

Ombudsman confirms Russia used Ukrainian POWs as human shields

"We managed to establish that the video is definitely not edited and it is real. We understand where it was recorded and by whom," Ombudsman Lubinets said in a TV interview. "In advance, we even have an idea as to which of the servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces committed this crime."

The video in question surfaced on Dec. 14, and was republished by RFE/RL, depicting what appeared to be unarmed Ukrainian POWs being forced to walk at gunpoint toward Ukrainian lines. Journalists from RFE/RL said they managed to pinpoint the time and place of the incident but did not share it at the request of the Ukrainian military.

Lubinets had previously said that the practice may be systematic among Russian troops. There have been previous reports that Russian troops forced POWs to walk into minefields, he said.


#WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #POWs #PutinWarCriminal #HumanShields #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine


more the one month later, someone answered my question, how can #israel crush #hamas without #war in #gaza, finally i get the answer and itz simple

By making them irrelevant

this is the answer! this is that #white #christian #europe #ignorance, meanwhile israel is still under #attack by hundreds of rockets targeting civilians, hundreds of civilian hostages, the gaza civilians abused as #humanShields, after ca 1200 people got raped&tortured to death, israel should make hamas "irrelevant", not sure if thats just plain stupid, ignorant or antisemitic, i wonder what these guy might advice the palestinian opponents of hamas, "dont scream to loud, when they torture you!"?