

Huch! Eigentlich wollt ich nur kurz den Abschnitt über Kubernetes in meinem Dockerbuch lesen. Bin etwas vom Weg abgekommen und hab' jetzt so ein GitLab-Dingens an der Backe.

Na gut, wollt ich immer schon mal testen. Aber laut Dokumentation sollte ich irgendwo bei der Initialisierung das root-Password eingeben können. Die Stelle kam aber nicht.
Und jetzt?!?

Screenshot Login-Screen
#Docker #GitLab #EinmalMitProfis


OpenRGB · Adam Honse@GitLab

Open source RGB lighting control that doesn't depend on manufacturer software. For Windows, Linux, MacOS.

ASUS, ASRock, Corsair, G.Skill, Gigabyte, HyperX, MSI, Razer, ThermalTake, and more supported

See the Wiki for this project for information.


#Open-source #Opensource #RGB #Windows #Linux #MacOS #ASUS #ASRock #Corsai #Gigabyte #HyperX #MSI #Razer #ThermalTake #CrossPlatform ##Cross-Platform #GitLab


#Unbelieveable, I just came across this #beautiful #magazine, #libregraphicsmag, about #foss and #libre #graphicdesign, i.e. creating design with tools like #Inkscape, #Blender or #Krita, with #freeculture philosophy in mind. The #project is over now, but there are several volumes for you to #download and read in #pdf. The magazine is of course #free under #creativecommons and you can download its sources from #GitLab here - I imagine this can be hugely useful for #design students, as a #template etc. It's really #professional and beautiful, just take a look. Really #happy to have found this.

From their #manifesto:

"We are a community made up of niches within niches within niches. An understanding of those fractal niches can, however, be gained through concrete examples of achievement and discourse. By building up a forum for understandable discussion and display, we make ourselves visible and real."
