

Sur le végétarisme comme passerelle vers le véganisme – Francione

« Discuter du véganisme avec des omnivores est trop difficile. Il faut commencer par le végétarisme. »

Chaque végan·e a probablement entendu ça plusieurs fois. Cela passe pour une saine approche prudente parmi celleux d’entre nous qui prennent l’éthique animale au sérieux.

Mais je pense que cette idée commune est fausse. Au contraire, il me semble que nous devrions éduquer tout le monde, y compris et particulièrement les omnivores, à propos du véganisme. J’ajoute que nous ne devrions jamais promouvoir le végétarisme comme moralement préférable à être omnivore.

À retrouver en intégralité et plusieurs formats sur https://tarage.noblogs.org/vegetarisme-gary-francione/

#végétarisme #véganisme #antispécisme #éthique #moral #GaryLFrancione #GaryFrancione #GFrancione #Francione #brochure #PDF #fr


Aryana Libris

Recension d'ouvrages au format numérique PDF.

Pour celles et ceux qui ne connaîtraient pas, Aryana Libris est une bibliothèque d'ouvrages (français ou anglais) sur des thèmes très divers, comme la médecine, le bâtiment, les arts martiaux, l'apiculture, les énergies libres...
Les .pdf sont consultables en ligne (extraits) ou téléchargeables (fichier .zip), mais il y en a tellement... je vous conseille de cliquer plutôt sur l'onglet "Tous les tags", pour explorer.
Bonne lecture... :)

#livres #littérature #documents #pdf


In the countries of Europe, if workers' unions and similar new organizations do not soon take the course of History into their own hands, they may become new pawns in the new fascist machine against Russia.

Those who do not know History are forced to repeat it.

Image/photoharry haller wrote the following post Fri, 18 Oct 2024 17:14:09 +0200

MIM Congress: Fascism Defined MIM Notes 264 • August 15, 2002• Page 4

*Here MIM culls some of the defining characteristics of fascism from classic texts of the Third International:Dimitrov’s report to the 7th world congress of the COMINTERN (1) and Dutt’s “Fascism and SocialRevolution.”(2) Applying these principles today, we can say that even though the imperialists have not implemented fascist measures against the exploiter majority in First World countries, the imperialists are the principal prop of fascism in the oppressed nations. This is why MIM wages a concerted fight against nationalist social-democracy and fascism in Europe. Both are strains of militant parasitism; both support the status quo of oppression in the Third World.*1. Fascism is “the open terroristic dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, and most imperialist elements of finance capital.”(Dimitrov,p. 2)
2. Fascism is an extreme measure taken by the bourgeoisie to forestall proletarian revolution; it “expresses the weakness of the bourgeoisie itself, afraid of the realization of a united struggle of the working class, afraid of revolution, and no longer in a position to maintain its dictatorship over the masses by the old means of bourgeois democracy and parliamentarianism.”(Dimitrov, p. 2) “The conditions [which give rise to fascism] are: instability of capitalist relationships; the existence of considerable declassed social elements,the pauperization of broad strata of the urban petit-bourgeoisie and of the intelligentsia; discontent among the rural petit-bourgeoisie, and finally, the constant menace of mass proletarian action.”(Dutt, p. 88)
3. Fascism concentrates each imperialist bloc into a single economic unit while at the same time increasing between-bloc antagonisms and advancing towards war. (Dutt, pp. 72-73)
4. Fascism promotes chauvinist demagogy (e.g. reducing the problem of parasitism to the “Jewish Question”) and anti-science obscuratinism (e.g. Dutt, pp.54-58 or any Jerry Bruckheimer film).Fascism hypocritically adopts Marxist critiques of capitalism, and bourgeois democracy.(Dimitrov, pp. 6-7) It does this to “utilize the discontent of the petit-bourgeois, the intellectual, and other strata in society.”(Dutt, p. 89)
5. Still, fascism may not completely dispense with bourgeois democracy — e.g. banning revolutionary parties or even competing bourgeois parties — depending on “historical, social and economic conditions.”(Dimitrov, p. 4)
6. Both bourgeois democracy and fascism are forms of the class dictatorship of finance or comprador capital (in imperialist and semi-colonial countries, respectively) — that is, both use organized violence to maintain the class rule of the oppressors over the oppressed. Hence, any differentiation between bourgeois democracy and fascism is a strategic or tactical matter — not a matter of Marxist principles.
7. The difference between bourgeois democracy and fascism is a matter of quantitative changes leading to a qualitative change. The qualitative differences are relevant to us in terms of their effect on our policies towards non-proletarian classes. “The accession to power of fascism is not an ordinary succession of one bourgeois government by another, but a substitution of one state form of class domination of the bourgeoisie — bourgeois democracy — by another form — open terrorist dictatorship. It would be a serious mistake to ignore this distinction, a mistake liable to prevent the revolutionary proletariat from mobilizing the widest strata of the working people of town and country for the struggle against the menace of seizure of power by the fascists, and from taking advantage of the contradictions which exist in the camp of the bourgeoisie itself. But it is a mistake, no less serious and dangerous, to underrate the importance of, for the establishment of fascist dictatorship, of the reactionary measures of the bourgeoisie at present increasingly developing in bourgeois-democratic countries — measures which suppress the democratic liberties of the working people, falsify and curtail the rights of parliament and intensify the repression of the revolutionary movement.” (Dimitrov, pp. 4-5; emphasis in the original)
8. Social democrats of the Second International ilk paved the way for the fascists by closely identifying itself with the national interests of their respective imperialists states, denying internationalism, placing their faith in bourgeois democracy and scuttling the extra-legal struggle for state power. Hence they earned the epithet “socialfascists.”
9. The COMINTERN United Front policy was based on its assessment that “[f]ascism is the most vicious enemy of the working class and working people, who constitute nine-tenths of the people in [the] fascist [and proto-fascist] countries.”(p. 12) Furthermore, the working class in these countries constituted a unified proletariat. Fascism was eroding the material basis for differences between communist and social-democratic workers.(E.g.Dimitrov, pp. 24-34)
10. The labor aristocracy is majority in the imperialist countries and not proletarian. The fact that the imperialist allow the labor aristocracy bourgeois democracy is an example of the alliance between these two classes and consistent with the following observation from Dutt: “Fascism strives to establish political and organizational unity among all the governing classes of capitalist society (the bankers, the big industrialists and the agrarians), and to establish their undivided, open and consistent dictatorship.”(Dutt, p 89; emphasis added)

