

Beyond net-zero: we should, if we can, cool the planet back to pre-industrial levels


'Net-zero emissions will be reached when humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere are balanced by their removal from the atmosphere. We would likely need to reach global net-zero well within the next 50 years to keep global warming well below 2℃.'

#netzero #planet #nature #environment #climatechange #greenhouse-effect #humanity #globalwarming #globalcooling


I saw in a newspaper while I was buying #coffee at the #Shell station that #Putin is actually a genetically engineered space #alien from #Venus which is why they are selling so much #oil and #gas, it’s a plan to terraform the Earth through runaway #greenhouse-effect, so the rest of his race can #invade.



Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change


"We are pouring #carbon #dioxide and other #gases into the #atmosphere with hardly any concern for its long term and #global-effects ... the #solutions to these #problems requires a #perspective that embraces the #planet and the #future because we are all in this #greenhouse #together."

(Sobering to watch in 2021)
#carlsagan #sagan #congress #1985 #climatechange #science #greenhouse-effect #international #amity #global #consciousness