

Finally some good #news: #Trump's #TruthSocial site has lost millions of dollars since it launched, filing shows

The company recorded an accumulated loss of $31.6 million as of June 30, contributing to “substantial doubt that #TMTG will have sufficient funds to meet its liabilities as they fall due, including liabilities related to promissory notes previously issued by TMTG,” the filing says.

more here: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trumps-truth-social-site-lost-73-million-launched-2022-filing-shows-rcna125086

TMTG = Trump #Media & #Technology

#socialmedia #altright #politics #fail #finance #propaganda #hate #conspiracy


#NaomiKlein on Her New #Book “Doppelganger” & How #Conspiracy #Culture Benefits Ruling #Elite

source: https://www.democracynow.org/2023/9/14/naomi_klein_doppelganger

We spend the hour with acclaimed journalist and author Naomi Klein, whose new book #Doppelganger, out this week, explores what she calls “the mirror world,” a growing right-wing alternate universe of misinformation and conspiracies that, while identifying real problems, opportunistically exploits them to advance a hateful and divisive #agenda. Klein explains her initial motivation for the book was her own alter ego, the author Naomi Wolf, for whom she has often been mistaken. Both Naomis entered public consciousness in the 1990s with books critiquing corporate influence, but in recent years Wolf has become one of the most prominent vaccine deniers and purveyors of #COVID-19 #misinformation — making the ongoing confusion about their identities a source of frustration. “It’s very destabilizing,” says Klein, who still urges people to seriously engage with the dangerous ideas propagated in mirror worlds, rather than simply look away. “It’s so hard to look at the reality that we are in right now, with the overlay of endless wars and #climate disasters and massive inequality. And so, whether we’re making up fantastical conspiracy theories or getting lost in our own reflections, it’s all about not looking at that reality that is only bearable if we get outside our own heads and collectively organize.”

#politics #altRight #manipulation #fake #news #propaganda #USA #pandemic #destabilization #democracy


The #WhiteHouse condemned bomb threats against Anheuser-Busch, the parent company of #BudLight, after a #transgender #influencer posted a promotional post of her drinking the #beer #brand.

source: https://www.newsweek.com/white-house-condemns-violent-response-dylan-mulvaneys-bud-light-can-1795754

"When a transgender American posts a video about a brand of beer they enjoy and it leads to bomb threats, it's clear that level of violence and vitriol against transgender Americans has to stop," Jean-Pierre said during her daily press briefing.

#fail #altright #usa #news #violence #hate #problem #politics #economy #advertisment


Le portrait-robot de ces climatosceptiques du net a justement été brossé par une étude du CNRS parue en 2023. Le chercheur David Chavalarias a identifié "environ 10.000 comptes Twitter" problématiques, qui, "en majorité", "faisaient partie de la sphère antivax et anti-système d’orientation 'alt-right' pendant la pandémie et dans une moindre proportion, des mouvances d’extrême droite comme Reconquête".

"Je n'en peux plus": les experts du climat confrontés au cyberharcèlement de climatosceptiques

#environnement #réchauffementclimatique #climatologie #réseauxsociaux #cyberharcèlement #climatoscepticisme #extrêmedroite #politique #altright


Why I #Quit #ElonMusk’s #Twitter

source: https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/why-i-quit-elon-musks-twitter

To the extent that people remain active on Twitter, they preserve the fragile viability of Musk’s gambit. The illusory sense of community that still lingers on the platform is one of Musk’s most significant assets. No matter which side prevails, the true victor in any war is the person selling weapons to both sides. It seems likely that this experiment will conclude with bankruptcy and Twitter falling into the hands of creditors who will have their own ideas of what it should be and whom it should serve. But at least in the interim it’s worth keeping in mind that some battles are simply not worth fighting, some battles must be fought, but none are worth fighting on terms set by those who win by having the conflict drag on endlessly.

#Musk #economy #toxic #community #altRight #hate #problem #discussion #internet #politics #ethics #moral #change #fight


Ye, formerly known as #KanyeWest, to acquire #Parler #platform

Source: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ye-formerly-known-as-kanye-west-to-acquire-parler-platform-301650579.html

Parlement Technologies CEO George Farmer welcomes Ye as a compatriot in the fight for #free #speech. "This #deal will #change the #world, and change the way the world thinks about free speech. Ye is making a groundbreaking move into the free speech media space and will never have to fear being removed from social media again. Once again, Ye proves that he is one step ahead of the legacy media narrative. #Parlement will be honored to help him achieve his goals."

I am sure that in their fight for #freedom of speech, they will provide access on their platform to suppressed socialist opinions that do not find a hearing in the #mainstream.

#fail #economy #internet #news #problem #altright #hate #humanRights #media


How a #Billionaire’s “Attack #Philanthropy” Secretly Funded #Climate +Denialism and Right-Wing Causes

source: https://www.propublica.org/article/barre-seid-heartland-institute-hillsdale-college-gmu

Last month, The Lever and ProPublica as well as The New York Times detailed how Seid secretly handed a $1.6 billion fortune to a key architect of the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority that recently eliminated federal protections for #abortion rights.

Steven Baer, a longtime friend and former adviser to Seid, said the businessman has long been “the major patron” for the Heartland Institute, a small Chicago-area think tank which for decades has attacked #mainstream climate #science. A top executive at Seid’s former company, Tripp Lite, served as the chairman of the group. Among the recent claims on the institute’s website: “US #Temperature Readings Are Junk, Negating Climate Science” and “96% of U.S. Climate Data Is Corrupted.”