Notes:1. George Dimitrov, Against Fascism and War,New York: International Publishers, 1986.
2. R Palme Dutt, Fascism and SocialRevolution, New York: International Publishers,1934.


#fascism #mim #pdf #2002


MIM Congress: Fascism Defined
MIM Notes 264 • August 15, 2002• Page 4

Here MIM culls some of the defining characteristics of fascism from classic texts of the Third International:Dimitrov’s report to the 7th world congress of the COMINTERN (1) and Dutt’s “Fascism and SocialRevolution.”(2) Applying these principles today, we can say that even though the imperialists have not implemented fascist measures against the exploiter majority in First World countries, the imperialists are the principal prop of fascism in the oppressed nations. This is why MIM wages a concerted fight against nationalist social-democracy and fascism in Europe. Both are strains of militant parasitism; both support the status quo of oppression in the Third World.

  1. Fascism is “the open terroristic dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, and most imperialist elements of finance capital.”(Dimitrov,p. 2)

  2. Fascism is an extreme measure taken by the bourgeoisie to forestall proletarian revolution; it “expresses the weakness of the bourgeoisie itself, afraid of the realization of a united struggle of the working class, afraid of revolution, and no longer in a position to maintain its dictatorship over the masses by the old means of bourgeois democracy and parliamentarianism.”(Dimitrov, p. 2) “The conditions [which give rise to fascism] are: instability of capitalist relationships; the existence of considerable declassed social elements,the pauperization of broad strata of the urban petit-bourgeoisie and of the intelligentsia; discontent among the rural petit-bourgeoisie, and finally, the constant menace of mass proletarian action.”(Dutt, p. 88)

  3. Fascism concentrates each imperialist bloc into a single economic unit while at the same time increasing between-bloc antagonisms and advancing towards war. (Dutt, pp. 72-73)

  4. Fascism promotes chauvinist demagogy (e.g. reducing the problem of parasitism to the “Jewish Question”) and anti-science obscuratinism (e.g. Dutt, pp.54-58 or any Jerry Bruckheimer film).Fascism hypocritically adopts Marxist critiques of capitalism, and bourgeois democracy.(Dimitrov, pp. 6-7) It does this to “utilize the discontent of the petit-bourgeois, the intellectual, and other strata in society.”(Dutt, p. 89)

  5. Still, fascism may not completely dispense with bourgeois democracy — e.g. banning revolutionary parties or even competing bourgeois parties — depending on “historical, social and economic conditions.”(Dimitrov, p. 4)

  6. Both bourgeois democracy and fascism are forms of the class dictatorship of finance or comprador capital (in imperialist and semi-colonial countries, respectively) — that is, both use organized violence to maintain the class rule of the oppressors over the oppressed. Hence, any differentiation between bourgeois democracy and fascism is a strategic or tactical matter — not a matter of Marxist principles.

