

In a conversation with Al Jazeera, Lebanon's Foreign Minister said: #Israel has conveyed a message to us through intermediaries that even after reaching a Ă ceasefire in #Gaza, it is not interested in a ceasefire in Lebanon and intends to attack #Lebanon.

Israel knows that entering Lebanon means a disaster, both politically and militarily for them, so Netanyahu will do what ever he can to use American supplied weapons to destroy Lebanon with their airpower superiority.

All with blessing and full support of #GenlcideJoe of course


#politik #wissenschaft #rechte #antisemitismus #israel #faschismus

Faschismus war immer schon eine flexible Ideologie. Mussolini selbst hat das als Programm seiner Bewegung bezeichnet. Allerdings glaube ich schon, dass der Antisemitismus virulent bleibt. Die evangelikale Rechte in den USA beweist, dass Antisemitismus problemlos mit einer Unterstützung Israels als »zivilisatorischem Bollwerk im apokalyptischen Kampf gegen Islam und 3. Welt« vereinbar ist. Manche Antisemit:innen empfinden großen Respekt für Israel, weil sie sich mit der rassifizierten Herrschaft identifizieren, die dort ausgeübt wird. Zudem spielt der Antisemitismus auch in der rechtsextremen Kapitalismuskritik weiter eine tragende Rolle – die Feindschaft gegen Abstraktion, Finanzwesen und vermeintliche Strippenzieher.


CIA chief: The new Gaza ceasefire plan will be presented in more detail in the coming days

It's finally time to make some hard choices and some difficult compromises.

Who does he thinkwhe is fooling?

This disgusting shit show pretending that they are interested in "ceasefire" while they are the ones keeping Israeli war machine running with unlimited supply of weapons and massive military support.

They honestly think the world is just stupid and believe that Israel will stop their ongoing genocide when Hamas releases the kidnapped Israelise?

They want us to ignore everything Israeli leaders saying and doing and "trust" these disgusting criminals and professional liars?

They don't even have the courage to condemn the cold blooded murder of an American citizen, how the hell would anyone think they give a rats aas about the 2 million Palestinian hostages in Gaza?

#CIA #Hypocrisy #Propaganda #Hamas #Netanyahu #IDF #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Un embargo sur les armes à destination d’Israël n’est pas une idée radicale : c’est la loi (et autres textes)

Caractérisation du génocide en cours à Gaza : chronologie d’un tabou
« Tentative de répétition de la Nakba » : Israël lance les plus grands raids militaires Cisjordanie depuis deux décennies
Mariam Barghouti : Au cœur du brutal siège de Jénine
B'Tselem au Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies : pour le gouvernement israélien, l'occupation et les colonies ont plus d'importance que la vie humaine
Yoana Tchoukleva : Un embargo sur les armes à destination d’Israël n’est pas une idée radicale : c’est la loi
Appel à la mobilisation des professionnels du cinéma lancé par le Palestine Film Institute
Liens vers d'autres liens


#international #palestine #israel


If NYT wasn't propaganda front of IDF in US.

I bet the headline would have been very very different if an American was killed by Iranian police during peaceful protests.

But hey, I'm just an Israeli hater who have no western values and should go back where I came from (that is exactly what a swedish guy told me when I pointed out hypocrisy of Swedish media covering the murder of American peace activist in Occupied west bank).

#WestBank #Media #NYT #Hypocrisy #IDF #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics @palestine group @israel group
Correcting the NYT headline to say "Israeli forces Shot and Killed American Woman at West Bank Protes".


If NYT wasn't propaganda front of IDF in US.

I bet the headline would have been very very different if an American was killed by Iranian police during peaceful protests.

But hey, I'm just an Israeli hater who have no western values and should go back where I came from (that is exactly what a swedish guy told me when I pointed out hypocrisy of Swedish media covering the murder of American peace activist in Occupied west bank).

#WestBank #Media #NYT #Hypocrisy #IDF #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Once again, repeating the lies of IDF by covering the criminal murder of an unarmed peace activist shot in the head by an Israeli #sniper.

The disgusting level of hypocrisy is just truly sickening.

Just 2 days after they called #IDF soldier held in captivity and killed by IDF bombings for American hero, they don't even want to admit that she was a human shield against #JewishISIS terrorizing #Palestinians in occupied #westbank.

I'm sure, they "investigate" and at best, admit that "mistake was made" and give the #sniper 10 days paid vacation to go to Dubai.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #Hypocrisy


Israeli #Army Uses Palestinian #Civilians to Inspect Potentially Booby-trapped Tunnels in #Gaza

Source: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-08-13/ty-article-magazine/.premium/idf-uses-gazan-civilians-as-human-shields-to-inspect-potentially-booby-trapped-tunnels/00000191-4c84-d7fd-a7f5-7db6b99e0000

'Our lives are more important than their lives': Gazans not suspected of terrorism are detained and sent as human shields to search tunnels and houses before IDF soldiers enter, with the full knowledge of senior Israeli officers, several sources say; IDF claims this practice is forbidden

#war #terror #crime #humanrights #Israel #Palestine #Problem #military #civilian #idf #news


She was there to prevent militant settlers attacking and burning Palestinian homes and agriculture. She was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers protecting the settlers

Turkish American peace activist was murdered in cold blood by IDF with a shot on the head.

Do not expect Biden, Blinken or WH press secretary calling her an American hero and her murderers for barbarians and calling for sanctions of IDF for their criminal actions in occupied West Bank.

Not all Americans are treated equally. She didn't go there to kill Palestinian children. So her death will not be called "heroic" and the murderers to be held accountable.

#WestBank #Terrorism #IDF #Hypocrisy #Turkey #Murder #Biden #Blinken #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


She was there to prevent militant settlers attacking and burning Palestinian homes and agriculture. She was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers protecting the militant settlers

Turkish American peace activist was murdered in cold blood by IDF with a shot on the head.

Do not expect Biden, Blinken or WH press secretary calling her an American hero and her murderers for barbarians and calling for sanctions of IDF for their criminal actions in occupied West Bank.

Not all Americans are treated equally.

She didn't go there to kill Palestinian children. So her death will not be called "heroic" and the murderers to be held accountable.

#WestBank #Terrorism #IDF #Hypocrisy #Turkey #Murder #Biden #Blinken #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics @palestine group @israel group