

Onde está Maria?

Por Cida Falabella Publicado em 7 de março de 2024 | 10h00

#Maria #mulheres #mulher #CidaFalabella #BH #MG #feminismo #women #feminism #cultura #culture #presépio #Natal #Christmas #sexism #cristão #evangélico #evangélica #censura #estupidez #machismo


No Natal do ano passado, em meio às compras de presentes para a família, entrei em uma loja e perguntei por presépios. Eu gosto de Natal, é preciso dizer. Já fui de não gostar, mas fiz as pazes com a celebração e sou das que enfeita a casa e recebe a família. “Mas por que falar de Natal em pleno março, mês das mulheres, Cida Falabella?”. Vai ouvindo.

Tinham uns presépios bem feinhos, mas eu queria levar mesmo assim e estava indecisa, demorando a decidir, até que escolhi. Fui dar aquela última olhada antes de a atendente embrulhar o presépio escolhido quando, pasmem, onde está Maria?

A moça pediu desculpas e foi buscar outros exemplares, mas não encontrou nenhum que tivesse a Mãe. Alguns traziam os três reis magos, outros não, todos tinham José, os bichos variavam de um para outro, mas nenhum tinha Maria. E eu repetia incrédula: “Mas cadê Maria, gente? A mãe que deu à luz?”.

Aquela cena mundialmente famosa jamais existiria se não fosse pelo papel dos dois protagonistas, minha gente. Não ia ter Menino, Reis Magos e tudo que aconteceu depois e mudou a história do mundo. E naquele item genérico, nem de coadjuvante colocaram a Mãe.

“Inacreditável”, eu falava mais para mim do que para a atendente, que não tinha responsabilidade sobre a ausência ilustre. As pessoas começaram a olhar. Algumas ajudaram na busca, mas Maria não estava ali mesmo. Silêncio. Eu e a atendente nos olhamos incrédulas. Eu pedi desculpas e desisti da compra: “Desculpa, moça. Sem Maria não posso levar o presépio”.

Levo Maria comigo em meu nome como a marca de um milagre. Minha mãe, Dona Cely, depois que se casou, sofreu uma queda e uma médica disse a ela que nunca poderia ter filhos. Quando ela, por força de sua vontade e das suas orações, engravidou, consagrou sua primeira filha a Nossa Senhora. Por isso, me chamo Maria Aparecida. Carregando esse nome na certidão e no coração, é esperado que perceberia a ausência da Mãe, escrito assim, na regra do sagrado.

Hoje, ao pensar no que escrever neste Dia Internacional das Mulheres, essa história me vem como metáfora do que vivem as mães e mulheres, aquelas que carregam, embalam, limpam, pranteiam… cuidam de uma forma tida como “natural”, invisibilizada e não remunerada.

“Cuidam de quê, Cida?”. “Do mundo, e de todo mundo”.

Ninguém parece ver, mas é a economia do cuidado que permite que exista produtividade e organização em todo o resto da nossa sociedade, e ela é feita por milhões de Marias – ainda o nome próprio mais comum no Brasil. Segundo dados da PNAD Contínua de 2019, as Marias dedicam, em média, 21,7 horas semanais ao trabalho doméstico e de cuidados não-remunerado, enquanto os homens dedicam 11 horas. Para as brancas, essa cifra é de 21 horas semanais e para as negras, 22,3 horas por semana. Ainda que pareça pouco, ao final de um ano, as Marias negras fazem quase 68 horas a mais de trabalho de cuidados não-remunerado, e isso as retira dos cuidados consigo mesmas, do mercado de trabalho e de diversos outros espaços, como por exemplo, a política.

Neste mês de março, para além da luta pelo direito de permanecermos vivas em um país ainda extremamente violento para mulheres, é preciso reconhecer o protagonismo das nossas Marias – e cuidar delas. Este é só o primeiro passo de uma mudança cultural complexa e urgente, que passa pela elaboração de políticas públicas que apoiem as mulheres, facilitem seu cotidiano e as permitam usufruir com igualdade de oportunidades das vidas, sem que os cuidados sejam deixados de lado. Que a justiça de cada dia nos dai hoje, Maria.


Nobody really knows when Christ was born.

Most scholars think that December 25 was chosen when the Romans decided they needed a new state religion, to give a little extra umph to their collapsing empire— and this was just the most convenient time to celebrate.
From the Coliseums to Cathedrals
The Romans had noticed that Christians were pretty dedicated—going to their deaths in the Coliseum—not perhaps cheerfully—but strengthened by their beliefs. The Romans respected courage and loyalty.

Although Constantine is credited with legalizing Christianity—there had been a movement towards toleration, if not inclusion, well before him—with various generals issuing edicts of toleration to recruit Christians into the legions.

Early Christians were apparently not all pacifists.

These…umm ”Christians” were also not of one mind.

Christianity began as an offshoot of Judaism—one might say created by Paul, who was a Jew and therefore believed in only one God— and had never met Jesus while he was alive. In his writings, Paul does not specifically say that Jesus is God. In fact, many early Christians did not believe that Christ was divine.

“Son of God”?

The term “Son of God” was often used in Israel to designate virtuous and godly people —and cannot be taken literally. Paul and others tend to use expressions of this kind in this way.