  7. The difference between bourgeois democracy and fascism is a matter of quantitative changes leading to a qualitative change. The qualitative differences are relevant to us in terms of their effect on our policies towards non-proletarian classes. “The accession to power of fascism is not an ordinary succession of one bourgeois government by another, but a substitution of one state form of class domination of the bourgeoisie — bourgeois democracy — by another form — open terrorist dictatorship. It would be a serious mistake to ignore this distinction, a mistake liable to prevent the revolutionary proletariat from mobilizing the widest strata of the working people of town and country for the struggle against the menace of seizure of power by the fascists, and from taking advantage of the contradictions which exist in the camp of the bourgeoisie itself. But it is a mistake, no less serious and dangerous, to underrate the importance of, for the establishment of fascist dictatorship, of the reactionary measures of the bourgeoisie at present increasingly developing in bourgeois-democratic countries — measures which suppress the democratic liberties of the working people, falsify and curtail the rights of parliament and intensify the repression of the revolutionary movement.” (Dimitrov, pp. 4-5; emphasis in the original)

  8. Social democrats of the Second International ilk paved the way for the fascists by closely identifying itself with the national interests of their respective imperialists states, denying internationalism, placing their faith in bourgeois democracy and scuttling the extra-legal struggle for state power. Hence they earned the epithet “socialfascists.”

  9. The COMINTERN United Front policy was based on its assessment that “[f]ascism is the most vicious enemy of the working class and working people, who constitute nine-tenths of the people in [the] fascist [and proto-fascist] countries.”(p. 12) Furthermore, the working class in these countries constituted a unified proletariat. Fascism was eroding the material basis for differences between communist and social-democratic workers.(E.g.Dimitrov, pp. 24-34)

  10. The labor aristocracy is majority in the imperialist countries and not proletarian. The fact that the imperialist allow the labor aristocracy bourgeois democracy is an example of the alliance between these two classes and consistent with the following observation from Dutt: “Fascism strives to establish political and organizational unity among all the governing classes of capitalist society (the bankers, the big industrialists and the agrarians), and to establish their undivided, open and consistent dictatorship.”(Dutt, p 89; emphasis added)


  1. George Dimitrov, Against Fascism and War,New York: International Publishers, 1986.

  2. R Palme Dutt, Fascism and SocialRevolution, New York: International Publishers,1934.


#fascism #mim #pdf #2002


Making a PDF that’s larger than Germany – alexwlchan

15 million inches is exactly 381 kilometres, matching the number in the original tweet. And although this limit first appeared in PDF 1.6, it’s “version 7” of Adobe Acrobat. This is probably where the original claim comes from.

What if we make a PDF that exceeds these “maximum” values?




Cross-Platform ONLYOFFICE 8.1 office suite has an excellent PDF editor and forms creator

Blue background with a bold title in white font stating ONLYOFFICE 8.1 Unveiled with Supercharged PDF Editor and More. To the right can be seen then thumbnails in grey of an office suite showing a presentation being edited, and an open document being edited.
With this update, the PDF editor also supports page deletion, rotation (left or right), and insertion (blank page before or after), all easily accessible from the “Home” tab (remember to enable “Edit PDF”). Moreover, you can now insert and adjust existing objects, including images, tables, hyperlinks, and equations. On the “Home” tab, click “Edit PDF,” then go to the “Insert” tab to add an object (some options are directly accessible on the “Home” tab). To adjust an existing object like an image, select it and edit (rotate, resize, etc.).

ONLYOFFICE 8.1 has eliminated the DOCXF format and now uses PDF forms, allowing you to easily create complex forms entirely in PDF. This change ensures that users with various devices and software can fill out your forms more easily, unlike DOCXF forms, which require compatible software to open and edit.

