

Starting to get into the #FountainPen hobby and haven't enjoyed writing this much in years.

Loving my Pilot Metropolitan but gave the Lamy Safari to my son because I just couldn't enjoy the way it wrote or felt in my hand. Was disappointed because I loved the color.


I'm looking for some penfriends

Hi everybody!

I'm looking for some penfriends from the Northern European countries, Canada, Greenland, Australia or New Zealand for long term letter exchange.

I love traditional writing tools and papers. And I also love learning about new people and different cultures.

If you think that you might be interested about exchanging letters with a Portuguese EFL teacher who is really interested in learning more about your lovely country and you, please, feel free to drop me a line or two.


#penfriends #penpals #fountainpen #fountainpens #fountainpeninks #letterwriting #pens #inks #paper #letter #calligraphy #portugal #canada #finland #sweden #norway #denmark #iceland #greenland #australia #newzealand