In any event, Constantine could not have a state religion with so many different interpretations—hence the Council of Nicaea— which among other things dumped about 80 Gospels in favor of just four— and created a creed – “I believe in the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost”— a sort of compromise polytheism— which the Romans found easy to accept.

At this time, up to 50% of Christians, especially Ebonites and Arians, did not believe in the divinity of Christ.

In any case, the rulers of the empire got their new state religion— the question was how to sell it. How to convince people to accept the transition? The Trinity was helpful, but something more was needed.


Since the festival of Saturnalia was held December 25—the birthday of Sol Invictus and Mithras – what better day to celebrate the birth of Christ! I'm not sure how the sex orgies, gluttony, and drunkenness fitted in. But….what's life without a little ambivalence?

#Jesus #Christ #Christmas #Roman #Empire #Saturnalia


"It's a huge honour to speak to Reverend Munther Isaac, Senior Pastor at the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church of #Bethlehem, who delivered a hugely powerful #Christmas #message about Israel's onslaught on Gaza. We speak about Western complicity - including those who remain silent - and the refusal to describe Israel's actions for what they are."

#Palestinian Christian Leader: " #History Will Hold You Accountable" Over #Gaza #Genocide

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=I7tAxR5mzUk


Quote 'FAMILY MAN' First picture of ‘larger than life’ dad who died during #Cork #Christmas sports event as heartbreaking tributes pour in

"Jamie was an absolute joy to be around in every way. He will be missed dearly by everyone and will always be remembered."

Ann Mooney
Published: 13:13, 28 Dec 2023

A DAD-of-three who died while playing in a Christmas sports event on St Stephen’s Day was an out and out family man with “a larger than life character“.

The #sudden #death aged just 45 of Jamie Wool, from Tivoli in Cork City while playing for #Mayfield GAA has shocked the entire community.

In a fitting tribute Mayfield GAA club described Jamie as “an incredible person who lit up every room he entered”.

They state on the club’s website “It is with great sadness we announce the sad death of Jamie Wool.

“A former club player, Jamie’s incredible wit always lit up every room he entered. Never one to shy away from a sing song you always knew the banter was’nt far away with Jamie about.

“His spectacular appetite for work was always clear to see and his work around the community will be sorely missed. His work on Pitch For Pitch was only one of many things he did for our club.


"A.community of cruelty" is what the #GQP and its #cult of #TrumpVirus and hate has become.... late of "Christianity".
As discussed by The Politics Girl and Pastor John Pavlovitz, on the day after Christmas.

Stop Agreeing to Disagree: A Conversation with Pastor John Pavlovitz

Mostly about memories of growing up within the church, not as dogma, but as immersion in the words and teachings of Christ, from which the name of the religion is derived. And becoming estranged, not from the teachings, but from the "organized" aspects over time, and the trending away from the concepts like compassion and generosity into the use of "generic" allusions to God and religion, as messaging tools for mega-churches and a once-political party merging with "evangelicals" who embrace division and hate.

Anyway, it's nearly an hour, but just the first few minutes and the comments will give a sense... stay for the show if it engages.

#Christmas #Christianity #coopting #GQP #cult #faith #morality #hypocrisy #religion


:: 46-061 [RO] Happy Holidays ::

OK, so I couldn't resist it. An RO Holidays fanart. xD Featuring my iRO characters, 'Un' the Summoner and Thomas Benedicta the Archbishop... and their pets! Un has a little piglet in her pouch, while Thomas has a little ghost by his side.

46-060 [SG] Happy Holidays by EarlyOnion.jpg
Complementing BGM:
[SoundTeMP – "Theme of Lutie/Snow in My Heart"] (Ragnarok Online BGM, 2002)

Meanwhile, some people over here tried to ruin the celebration times with their bad vibes and anti-Christmas sentiments... such party poopers.

Ragnarök Online concepts and designs © Lee Myoung-Jin, Studio DTDS
★ If sharing/reposting outside of Diaspora, please credit me and link back to my dA page/post. Please do not use, edit, copy, trace, plagiarise, steal, and/or commercialise my work and/or characters in any way without my permission. Thank you.

#mywork #art #fanart #ragnarokonline #doram #summoner #cat #siamesecat #archbishop #highpriest #priest #ISFJ #pig #ghost #winter #christmas #xmas #holidays #digitalart #krita #drawing #illustration #people #chibi


Families bury loved ones after deadly attacks in central Nigeria | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

People have been burying their relatives in mass graves after gunmen attacked remote villages in central Nigeria over the weekend, killing at least 160 peopl...#160 #AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Christmas #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #burying #centralNigeria #graves #gunmen #killed #latestnews #loved #mass #newsheadlines #ones #people #relatives #remote #villages
Families bury loved ones after deadly attacks in central Nigeria | Al Jazeera Newsfeed


Polish #Parliament To Host First Ever #Christmas #Meal For #Homeless And Others In Need

Source: https://polskieczasy.pl/polityka/polish-parliament-to-host-first-ever-christmas-meal-for-homeless-and-others-in-need/

This week parliament will for the first time host a Christmas #dinner for homeless people, #migrants and others in need. The initiative is being organised by the new speaker of the lower-house Sejm, Szymon Hołownia, one of the leaders of the new coalition #government sworn into office last week.

#help #politics #Poland #humanRights #news #europe