Not so funny how Microsoft always end up locking you into using their products (mainly because they do not support truly open standards). So good to see a proper open PDF format being supported here. It is fully compatible with Office Open XML formats: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx. ONLYOFFICE is released under the GNU Affero General Public License, so it ensures that anyone who modifies the code, must also release the modified code. It works without a cloud account.

It will install on Windows, macOS, and Linux (including AppImage, Flatpak, or Snap versions).

See linuxtechmore.com/2024/07/only…
#Blog, #officesuite, #opensource, #PDF, #technology


Le #PlanMarshall ? une corde qui a pendu l' #Europe.

Il n'est pas besoin d'être mort pour se souvenir du "Plan Marshall". Il évoque des #Américains gentils venant, en #dollars, au #secours de l'Europe meurtrie par la #guerre. Charité bien ordonnée... Avec son "aide" la priorité de #Washington était de continuer de faire turbiner son #industrie. Désormais privée de ce grand #marché qu'était la guerre. (Jacques-Marie BOURGET)

L' #historienne #AnnieLacroix-Riz a découvert des kilos d' #archives montrant l'incroyable #cynisme des #États-Unis.
Liste de diffusion d'Annie #Lacroix-Riz - www.historiographie.info


Oh ! qu’ils sont gentils les Américains, charitables et bienfaisants, certes ces dernières 30 années les #guerres #étasuniennes ont provoqué la #mort de plus de trois millions de #pauvres #gens. Mais on ne construit pas la #démocratie sans un bon tas de #cadavres pour l’asseoir. Je radote mais ne me lasse pas de la réponse faite par #MadeleineAlbright, Secrétaire d’état de la #Washington coloniale, à une question de #journaliste « 500 000 enfants sont morts à cause des sanctions privant l’Irak de nourriture, médicaments et matériel médical. Est-ce que ça en valait la peine ? Je pense que c’est un choix très difficile. Mais que cela en valait la peine ». Le #pays dont la #liberté éclaire le #monde est entre autres celui de la guerre au #Vietnam, de #Guantanamo, de la peine de mort, du non à l’ #avortement et de la chaise électrique promise à #Assange. Comme #aide #mémoire je vous propose la #lecture du Talon de fer écrit en 1908 par Jack London et de L’Amérique Empire, un résumé des horreurs « made in USA », décrites par Nicola Mirkovic.

Ajoutons, par amour du détail, que Washington reste sous le feu de la rampe – de lancement – avec ses livraisons explosives qui pulvérisent les familles et le béton de #Gaza. Pour #Israël comme pour les #EU, tout ce qui tombe du ciel est béni, même les shrapnels. Bon. L’auteur du présent libelle abuse ! C’est un portrait écrit en noir, en triste, alors qu’on a compté à la Maison-Blanche des types rigolos comme Nixon ou Trump. Tout n’y est pas mauvais et il fallait être le mauvais coucheur De Gaulle pour refuser d’assister aux cérémonies du débarquement de Normandie. .....

Document intégral : https://we.tl/t-oh2wqtA0Lc
Date d'expiration : 23 avril 2024

#histoire #politique #géopolitique #pdf #livre #UE


There is a real need for encrypted e-mails but instead we have lots of encrypted PDF attachments

A letter explaining how to open an attached and encrypted e-mail document
More and more of my accounts are all arriving now with password encrypted PDFs. It’s good that an open standard is being used, but the passwords are really getting complicated as some use my ID number, one uses my bond account number, and some others again use their own unique account numbers. Apart from my ID number, the others I have no easy way of remembering, so it means constantly having to look up what the password is for that particular PDF. This gets worse if you are travelling. Also, it means that when saving the PDF to my computer I want it decrypted for ease of access and searching, so it is another step to print to PDF, for that to happen.

Given that the whole point of this is the protection of private information (in South Africa, the POPI Act) this could have been seamlessly achieved with proper encrypted e-mail being used. That would have been a once-off trust to set up, and after that it just works seamlessly and securely.

But clearly, encrypted e-mail is just way beyond the ordinary business or user… They have been so geared up for using PDF attachments, so now encrypting the PDF was the only easy way to go. I get that encrypted e-mail is a bit of an initial learning curve (unless you use Proton Mail or similar easy to use encrypted e-mail). But think about where all this encrypted PDF stuff is going in the future, and the fact that the rest of the e-mail content is wide open and unencrypted.

