

They used multiple US provided 2000 pound "bunker buster" bombs against unarmed, displaced civilians who were in an Israeli declared "safe zone*!

This is just unbelievable.

Not a single "civilized western" nation has condemned this outrageous criminal act.

Not a single "civilized western" nation has called the Israeli ambassador to show their disapproval of this heneous acr.

Not a single "civilized western" nation has openly and publicly called Israel to be held accountable for their crim

Not a single "civilized western" nation has called for sanctions of the genocidal regime of Israel.

Not a single "civilized western" nation has done ANYTHING.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


"we did nothing"

Israeli media outlets have quickly moved to clean up the aftermath of the IDF's attack on the humanitarian zone in Khan Younis, prominently publishing IDF's denials

The IDF insists that Hamas is lying about the number of casualties, claiming that 40 people were killed in the attack on the humanitarian area. However, photos from the scene appear to contradict this assertion.

In an official statement, Hamas stated that the IDF's claims about attacking Hamas militants are "a blatant lie aimed at justifying their crimes." Hamas also asserted that its members are not staying near civilians and are not using civilian facilities for military purposes.

The statement called on "the international community, the UN and all political, humanitarian and legal institutions to stop being silent and take responsibility for stopping the ongoing crisis that has been going on for 11 months."


#IsraelWarCrimes #IsraelOccupation #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Human Rights Watch said surveillance technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), and other digital tools help determine who or what to attack in Gaza and when, but rely on data collected through systematic Israeli surveillance of Gaza residents “in a manner that is incompatible with international human rights law”.

“The Israeli military’s use of these tools, instead of helping to provide more accurate targeting and minimise civilian loss of life and property, may be exacerbating the risk to civilians and raises grave ethical, legal, and humanitarian concerns.”

Human Rights Watch

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine @israel


Almost half of the population of Gaza is now staying in the al-Mawasi area. People mostly live in tents thinking this is a safe zone.

But they woke up to the sound of five huge air bombs that hit tents and killed many families.

Dozens are still missing and the civil defence have been digging with their bare hands to get the people out from under the rubble.

At least 40 people have been killed.

#AlMawasi #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Letter from #Israel #1 – Be careful what you wish for

“What do you want to do while you’re here?”

“I wanna go to an anti-war #protest.”

I want to better understand Israeli perspectives on the war. It’s been nearly 25 years that I’ve lived in the UK and the world looks very different from here, even more so since 7th October.

Last week the bodies of six Israeli hostages were recovered in #Gaza by the Israeli military. After surviving nearly eleven months in captivity, they had been executed by Hamas a day or two earlier, lest they be rescued. This infuriated Israelis.

Saturday night there were protests all over the country. We went to the largest, in Tel Aviv, with hundreds of thousands of people. It was a joint anti-Bibi (Netanyahu) protest – those started before the war and have now been rekindled, and are generally angry; and a make a deal / bring the hostages home protest – those have been happening weekly, a mixture of anger and sadness.

I was very nervous about going to a large protest in a country that is at war and also bitterly divided internally. But once we got there and I saw the massive number of people, I relaxed. It helped that I knew I wouldn’t encounter antisemitism, or fifty shades of ‘anti-Zionism’.

Most of the speakers were relatives and loved ones of hostages, and two were released hostages. The speeches were visceral, and it’s hard to believe people keep up this intensity week after week. It was a lot to take in, story after story, plea after plea. Wow.

The focus was only on the hostages and Bibi’s refusal to make a deal – purely for his own political gain, not the good of the country. Hardly any mention of Palestinians and nothing about the situation in Gaza. It’s a real dissonance coming from Britain. But the narrow focus is unifying, something many (most?) Israelis support. Any discussion of how to end the war, let alone what comes next, would cause division. There was an anti-occupation / anarchist block in the distance, but I didn’t get a chance to talk to them.

We left when most people did, after the speeches. Some protesters stayed behind to keep roads closed and possibly have confrontations with the police. Good luck to them, I had enough for one evening.


Auto translated from #IRGC telegram channel: The Syrian scientific research center in the southwest of Masyaf, which was attacked by the Zionists tonight, was also attacked in 2022, which is very severe now.

Israeli sources claim that rockets for Lebanon's Hezbollah were produced in this center with the presence of Iranian and Syrian advisers.

They say they destroyed the stockpiles of rockets that were supposed to be sent to #Lebanon for #Hezbollah

مرکز تحقیقاتی علمی سوریه در جنوب غربی مصیاف که امشب مورد حمله صهیونیست ها قرار گرفت قبلا در سال 2022 نیز مورد حمله قرار گرفته بوده که اکنون بسیار شدید است .

منابع اسرائیلی مدعی هستند که در این مرکز با حضور مستشاران ایرانی و سوری موشک هایی برای حزب‌الله لبنان تولید می‌ شدند ‌.

آنها میگویند انبارهای موشکهایی که قرار بود برای حزب الله به لبنان ارسال شوند را نابود کردند

#Syria #Israel #Iran


The Prophet would be horrified.

Erdogan forgot the Treaty of Medina.

aggualaqisaaq🇦🇶 - 2024-09-08 20:48:14 GMT

#Turkey : Erdogan Calls for Islamic Alliance against #Israel"...#Erdogan said...Islamic countries should form an alliance against what he called 'the growing threat of expansionism' from Israel...He said recent steps that Türkiye has taken to improve ties with #Egypt and #Syria are aimed at 'forming a line of solidarity against the growing threat of expansionism,' which he said also threatened #Lebanon and Syria"




An Israeli captive was asked to draw a sketch of the tunnels in the Gaza Strip by Israeli security agents, which she believes shows the limited knowledge of authorities on the matter.

"Released Israeli captive Adina Moshe, 72...revealed that the Israeli military has no real knowledge of the Resistance's tunnel infrastructure"
""The Shin Bet asked me to draw a map of the tunnels in Gaza because they know nothing about them," Moshe told an interviewer"
""Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is lying, and neither he nor the military know anything about Hamas' tunnels in Gaza," the released captive added."


#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


I am still waiting to hear or see some of the famous "Muslim", feminist and "activist" celebrities to raise their voices.

The silence of these hypocrites, after almost a year of unbelievable daily war crime after war cdime documented and broadcast by the criminals themselves, ww still can count the number of people who have spoken up and raised their voice against it with my fingers.

Things like this should not be shocking or surprising, I it should be the normw.

But sadly it is as rare as honest politicians these days.

#Gaza #Genlcide #Resistance #Venice #Polotics #Israel @palestine group @israel group
American Jewish filmmaker Sarah Friedman said "I stand with the people of Palestine and their fight for liberation".


His little heart couldn't cope with the stress of the Israeli bombinga and gave up while he was holding up his ears to cover the horror of explosions of US provided bombs.

No one will remember his name, no government leader sill show his image as proof that this war is unjustifiable and criminal.

He is one of the 15000+ children of Gaza murdered by IDF and even in his death, he is being ridiculed and laughed at by "civilized westerners" and the maaaitisraeli troll army.

I hope toue children can sleep well tonight, all of you who still support this genocidal regime and the ongoing starvation and terror of millions of innocent people. In Gaza and the occupied #WestBank

#Children #NeverForget #NevedForgive #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow
PA. Instagram removed the post shortly after I screen captured it.