

If any of you have been on the fence about getting a Jabber account, now is literally the best time in Jabbers history to do it. The servers are better than ever, the clients and features are better than ever, OMEMO encryption has made shit so much more easy and secure. Android and iOS clients exist and are great. Jabber is in the best place it's ever been in right now.

There are even more servers than ever out there. I'll just list a few off the top of my head here:


You can find more servers and see which have the best crypto here:


You can look for conference rooms here:


Here are some clients:


Go nuts. Now's the time.

#jabber #xmpp #chat #im #fdroid #linux #gajim #dino #conversations #omemo


Russia's request for Delta Chat user data ... declined.

May 01, 2020 by holger

On April 27th we received a letter from Roskomnadzor, the russian supervisor of communications and information technology. They requested us to provide access to Delta Chat user data and register with their state-run provider registry. We declined for the simple reason that Delta Chat developers have no access to user data whatsoever.

Delta Chat is a decentralized messenger and doesn’t have their own servers. You choose the e-mail provider which you trust yourself and we don’t know about your choices. Besides, even e-mail providers won’t see Delta Chat message contents because messages are end-to-end encrypted via Autocrypt.

Big cheers to the e-mail ecosystem which has a standardized separation of apps (MUAs) from message transport (MTAs), and a planetary-scale and diversely operated system at that … even if a little messy and slow-moving ;)

Formal answer to Russian state request for Delta Chat user data:

#deltachat #delta #chat #wa #whatsapp #p2p #e2e #mail #im #floss #gpl #freesoftware #copyleft #android #lineageos #gnu #linux #mobile #desktop #ios #macos #iphone #telegram #delta-chat


„Eine komplett neue Erfahrung“

garethmetik: Direkt an der Warschauer Brücke zieht ein Investor derzeit einen 140-Meter-Turm hoch. Amazon will dort einziehen und ein Zentrum für Abhörtechnik aufbauen. Zwei Künstler*innen bieten dazu heute und morgen einen Gratis-Audiowalk an - geführt von Alexa. https://taz.de/Kuenstlerinnen-ueber-Amazon-in-Berlin/!5777808/ #taz #tazgezwitscher #tageszeitung #Kunst #im #öffentlichen #Raum #Amazon #Kunst

Schwerpunkt: Gentrifizierung in Berlin