

Canadian Truckers and Truckers the world over have shown the political power of logistics in human hands.

This is why it is very important not to permit the #elites to replace human logistics with robotics and AI.

If there were no Truckers and all trucks were self-driving, we'd all be facing a much greater challenge resisting politico-medical #tyranny.

#logistics #truckers #robotics #ai #selfdrivingcars #selfdrivingvehicles #economics #plutocracy #politics #politicalpower #selfdrivingtrucks #canadiantruckers #freedomconvoy #freedomconvoy2022 #humanrights #bodilyintegrity #medicalchoice #UK #righttorefuse #genevaconvention #UDHR #ICCPR #commonlaw #USA #coercionisnotconsent #propaganda #appliedpsychology #humanfreedom