

Visionnaires, talentueux, tricheurs : découvrez les #inventeurs de la #musique (avec #LaurentdeWilde) - Monte le son !

Dans le Tempo #26
Pour ce nouvel épisode du #podcast, Salman et Daz reçoivent le génial Laurent de Wilde. #Pianiste de #jazz, #animateur #radio et #écrivain, Laurent est passionné par les #instruments #électroniques et leurs #histoires. C'était donc l'invité idéal pour interroger le rapport entre l' #art et la #technique, et pour se pencher sur "Les fous du son", ces inventeurs fascinants dont Laurent raconte la vie et l' #oeuvre dans son dernier #livre. De #ThomasEdison à #RobertMoog, en passant par #MauriceMartenot, #LéonThérémine et #LaurensHammond, vous allez découvrir des destins incroyables.

00:00 Introduction
08:10 La #fascination #technologique
29:15 Les grands inventeurs
1:05:55 Art et technique, les deux font la paire
1:30:20 Dernière anecdote
1:32:50 Conclusion

#inventions #musique #interview


Page Not Found: A Brief #History of the #404 #Error

source: https://www.wired.com/story/page-not-found-a-brief-history-of-the-404-error/

When asked if he had any theories about why the error so enchanted people, Cailliau wrote “I don’t even have a hunch about the 404 #fascination. And frankly I don’t give a damn. The sort of #creativity that goes into 404 #response pages is fairly useless. The #mythology is probably due to the #irrationality, denial of #evidence, and preference for the fairy tale over reality that is quite common in the human species … These human traits were relatively innocent in the past, when individual #influence was small and #information spread slowly. Today, and in no small way due to the #existence of the net, these traits have gained a #power that is dangerous.” As examples, he cited the election of Donald #Trump, the deterioration of the #EU, meek political responses to gun #violence, and the proliferation of euphemism (“climate change”). Or the fascination could just be a dash of #humanity, an appreciation that the #internet is made by humans, and humans—especially on the internet—are often bored.

How deep is the rabbit hole really? I did not know that the #conspiracy goes so far and even simple error pages are part of this conspiracy ...


#html #web #www #theory #computer #politics #economy #humanity