

#us #holiday

I went for a walk this morning. There's clean, fresh air due to the recent snowstorms.
Downtown Salt Lake City is weirdly deserted for a Saturday. Even the 'Next Door Neighbor From Hell' was closed. Thankfully, they didn't leave all of their horrid bright lights blasting.
During my walk I felt like 'The Last Woman On Earth.

-In Utah there are Mormon holidays and US National Holiday Weekends. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday is on January 15th.
- "Even after Martin Luther King Day was recognized federally in the 1980s, it took 14 years for Utah to officially commemorate it, making it one of the last states to do so. In 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill recognizing Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a federal holiday.


Am 6.1.2024 am Heilige Drei Könige Tag 🌟👑👑👑

  • Die Sternsinger, Kinder die den Stern Tragen und Spenden sammeln für arme Menschen in der Welt.
  • Drei-Königs-Kuchen nach Großmutter Art. In Westfalen ist das kein gesetzlicher Feiertag, aber doch sehr wichtig. Morgen erfahren wir in der Kirche bei der Hochmesse, wieviel Geld Kinder in unserem kleinen Stadt in zwei langen, nassen und kaltenTagen zusammen gesammelt haben. 😊👍🍀🍀🍀

#Feiertag #Kinder #Sternsinger#DreiKönige #Kuchen #Königskuchen #meineFotos #mywork #Holiday #Children #ThreeKings #Cake #Kingscake #myphotos #starsinger


'tis the season

As we strive through painful cold, treacherous dark,
dodging danger, palpitating heart,
anxiety our stark true friend
Dream of this season's end in joyful meeting,
reunion, reward.
Dream loving happy family, aglow
in warming fire, festive lighted tree.
Pocket snapshot from a gentler age,
we ache to reclaim.
Raise high the revelry of feast
and frolic, space for sacred play,
miraculous day to carry like inspiring song,
a beacon through the storms
yet to rage.
Live this vision
embracing grace.


Essence, scent memory
cinnamon, pine, family
wafting incense
fragrant air
redolent of antiquity's winds.

Trailing magick's mountain meadow
Hard, sharp, cragged, creviced
Exquisitely strong, enduring, scarred,
mending, calloused, engaging
Fingertips, skin, caress manifest existence.

Rippling bells, liquid voices drip
replenishing wine. Listen.
Reverberate back to the tribal pool.
Dancing drum beats, symphonic raining rivers.
Rise and quaff the choir's song.

In ritual visualize the distant dawn.
Hearths to unseen worlds fade before Sol's majesty.
Incandescent homunculus eyes opening to flame,
krinkling sparks, glowing.
Powerful torches burn through dark imagery.

Revel in flavor, mythic piquancy.
Peppery heat, sour sorrows, exotic ebullient stew.
Wisps of buttery dreams, savory bliss,
divine delicacies,
bittersweet ecstasy.


Calling forward
Lights and music
Swirling holiday cinnamon and myrrh
Taste of snowflakes
Crisp, cold, magic
Ballet nights, stories from afar
Joy becomes a hallmark
Friendly carolers decorate bright doorways
Signs say peace is nigh
If we take hope’s highroad,
glide sublime, widening sky
Warm vibrant rays glow inside and out
Affirm this season of light is about finding that place
of love to strengthen our heart
Soaring forward
Eyes sparkling fire meet
Earthly gaze
Spin a spiral of cheer
for the pleasure of all coming days

peace, love, fulfillment

#poetry #holiday



Merry Mass of Christ
riven upon the four-fold way
cut into deity and man
at the crossroads
in the witching hour.
Sing praise of all things holy.
Make us to see, feel that pain,
horror of wrenching heart
from spirit. Blithe, obliging
demonic Angel Fate,
each generation descends
into fiery pits of abuse
reaching, reaching
into and out of the story, the warning.
If Christ is love,
if love is what we truly worship, eyes closed
in holy communion,
what keeps us riven
on the crossroads?
What keeps us from reaching out
to bind each other’s wounds?

