

Beschämt muss ich eingestehen, dass ich aus diesen sehr guten Bohnen #java nur relativ wenige richtig gute Tassen herausbekommen habe. 十全七美 muss ich sagen. Zu anspruchsvolle Bohne, daheim nicht sonderlich ertragreich.

Nur wenn die Zubereitung handwerklich gut gelungen war schmeckte dieser Kaffee. 亂七八糟 rächt sich sofort mit Mittelmäßigkeit (zu flüssig/sauer/bitter, you name it).

Die gewünschte Qualität war einfacher hinzubekommen beim Doppio. Dennoch, "Pur nicht für jeden", steht sogar drauf. Point taken.

Teurer Spaß, bloß weniger lustig. Vor dem nächsten Beutel werde ich dann mal weiter an mir arbeiten.

Danke fürs Zuhören.

#coffee #beans #java #myfirsttime #mediumroast #espresso


#Coffee #Espresso #Hardware

I have done it again, my trustworthy Rocket Giotto v3 will soon be replaced by this monster:
A Bezzera Strega, a used one, if and when i like it, the Rocket will go 'for sale', with some regrets, as it is a rock solid stable coffee machine. But I am working my way to a Profitec Pro 800 machine, and like to have some experience with a lever machine.
So now I am busy reading about possible mods that can improve this machine, maybe maybe, if and when, I need to find someone that wants to do some of those mods for me. And then: 2 years saving my money to get enough for the 800 ;-)
That is, if i do not cave before i have reached that point and buy a Lagom P64 first :-D

On a side - (Coffee) note, I was give a bag of 250gr Natural beans, and by the Gods, how much I dislike that funky smell and taste, I have discarded the lot, as even my wife hated the beans in the Siemens Super Automated machine, a contraption that mangles the beans so much there is hardly any taste difference te be had.. But these funky beans, phew, ok lots of fruity smells and flavors, but all drowned by a musty old well worn inside sneaker smell and taste, Ugh, so bad!!


If you have a Rancilio Silvia espresso machine ...

Rancilio Silvia V3, partially disassembled

... Yours probably doesn't look like this.

(And I'm not referring to the fact that it is in need of a little cleaning again.)

I went to make coffee yesterday morning and nothing happened. The pump ran, but there was no flow from the group head. The three-way solenoid valve never opened.

It was simple enough to trace the problem to the brew switch. It was also fairly simple to locate a replacement brew switch ($8 plus shipping). But that still left me with no coffee. And that's how we come to this frankenrigging.
You see, all three of the switches down the left side of the machine — brewing, hot water, and steam — are electrically-identical DPST (double pole, single throw) rocker switches with an illuminated 'ON' indicator, differing only in their markings. One pole of the brew switch activates the pump, the other the 3-way valve. The second pole of the switch, which delivers power to the valve, had failed.
However, the hot water circuit uses only one pole of the 2-pole switch. (Although for reasons I do not profess to understand without studying the circuit diagram, the wiring harness does connect to one terminal ONLY of the second pole, but not to the other.) And THAT means that as a quick field-expedient repair until my replacement brew switch comes in, I could simply swap the brew and hot water switches with no impact on the operation of the machine.

And that's why my Rancilio looks like this for the next few days.

(Yes, I'll finish cleaning it before I put everything back as it should be.)

#coffee #espresso #rancilio #FieldExpedient #HardwareHack


#Coffee #Espresso #Home

Some time in my coffee journey ago i came to that spot of making acceptable espresso/lungo & Americano without having real bad results.
I could even say that most results are worthy of enjoyment.
Things i learned while traveling the bumpy Coffee Bean road, not all beans are equal.
I found out the hard way (and most expensive way) that I do .NOT. like so called 'natural' beans (not washed but the fruit is fermented to free the bean) as i really dislike the funky aftertaste that lingers after each sip.
3 batches later i learned, that is what i meant with expensive.
Also Anaerobic fermented coffee is in that same category, it has less of a funky taste, but, for me (YMMV) it tastes enough 'off' to be unpleasant.
2 batches, sigh, you would think one would be enough eh?
So now washed coffee.
Not all are in my taste range, and the variety of taste of different regions and countries is enormous!
So now I am at the start of my road again, but with less Crossroads to travel.

Oh, and that picture?

We went on a trip, to see some ancient gardening projects that were saved and maintained, and the restaurant served espresso, so I thought lets compare it with my own stumblings.

Well, if i do say so myself, mine are way way WAY better.
If those beans were fresh roasts I eat my socks, and way to darkly roasted.
I also suspect that the machine needs Temperature surfing, and the busy lunch crowd made that impossible, so the coffee tasted slightly burned, very unpleasant.

Yep another lesson, stay away from restaurant espressos ;-)
