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Zodiac Sign: #Pisces
Degree: 16:40 to 30:00 Pisces
Purusharth: #Moksha

Deity: #Pushan (God of Safety)
Gana: #Devta

Direction: #East

It is seen as an auspicious #nakshatra for performing pujas, organizing excursions, purchasing new clothing, getting married, and getting pregnant. The word " #Revati," which implies #wealth, is derived from that word. As a result, it suggests that anyone born under this nakshatra have a financial security gift. Its logo features a drum and two fish. The #drum denotes a moment of alertness and passion, while the fish stands for study and advancement. "Pushan," often referred to as "Surya," is the patron god of the Revati Nakshatra. It lights tremendous strength, security, and prosperity as a component of the sun in the Revati nakshatra. Knowledge and creativity are brought by the ruling planet Mercury in the Revati nakshatra. Revati nakshatra has the gender #female and is characterized by these traits.


You have a kind demeanor, are open-minded, and speak sweetly. You don't enjoy interfering with people's work without a good reason, and you expect others to act similarly. You become ferocious whenever someone tries to divert you from your values. You alter your interactions with individuals depending on the circumstances. You have an open, sincere heart. You find it challenging to keep a secret for an extended period of time. If someone is wearing a blindfold, you don't trust them, but if you do, you do it correctly. You always act according to your intuition, no matter what happens. You act in a very pious and occasionally orthodox manner. You are very interested in history and the cultures of the past. Another one of your areas of competence is astrology and astronomy.

Despite being conservative, you have a talent for poetry and continue to conduct research and come up with rational answers. You don't easily take much meaning from what other people say. Although you are steadfast in your convictions, you are also adaptable. You complete your work courteously when you have to. You continue to succeed just because of this quality. You have a sharp mind and are intelligent and smart. You have a good education. Because of your wisdom, you move quickly with everything. You are a fantastic decision-maker. You are intelligent and always polite. You act well around people, and you make good friends. Overcoming every obstacle in life, you constantly strive to stay in front. You are a considerate member of society who is skilled at preserving love among others. People consider you to be one of the effective people. You have a deep interest in spirituality and strong faith in it. As you strive for fulfillment, your life will be spent in luxury and contentment. You will also be financially successful and pretty happy.


Business, Artist, Actor, Music, Construction Business, Water and Electricity Related, Police


Revati nakshatra Males have true, clean souls. They excel in dealing with the public. Unless necessary, they don't pay attention to other people's private lives. They are independent people who experience sadness when they truly need a companion on lonely days. They struggle to preserve secrets. Even their loved ones and friends are not someone they can readily trust. But when they do, they do it with complete faith. They attempt to act in accordance with their values yet have a short fuse. They are somewhat orthodox and pious. They have high aspirations and become depressed even after little disappointments.

Married life in the Revati nakshatra is pretty normal. They have a friendly relationship with their wives. They are given a flexible life partner. They rarely argue and appreciate one another's choices. There are no grievances from their wives. The male natives' familial relationships won't affect their bond in any way. Finally, it may be concluded that their marriage is happy.


This nakshatra's females are independent thinkers who command respect at both home and business. They are extremely intelligent and have bright minds. They have been raised with conventional views and have strict cognitive patterns. They believe in God and practice superstition. Although not everyone like them, they play a significant role in all decisions. They take great care to participate in each and every religious ritual. It brings them comfort and functions as treatment for them. They rely more on gut feelings than precise data when making decisions. They have great potential for success, yet their sloth could get in the way of their ambitions. They also avoid challenges, which prevents them from reaching their full potential in life.

Revati nakshatra Female marriages typically go well. In a marriage, there are no chances for ups and downs or any kind of disagreement. They might even wed the person they first fell in love with. They wouldn't need to hunt for another opportunity or relationship. They will have a happy and faithful relationship. The native women and their husbands typically coexist peacefully.


Compatible with people born in Punarvasu, Pushya, Anuradha, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, and Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra.