#poem #holiday



Calling forward
Lights and music
Swirling holiday cinnamon and myrrh
Taste of snowflakes
Crisp, cold, magic
Ballet nights, stories from afar
Joy becomes a hallmark
Friendly carolers decorate bright doorways
Signs say peace is nigh
If we take hope’s highroad,
glide sublime, widening sky
Warm vibrant rays glow inside and out
Affirm this season of light is about finding that place
of love to strengthen our heart
Soaring forward
Eyes sparkling fire meet
Earthly gaze
Spin a spiral of cheer
for the pleasure of all coming days

#poem #holiday


2008-05-14: Rennradfahren im Département Vaucluse

Ein Blick auf die alte Hängebrücke von Mallemort, im Vordergrund die beiden Rennräder, mit denen wir damals unterwegs waren, mein 1995 gekauftes Panasonic PR3000, sowie das meiner Frau, ein von einer örtlichen Fahrradwerkstätte auf Basis einen schönen italienischen Stahlrahmens gebautes Rennrad.

Google StreetView August 2008

Screenshot StreetView von 2008, da zunehmend ältere Sichten verschwinden ...

-> Google Streetview

Eine von vielen Touren, die wir in der Gegend gefahren sind. Die Sicht von der neuen auf die alte Brücke über die Durance ist in der nachfolgenden Karte rot markiert.

-> Hängebrücke von Mallemort

2008-05-14: 03:17:23   50.3 km  420 m up,  423 m down, 15.3 km/h

#cycling #bicycle #radfahren #urlaub #holiday #anno2008 #france #fahrrad #rennrad #FahrradStattEbike #luberon


Friendly reminder, do NOT give anything to the #SalvationArmy this #holiday season

It's not a charity and your money goes towards supporting an extremely conservative Christian denomination with a history of being anti-gay, anti-trans, etc. Support your local charities/mutual-aid networks, your local food bank, or a woman's shelter.


2007-09-18: Rennradfahren im Arondissement Cahors

2007 klappte es mit dem Aufzeichnen von Tracks noch nicht so gut, insofern habe ich von diesem Urlaub überwiegend nur Bilder, keine Tracks. Viel Zeit für Reisedokumentation vor, während oder nach einem wie immer viel zu kurzen Urlaub hatten wir damals auch nicht. Das obige Selfie entstand einen Tag nach der nachfolgend dokumentierten Runde, die ich noch mit einem Autonavi aufgezeichnet hatte, welches griffbereit in der Lenkertasche meines Panasonic PR3000 steckte. Damals sind wir noch nach Papierkarte gefahren, das Navi bzw. dessen Display wurde nur gelegentlich während einer Pause verwendet.

-> Rennradfahren im Departement Lot, Arrondissement Cahors

#cycling #bicycle #radfahren #urlaub #holiday #anno2007 #france #fahrrad #rennrad #lelot #cahors


#poetry #holiday

Gratitude implies obligation
True happiness implies
free acceptance, grace.
Happy to embrace my natural rhythm,
elation, charismatic support.
I am in awe, a true believer,
not on my knees in supplication,
blissfully supine, open to grace.
Thank you all for being
— as this contentious year unwinds
All the courageous reaching
to share caring and desires
All the fear, sickness and heartache
All the joy, infectious smiles
Acts in which our visions partake
displaying creative styles
Hear my wishes for a future where
convivial peace abides
You are so welcome, inspiring seekers,
in my life.
Keeping safe
Keeping warm
Keeping grace, away from harm
Giving Hope
Giving Love Giving Peace
Life as good
Life as fun
Life in love with every one
Giving Peace
Giving Hope Giving Joy!
Every day of light and play
Every shining holy day
Opening our hearts
Making ourselves parts
of the living
of the giving
I give my song to you, that we may sing as one:
Live in joy Live in peace Live in love


#thanksgiving #holiday
What is the meaning of Thanksgiving Day in USA?
Celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving traces its origins to harvest festivals. It was customary to express gratitude for a bountiful harvest in the cultures of both the Pilgrims who sailed from England in 1620 and the Native Americans they encountered.

NOVEMBER 23, 2023: Thursday.
In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, as specified in a joint resolution passed by Congress in 1941 and a proclamation issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942.