employee's mailbox
  • Git repositories

- /home/ and /root/ directories of a core system

#anonymous #corporate #fascist #hack #lead #ddosecrets #epik