Have you ever tried responding to one of the businesses by sending your encrypted PDF form back to them (as it should be)? They don’t then always know how to open it on their side, so you need to e-mail the password to them, which defeats the whole exercise.

The other folly I’ve picked up just today, is I log into a secure portal to download the PDFs that are online in my account, but those are also encrypted with a password! Even my bank has the PDFs unencrypted on the portal, as you’ve just logged in with a password and 2FA to access the PDF statement.

It’s getting messier, and I really do think we should be making the effort in 2024 to move to proper encrypted e-mail. But the reality of it is, that needs every business and every end user to actually be able to use encrypted e-mail. But that would mean also that Microsoft, Google, Apple, the NSA, and other middle-people would not be able to search or read any of those e-mails anymore. That is not in Big Tech or Government’s own interests.

The realist in me says this is just really not going to happen any time soon. We have the technology, but we’ll have to move at the snail’s pace of the lowest common denominator in the chain, in order to get there.
#Blog, #email, #encryption, #PDF, #privacy, #technology


#fr #aide #vécu #Android #Firefox #PDF
Depuis mon smartphone, quand j'essaie de télécharger mes relevés bancaires (en PDF), via Firefox, l'affichage se fait bien dans un onglet avec un conteneur PDF, mais il m'est impossible de le télécharger ni de l'ouvrir dans une application. Et ça fait ça, pour l'instant, qu'avec ces relevés bancaires :

Après plusieurs tentatives, je cherche avec un autre navigateur web. Pas de chance, celui du smartphone ne me permet pas d'y ouvrir un nouvel onglet ni d'y saisir une adresse... bref, c'est coincé. Obligé d'en télécharger un. Après quelques essais infructueux, Privacy Browser via F-Droid me permet de trouver une solution, mais, surtout, de comprendre pourquoi ça marche pas dans Firefox :

L'URL envoyée par ma banque, quand je demande le relevé d'un mois, ne pointe pas directement sur un PDF mais contient des paramètres pour que le serveur fabrique le dit PDF. C'est pourquoi je ne récupère qu'un fichier HTML quand je clique sur Télécharger la cible du lien.

Aussi, le dossier où aurait lieu le téléchargement est Récents -- un raccourci dans lequel on ne peut pas écrire des fichiers mais juste y trouver listés derniers fichiers téléchargés -- et non pas Téléchargements.

De même, Firefox ne demande pas où on veut faire l'enregistrement du fichier, et ce n'est pas non plus réglable dans les paramètres de Firefox.

Du coup, il n'y a rien d'enregistré. Logique puisqu'on demande d'enregistrer dans un peuso dossier qui n'a pas d'existence dans le smartphone.

Avec Privacy Browser, je peux voir que le dossier de destination est sur Recents par défaut. Ce qui permet de le changer pour Téléchargements et enregistrer le PDF.

Bon sans, ce que j'en ai bavé avec ce binz. C'est que ça fait longtemps que j'étais bloqué dessus. Donc, si ça peut aider d'autres qui ont rencontré le même problème...


#Linkwarden is a self-hosted, #OpenSource collaborative #bookmark manager

source: https://github.com/linkwarden/linkwarden


📸 Auto capture a screenshot, #PDF, and readable view of each webpage.
🏛️ Send your webpage to #Wayback Machine (archive.org) for a snapshot. (Optional)
📂 Organize links by collection, name, description and multiple tags.
👥 Collaborate on gathering links in a collection.
🔐 Customize the permissions of each member.
🌐 Share your collected links with the world.
📌 Pin your favorite links to dashboard.
🔍 Full text search, filter and sort for easy retrieval.
📱 Responsive design and supports most modern browsers.
🌓 Dark/Light mode support.
🧩 Browser extension, managed by the community. Star it here!
⬇️ Import your bookmarks from other browsers.
⚡️ Powerful #API.

enter image description here

#software #internet #web #tool #utility #browser #archive


#JW #Jehovah's #Witnesses and #Freemasons - Is There a #Link?
28 Aug 2019 ... #Russell was a #Freemason and those who are "anointed" follow the Freemason rituals. That is why anointed ones cannot explain how they know .

“Jehovah's Witness #founder #Charles-Taze-Russell, said “I am a Freemason” and was a 33rd #degree #initiated Freemason.

The #Watchtower & The Masons - #FritzSpringmeier | #PDF - Scribd