The male natives of the Revati nakshatra typically have hereditary riches. They are born with money. Despite having a high level of education, they will face many obstacles in obtaining a stable career, yet they will never go broke or lack money. They would, however, decline to accept any form of payment from their parents. The native women provide the household with substantial money. They would have the funds to buy everything they desired. They have successful careers, so riches comes with the territory. Together with their parents, they create money that benefits their children in the long run.

1st Pada (Sagittarius): Wealthy, Successful, Likeable, Knowledgeable, Joyful

2nd Pada (Capricorn): Achievers, Go-getters, Practical, Confident, Disciplined

3rd Pada (Aquarius): Spiritual, Loving, Compassionate, Creative, Supportive

4th Pada (Pisces): Smart, Independent, Philosophical, Hardworking, Face struggles


Venus: People with Venus in the Revati Nakshatra will tend to be particularly spiritually inclined. Additionally, they will not get along with their spouse since they will fight and argue all the time.

Jupiter: Jupiter in Revati Nakshatra has a tendency to make people wise while it is in this nakshatra. Additionally, the people have outstanding perceptive abilities and powers.

Rahu: Rahu's position in this nakshatra tends to make a person sleepy. Additionally, the person will turn out to be creative by nature.

Mars: People born under the influence of Mars in this nakshatra tend to be particularly spiritually inclined. They will also be extremely intelligent and well-versed.

Sun: People born with the Sun in this nakshatra tend to be particularly creative. They will also have excellent creative skills.

Moon: People born with the Moon in this nakshatra will eventually become very affluent people. Additionally, the folks will experience amazing success and accomplishment in a foreign country.

#Mercury: Mercury's position in this nakshatra tends to make people more knowledgeable. Additionally, they have strong communication abilities and skills.

Saturn: Saturn has a way of making people appreciate their personal space while it is in this nakshatra. Additionally, it will become apparent that the natives are a little cut off from society.

Ketu: People with Ketu in this nakshatra are more likely to be spiritually inclined. Additionally, the people will be adept at mediating conflicts.



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Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius/Capricorn

Degree: 26:40 Sagittarius - 10:00 Capricorn
Purusharth: #Moksha

Deity: #Vishwadevas (10 Gods of Universe)
Gana: #Manushya

Direction: #South

The natives of the #Uttarashada #nakshatra are leaders who enjoy being followed. The lord or deity of this nakshatra is the Sun, sometimes referred to as " #Surya" or "Vishwadeva." The stars Sigma, Tau, Phi, and Zeta Sagittarii are those through which this #constellation, or nakshatra, glows the brightest. Even more intriguing is the fact that it is governed by the Sun and #Jupiter, two different planets. With this, it takes on and unites the fate of two zodiac signs, namely #Capricorn and #Sagittarius. When the #moon is between 26:40 degrees Sagittarius and 10:00 degrees Capricorn, people are born during this nakshatra. People with the birth sign of #UttaraAshadha make formidable adversaries. They have an unbreakable spirit and flourish as visionaries, leaders, and warriors.


You speak softly, are cultured, and have a pure heart. Your face has an innocent look about it. Your social standing is good, and excessive flashiness doesn't appeal to you. You like to keep things simple when it comes to attire. You appreciate people and practice your religion. Your character is enigmatic. Due to this, it is challenging to evaluate you in a single meeting. Your eye has a sheen, and there can be a mole on your face. You act honestly and express your opinions clearly in all you do. You don't mislead anyone or cause any trouble. Being overly kind-hearted can sometimes cause you to fall into significant difficulties. You don't easily trust people, but once you do, you'll do anything for the person.

