

Reuters: #Germany has stopped exporting #weapons to #Israel

Reuters news agency, citing data analysis and a source close to Germany's economy ministry, reported that the country has halted new #military arms exports to Israel amid legal challenges.

@palestine group


Explodierte Pager: Was wir wissen und warum unsere Handys sicher sind

Tausende Pager explodieren in den Taschen von Hisbollah-Mitgliedern, vor allem im Libanon. Was oder wer steckt hinter der Attacke?#ExplodierendePager #Hisbollah #Israel #Libanon #Geheimdienst #Mossad #Handyssicher #wasisteinPager? #ExplosionvonPagern

Explodierte Pager: Was wir wissen und warum unsere Handys sicher sind


One of the thousands of Motorola Apolo pagers that blew up across Lebanon and Syria yesterday during and Israeli terrorist cyber attack.

The Taiwanese company says that they outsourced the production of thesd devices to a company in Bulgaria.

So everyone is trying to put the blame on others. The casing of the device was also changed to something much heavier and stronger to maximize the impact of the small explosive that was added to the device.

#Lebanon #Israel #Motorola #CyberTerrorism #Politics #PagerAttack



no matter how the media twists this latest massive state sponsored cyber terror attack (since #Stuxnet) against Lebanon, this should be condemned and the role Motorola played in helping the Israeli cyber army to blow up pagers all over Lebanon should be investigated and condemned.

100s of innocent civilians, many of them doctors and nurses were injured during yesterdays cyber attacks against Motorola made pagers that turned them into remote controlled bombs.

PS. The fact that the attack was performed on the 42nd anniversary of #Sabra and #Shatila massacre makes it even worse. one of the worst crimes against humanity that went unpunished and the man behind it later became the PM of Israel.
#Motorola #Israel #Lebanon #CyberRerrorism #Technologyb #Terrorism #Politics


This is fucking evil.

The majority of those killed and injured were medical staff and hospital workers who are still using those outdated devices.

This proves that American based electronic devices have backdoors that Israeli military is aware of and in many cases are behind their implementation.

Remember many years ago working on debugging a Micron memory IC, we came across an undocumented block in the device that seems to be a small microprocessor connected to the ID network of the device, but also had connection to the main controller of the DDR memory.

After almost a week on trying to figure out what that was we were told that it's part of an internal company safety control device that is not open to public or even us developing hardware reliability test of it.

After some hacking we found that it was ising some modified version of the one wire hardware protocol and could be activated before the Bios or the RomCode of the CPU, SoC was activated. The function was a backdoor included in almost all Micron flash memory and DDR chips to give NSA access to the devices without the knowledge of companies using those ICs. The same goes with all communication ICs and network chips.

I am sure the same is in almost all SD cards and battery controller devices and it's definitely what Israeli military used to hack these devices and commit the latest cyber terrorism since outbreak of the Stoxnet a few years ago.

#Lebanon #CyberTerrorism #Israel #CyberAttack #Terrorism #Technology #Hacking #Backdoor #Technology


This is fucking evil.

The majority of those killed and injured were medical staff and hospital workers who are still using those outdated devices.

This proves that American based electronic devices have backdoors that Israeli military is aware of and in many cases are behind their implementation.

Remember many years ago working on debugging a Micron memory IC, we came across an undocumented block in the device that seems to be a small microprocessor connected to the ID network of the device, but also had connection to the main controller of the DDR memory.

After almost a week on trying to figure out what that was we were told that it's part of an internal company safety control device that is not open to public or even us developing hardware reliability test of it.

After some hacking we found that it was ising some modified version of the one wire hardware protocol and could be activated before the Bios or the RomCode of the CPU, SoC was activated. The function was a backdoor included in almost all Micron flash memory and DDR chips to give NSA access to the devices without the knowledge of companies using those ICs.

I am sure the same is in almost all SD cards and battery controller devices and it's definitely what Israeli military used to hack these devices and commit the latest cyber terrorism since outbreak of the Stoxnet a few years ago.

#Lebanon #CyberTerrorism #Israel #CyberAttack #Terrorism #Technology #Hacking #Backdoor #Technology