

"Lights from Tristesse City"

the rules of the game are simple - choose a photo (preferably your own), edit with gimp and tag #sundaygimp on a Sunday ;-) … and follow the tag.


(and also #Sunday-photo-edit )

Note: if you do not use gimp, but still want to play along, just use the tag #Sunday-photo-edit and edit the images with your favorite image editor

#AB, #AB-SG, #AB-04-06-23, #06-23, #gimp, #gmic, #Sundaygimp, #Kunst, #Art, #unterwegs, #on-the-way, #sur_la_route , #Tristess, #Tristesse, #Tristessensammlung, #Tristesse-City, #Lichter, #lights, #Lumières, #Bildbearbeitung, #Bildmanipulation, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #photo, #Foto, #myphoto, #mywork (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


think its #evil now

we have seen nothing yet

#Aman #Jabbi - The #Final #Lockdown - #Street #Lights That #KILL in #Smart #Cities, #CBDC, #Digital #ID

Quote: "Aman Jabbi has over 25 years' experience working in Silicon Valley as an engineer primarily on camera technologies. He joins us to expose extremely alarming technologies being set up in Smart Cities, including street lights that can KILL, "The #Internet #of #Eyes ", and #how #people will be #forced #into the #Metaverse under the new Digital ID slavery system in what he calls "The Final Lockdown", and the only solution we have to avoid this.
https://rumble.com/v1w1fcn-aman-jabbi-the-final-lockdown-street-lights-that-kill-in-smart-cities-cbdc-.html |


Scarborough Lights

The colourful beach huts along the promenade on Scarborough's north shore look quite pretty at night. The town is one of the few places we've visited that hasn't allowed supermarket chains to invade the centre and drive small local businesses out. At least that was the case last time we were there. Was it really ten years ago? Hopefully it'll be the same the next time we go...


#mywork #myphoto #nightscape #landscape #night #scarborough #yorkshire #beach #lights #photography #oc #CC BY-NC-ND 4.0