

Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt erfolglos wegen Volksverhetzung – Graffiti-Künstler verbreitet antisemitische und islamistische Inhalte auf Dortmunds Straßen

Ein Hakenkreuz im Davidstern: Mit diesem Graffiti zog ein Dortmunder Künstler Anfang des Jahres die mediale Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Auf Instagram verbreitet er seine Werke weiter, postet antisemitische und islamistische Inhalte.#Antisemitismus #Dortmund #Graffiti #Islamismus #Israel #MusalaRage #Polizei #Staatsanwaltschaft #StaatsanwaltschaftDortmund
Graffiti-Künstler verbreitet antisemitische und islamistische Inhalte auf Dortmunds Straßen - Nordstadtblogger


#politik #landraub #besatzung #religion #israel #palästina

Die Familie Kisiya gehört zu den rund 50.000 palästinensischen Christen, die im Westjordanland leben. »Die Beziehungen zwischen palästinensischen Christen und Muslimen sind hervorragend«, erklärt Tochter Alice weiter. Seit Generationen lebe man in denselben Nachbarschaften. Neben der gemeinsamen Geschichte verbinde die verschiedenen religiösen Gemeinschaften auch die Gewalt und die Ungerechtigkeiten des israelischen Staates, der bei Palästinensern schließlich nicht nach Religionen unterscheide. »Juden, Muslime und Christen sind mit denselben Problemen konfrontiert. Wir alle stehen derselben Besatzung gegenüber, demselben Unterdrücker«, sagte Alice.


Remembering #Sabra and #Shatila, 42 years on: testimonies.

French writer Jean Genet, one of the first to enter Shatila after the massacre said, "I have spent four hours in Shatila, and what remains in my memory are around forty bodies, all of which—and I emphasize all—have likely been tortured, amidst the ecstasy of the torturers, their songs, their laughter, and amidst the smell of gunpowder. The smell of the corpses was not coming out of a house or from a mangled body; rather, it seemed to me that my body and my being were the ones emitting that smell."

Picture 2 shows Mohammed Said Wihibeh with photos of his martyred family members. He stated, "I'll tell you, they took a boy, just a little boy, and they tore him in half. They literally tore him in half by the legs. And we screamed, 'why?!' They said he would only grow up to be a terrorist! My grandson, what did he do to get killed? First of all, they killed his mother—they hadn't seem him, he was asleep in his cot. He started to cry; of course he did, he wanted his mother. They took him, and they killed him."

Picture 3 shows Lebanese martyr Ilham Dhaher Al-Miqdad, 23 years old, of Shatila camp. She was martyred with her ID in her hand.

Pictures 4 and 5 show Milana Boutros, a Lebanese witness to the massacre, punished for marrying a Palestinian man: she was kept alive to "teach her a lesson" as the Phalangists murdered her entire family.

The second video shows the touching moment that the Palestinian poet Rehab Kanaan, who lost 54 of her family members as martyrs of the Sabra and Shatila massacres, met her daughter on television for the first time in years after believing her to be martyred. The video needs no subtitles, as the raw emotions transcend all languages.

#Lebanon #History #ArielSharon #QarCrime #MassMurder #Israel #NeveeForget #NeveeFirgive #Inhumanity #Polotics #Phalangista #CivilWar #Occupation #History

From story by late Robert Fisk 12 years ago

The memories remain, of course. The man who lost his family in an earlier massacre, only to watch the young men of Chatila lined up after the new killings and marched off to death. But – like the muck piled on the garbage tip amid the concrete hovels – the stench of injustice still pervades the camps where 1,700 Palestinians were butchered

Video wn francaise:


Breaking News: We just archived the 5,000th video at tiktokgenocide.com​

These 5,000 videos are safe from the censors of social media.

About 65% of the archived videos have been categorized and published on the website.

This is the power of volunteering

#palestine #gaza #volunteers
#volunteers4palestine #volunteersforpalestine#Genocide #Israel #Politics #TikTokCensor


Their fake disagreement was for the show as always.

These monsters are united in setting up the whole region and the world on fire.

And of course #GenocideJoe and the #EU are making sure they have the means and the funding to do so.

I have said it before, but I just can't understand what power Israel haa over all the countries in the world to let them get away with anything they want.

It's just hard for me to understand. But I guess the white people's solidarity is stronger than anything I could have imagined.

#Israel #Lebanon #Netanyahu #Galant #IDF #US #EU


First #Palestinian #ambassador to #Spain presents credentials

"The head of state welcomed Housni Abdel Wahed to the royal palace in #Madrid on Monday for the traditional ceremony for newly appointed foreign ambassadors to Spain"
"Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez, one of the staunchest critics in #Europe of Israel's #Gaza offensive, announced earlier this month that a bilateral summit between Spain and #Palestine would be held before the end of the year"

#Politics #Israel


Letter from #Israel #2 - They're everywhere

Reminder: I want to better understand Israeli perspectives on the #war. It’s been nearly 25 years that I’ve lived in the UK and the world looks very different from here, even more so since 7th October.

On the flight from Britain, they didn't just wish us a pleasant flight, but a 'pleasant and safe' flight. When we landed, the captain reminded us to be grateful for the security services that enabled us to travel safely. Normal for a country at war.

He then reminded us that as we were going home, we should hope the hostages come home too. On the way from the plane to baggage reclaiming, we passed a row of posters with pictures and names of the hostages. Bring them home is the national chant. It's everywhere. The photo is from Domino's Pizza ("Bring them home now").

It seems obligatory for every news show and talk show to either have a piece about one of the people murdered in the October atrocities, or interview family members of one of the hostages. It's every day, it's nonstop. Still wet from the October rain, as the song almost said.

[CW: baseless pop psychology] On the one hand, this seems to be part of a process of working through collective trauma. On the other hand, it feels manipulative when it come from the media. Either way, it's impossible to have closure without resolving the hostage situation. As #Hamas maximises emotional blackmail and Israel takes the bait, it's bad news for everyone, especially for #Gaza.

I feel I should end on a more positive note. Maybe I should go to another protest.

#Palestine #peace

Photo of a pizza poster next to a poster in Hebrew reading 'Bring them home now' with a yellow ribbon.


THIS is one of the many reasons I call them Jewish ISIS.

But the whole freaking "civilized west" is behind them and silencing those criticizing them.

People inside Israel have more rights to call this monster for what he is rhan most of us in Europe and the rest of the world.

What do they need to say or do for the cowards in the west to say "enough is enough" and call them for what they really are?

#JewishISIS #Israel #Inhumanity #Fascism #DoibleStandard #Palestine #Occupation #HumanRights #Genocide