

A quotation from Dr. Seuss

Nonsense wakes up the brain cells. And it helps develop a sense of humor, which is awfully important in this day and age. Humor has a tremendous place in this sordid world. It’s more than just a matter of laughing. If you can see things out of whack, then you can see how things can be in whack.

Dr. Seuss (1904-1991) American author, illustrator [pseud. of Theodor Geisel]
“Author Isn’t Just a Cat in the Hat,” interview by Miles Corwin, Los Angeles Times (1983-11-27)

#quote #quotes #quotation #absurdity #humor #irrationality #nonsense #perspective #rationality #senseofhumor
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/seuss-dr/6241/



#bias #behaviouralscience #psychology #groupthink #interesting #introspectioncueing

#confirmationbias #cognitiveillusions

#insuficientinformation #engagelogicalslowthinking #withholdprematureconclusion #tapthebreaks
#biastoeasyanswers #biastonarratives #narratives #inconsiderate #bullying #usvsthem #redvsblue
#cherrypicking #evidencecherrypicking #cherrypickingevidence
#seeingwhatyouwanttosee #usingreasoningtofitprejudice #illusions

#massformationpsychosis #howithappens
"We make many of our most important decisions based on what can only be called cognitive illusions. This is embarrassing for us to realise, but the evidence for it is undeniable."
so to that, i say:
"there is no shame in the truth." -- Minbari Religious Cast Elder to Student, Babylon5.
"head into the wave." -- me / old saying / unattributed
as in find your way to where you no longer defeat yourself with your subborn clinging to your self image as one who makes no such errors.
embrace the errors.
then you are on the path. then you are learning.
our confirmation bias, our cognitive illusions, are due eternal vigilance, to not succumb to their blinding arogance and mental/investigative/scrutinative sloth.

this is true whether stupid, or oh so much more clever.
especially if you are oh so much more clever.
because if you really are oh so much more clever, you will suffer more fuel on that fire.
and also, thinking you're oh so much more clever, is improbably true. not that i'm saying truth's always derivable, or even aproachable, through simple statistical analysis, but... since we're always going on a little information, and the dangerousness of how little that information is, can be worsened by how much littler we make it by our confirmation-biasing, cognitive illusions, our slothful lazy hastey grasp on shortcuts, we dont even realise, we're doing it, we dont even realise how little we have, and we tell ourselves we have a lot, we tell ourselves as much as we have, is a lot of what there is, even to the extreme, that it's all there is. unwittingly, we become know it alls, with next to nothing. and we think we're the smarty-est.

there's no shame in the truth.

we're not that smart.

we're not as smart as we think we are. no shame in the truth, that we think we're smart, and that we think that's smarter than we are.

knowing this,

helps us get smarter.


wise enough to continue learning.

wise enough to catch ourselves from short-handed thinking.

wise enough to see when we have, and wise enough eagerly accept that, and even point it out to others. wise enough to accept we'll likely never absolutely be beyond this, and even more likely are not beyond it right now, and so reapplies the humility introspective vigilance, not to identify as one who has risen above it, but to persist in plucking away and batting away all the times it has happened already, and all the times more oncoming.

"all i know is i know nothing, and sometimes i forget even that much." -- Me, often, but not often enough without vanity, not often enough really heeding what i (and socrates) mean by it.


still vulnerable to us-vs-them'ing. like you.

(ps, i forget where i got that link from, but thanks again to whoever shared it. ^ all that from merely first 20 minutes. .... lets see where it goes.)

#autopilotbiases #vulnerabletoattack #targetcues #pavlovsdog #socialmediacompanies #datamining #trolling #attentionseizing #mindcontrol #attentionplundering #sensationalism #cunninghamslaw #clickbait #fictionasfact #tabloids #attentionhacking #customerasproduct #attentionasproduct #theyareusingyou #polarisation #trustbuying #divideandconquer #uniteandconquer #familiariseandconquer #algorythm #algorythmicbias #algorythmicechochamber #echochamber #inducedignorance #comfortingignorance #ignorancesquared #arogance #appealmirror #insidetheappealmirrorball #othering #rippingappartthesocialfabric #nodiscourse #misinformation #mistruth #discourseevasion #discourseaversion #moralistic #outrage #hyperjudgementalism #hypernormalism #bonding #hypermoralism #hypermoralistic #witchhunt #redscare #introspectionevasion #introspectionaversion #disinformation #enflamingexistingbiases #existingbiases #biasmanufacturing #circularreasoning #falseflag #duped #outrage #outrageaddiction #fakenews #propaganda #hate #strengthasweakness #weaknessasstrength #irrational #irrationality #copiedirrelevancies #distraction #pantomime #monkeyseemonkeydo #smarterthanhumans #lackfilterforbadinformation #learningerrors #managedoppositions #economiccoercion #sockjocks #shockingestjockwins #clickbaitencouragement #usandthem #usandthemline #quickerthanwerealise #fearreflex #feartheother #they #cartoongeneralisation #generalisation #bigotry #poverty #unconsciousdistinctions #sympathy #iknow #autopilotprocesses #humanpotential #raisethebedrock #scarcitymindset #povertyprocupation #moneyimpoverishment #povertyiqreduction #povertystress #everybodysayingthesamethingjustdifferently #demagog #demagogs #demagoggery #conditioning #subconscious #mindhackers #sidelearnings #intentionalharms #unintentionalharms #fliesintheointment #FLYINTHEOINTMENT #hypocrisy #politicalcorrectness #freedomofspeech #makingourlivesbetter #freespeech #freethought #freewisdom
#cognitiveoverload #worry



Page Not Found: A Brief #History of the #404 #Error

source: https://www.wired.com/story/page-not-found-a-brief-history-of-the-404-error/

When asked if he had any theories about why the error so enchanted people, Cailliau wrote “I don’t even have a hunch about the 404 #fascination. And frankly I don’t give a damn. The sort of #creativity that goes into 404 #response pages is fairly useless. The #mythology is probably due to the #irrationality, denial of #evidence, and preference for the fairy tale over reality that is quite common in the human species … These human traits were relatively innocent in the past, when individual #influence was small and #information spread slowly. Today, and in no small way due to the #existence of the net, these traits have gained a #power that is dangerous.” As examples, he cited the election of Donald #Trump, the deterioration of the #EU, meek political responses to gun #violence, and the proliferation of euphemism (“climate change”). Or the fascination could just be a dash of #humanity, an appreciation that the #internet is made by humans, and humans—especially on the internet—are often bored.

How deep is the rabbit hole really? I did not know that the #conspiracy goes so far and even simple error pages are part of this conspiracy ...


#html #web #www #theory #computer #politics #economy #humanity


A quotation by Orwell, George

Politics is mostly non-rational; the world is suffering from some kind of mental disorder which must be diagnosed before it can be cured.

George Orwell (1903-1950) English writer [pseud. of Eric Arthur Blair]

“As I Please” column, Tribune (29 Nov 1946)

#quotation #quote #irrationality #madness #politics

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/orwell-george/49725/