#BarreSeid #politics #finance #altRight #news #money #propaganda #fake #fail #problem #future #emissions


Why the Past 10 Years of American #Life Have Been Uniquely #Stupid

source: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/05/social-media-democracy-trust-babel/629369/

#Babel is not a #story about tribalism. It’s a story about the #fragmentation of everything.


The #digital #revolution has shattered that mirror, and now the public inhabits those broken pieces of glass. So the public isn’t one thing; it’s highly fragmented, and it’s basically mutually hostile. It’s mostly people yelling at each other and living in bubbles of one sort or another.


“Those who express sympathy for the views of opposing groups may experience backlash from their own cohort.” In other words, political #extremists don’t just shoot darts at their enemies; they spend a lot of their ammunition targeting dissenters or nuanced thinkers on their own team. In this way, #social #media makes a political #system based on #compromise grind to a halt.

#politics #society #problem #filterbubble #extremism #altRight #internet #journalism #press #future #discussion #ethics #moral #democracy


The alt-right's embrace of Stoicism and other forms of "rationalism". Irony at its finest.

A Marine’s College Essay May Hold a Clue to His Role on January 6

Thanks to @The Intercept (unofficial) for the original post.

Christopher Warnagiris wrote about the relatively obscure Stoic philosopher Epictetus, who has become a surprise rock star of the alt-right.

Some parts of the "alt-right" have adopted (what they see as) a rationalist position, going back to the Ancient Greeks, to justify their worldview, which is essentially white supremacy.

I am reminded of the Libertarians' position ("The Party of Reason") on this same issue.

What these right-wingers, who claim to love "logic" so much, sim to fail to understand is Gödel's First Incompleteness Theorem, which states that No logic powerful enough to axiomatize the integer arithmetic can be both complete and consistent.

Surely, a logic powerful enough to axiomatize political philosophy is (at least) as complex as a logic powerful enough to axiomatize integer arithmetic.

These logic fan boys don't understand the nature of the tools they bring to defend their fascist perspective.

Unfortunately, this implies they also won't understand the logic (which they claim to embrace) the undermines their own "logic".

As the saying goes, “You can beat 40 scholars with one fact, but you can’t beat one idiot with 40 facts.” -Mevlana

These people are as convinced of the "rightness" of their position as we are of the righties of our own. They think (without understanding either) that they have both logic and facts on their side. (Of course, they would accuse of of the same.)

How are we to combat such an adversary? Especially when they're better armed than we are.

I will leave it to you to read the whole article, but here's a revealing snippet:

... The alt-right has laid claim to Epictetus and a select group of Stoics and other ancient thinkers to underscore their view that they are the defenders of a traditional, white-male dominated Western civilization that is under siege today from the left.

Donna Zuckerberg, a classics scholar and author of “Not All Dead White Men” (and the sister of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg), wrote in the Washington Post in 2018 that “one of the most insidious and disturbing examples of classical appropriation by the alt-right is its embrace of Stoicism.”

... Apparently, the radical right has adopted Epictetus because they think that exerting control over one’s emotions is a masculine ideal. A real man could control his emotions and direct his energy into action. It is as if the alt-right sees Epictetus as an ancient version of Gary Cooper’s character in “High Noon,” the quiet marshal who stands alone against the bad guys, or Matt Damon’s Jason Bourne, the stern amnesiac who finally remembers who he is and tries to fight against evil forces inside the CIA.

This fan-boy approach to the Stoics within the alt-right may seem laughable, but it’s a symptom of something deeper and more dangerous. A belief that they are the guardians of Western civilization against the advancing left-wing hordes seems to tie together both alt-right provocateurs and other conservative intellectuals, and they all now seem to be converging at the extreme edge of the political spectrum. And this widely held fear of the looming loss of Western civilization seems to be leading many conservatives to believe that overthrowing American democracy may be necessary to save the country. [emphasis mine]

“The New Right rarely expresses its ambitions as a democratic proposition,” wrote Sam Adler-Bell in The New Republic in December, because “[i]ts adherents are not convinced democracy is the way to go.”

This is what we're up against.

#AltRight #Philosophy



In the "whatever happened to dept.", I looked up old Vic's twitter profile

Vic Gundotra led the Google+ effort at Google, and famously left the company in April, 2014. He subsequently had a stint as CEO of AliveCor, a position he left "for personal reasons" in January of 2019.

Vic joined Twitter in 2015. Through his term at AliveCor, the thread was the standard anodyne tech-leader stuff, vaguely but noncommittally leftish politics on occasion, but mostly tecch promotions and occasional photography and light fare.

On 27 October 2019, he reshares a Sean Spicer tweet, and since that time, Gundotra's feed has heavily featured other alt-right and fascist commentators and propaganda. Convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza, discredited disinformation site Zerohedge, seditionist Ted Cruz. Al-tright / white nationalist / Nazi / fascist: Daily Caller, Laura Ingraham, Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Andy Ngo. Jim Jordan, Trump War Room, Ben Shapiro, Brad Parscale, Washington Examiner.

True colours, they say.

#VicGundotra #Google #GooglePlus #trumpists #AltRight #WhiteNationalsm #politics