You want an unhurried life and seldom make hasty decisions. When you trust someone, you listen to their advice. When you are annoyed with someone, you don't yell at them or vent your annoyance to their competitors. You're also intrigued by spirituality. Japa, Tapa, Vrata, and other practices can help you succeed in life. Once you begin moving forward spiritually, you begin to find all ties and aspects of daily life boring. Being diligent, you adhere to a continual work ethic. You like to keep ahead of everyone, whether it be in work or in school. From a young age, you will have to assume family responsibilities. However, while you're still young, you'll enjoy yourself. In any situation, you must be vigilant. Know the person well before entering any type of partnership; else, issues may arise. After turning 38, success will come to you from all directions. Although your life mate will be dependable and kind, you might worry about his or her health. You can experience problems with stomach and eye health. Be cautious in this direction thus. Despite having a strong personality, you will have good attractiveness. Avoid trivial arguments at all costs.


Teaching, Banking, Bureaucrats, Politics, Business, Law, Military, Athletes


A Uttarashada nakshatra male has a high intelligence quotient and may wow people with his knowledge. He has good analytical and creative talents and can quickly think of solutions. He gets along with everyone well and enjoys working with coworkers. He encourages others to perform to the best of their abilities because it makes him happy. He is family oriented and keeps everything appraised already for the future. He is a gentleman and respects womanhood. He excels at putting money aside for expenses and investing it for better possibilities. Most males born under the Uttarashada nakshatra conceal their true feelings from others, and they can only have meaningful conversations with a select few people.

Male married life in the Uttarashada nakshatra will be exciting. They'll have a devoted and encouraging wife. There will be disagreements, and managing the situation will become challenging. However, that would just be a test of time. Instead of making a snap decision, they must wait till the issues disappear. They finally have a contented, prosperous, and happy marriage.


Uttarashada Nakshatra native women are very well educated. They prefer to work alone because they are afraid of dependence. They feel as though they owe you a big favor by helping you, one that you must repay someday. Even though they are simple-minded and dislike complications, they frequently come out as angry and irritable. They represent feminism and reject disparaging remarks about women. They frequently overthink things and have vast minds. They live a straightforward lifestyle and excel in school. They have a tendency to follow a spiritual path and worry about upsetting their families by becoming overly active. They start to seek solutions to everything beyond a certain age. If they don't obtain their answers, they get impatient.

Uttarashada female married life is first a little complicated, but the second part is lovely. There may be trust concerns between female natives because they may need to live apart due to work obligations, however after the age of 30, both spouses tend to stay together due to workplace adjustments or career shifts. Their children live happy lives thanks to them.


Compatible with people born in Ashwini, Bharani, Ardra, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Bhadrapada, Purvashada Nakshatra, and Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.


People born under the sign of Uttarashada Nakshatra have the advantage of having successful careers supported by high social esteem. They can make a lot of money if they put in the effort. But those who sign contracts to join them must be properly evaluated. If they run into difficult circumstances in their personal lives, progress can be temporarily slowed. However, they are anticipated to accomplish high heights of achievement with ongoing support from family. The natives of the Uttarashada nakshatra enjoy anticipating the future. They are wealthy enough to support themselves. As soon as they start earning money, they begin to save. They never run into financial issues. Their wisdom serves as a guide and helps them be ready for the worst.

1st Pada (Sagittarius): Innovative, Creative, Smart, Confident, Visionaries

2nd Pada (Capricorn): Goal-oriented, Determined, Progressive, Proud

3rd Pada (Aquarius): Live in Luxury, Love traveling, Lazy, Greedy

4th Pada (Pisces): Good entrepreneurs, Spiritual, Knowledgeable, Wealthy, Mentally Strong


Venus: Venus in Uttarashada Nakshatra has a tendency to turn people toward a more materialistic outlook. Additionally, they will have the most happiness thanks to their ability to enjoy material pleasures. The natives will also adapt to having excellent relationships with their spouse and lover.

Jupiter: An individual with Jupiter in Uttarashada Nakshatra is likely to have leadership skills and attributes. Additionally, they are renowned for being wise and smart people.

Rahu: Rahu in Uttarashada nakshatra is associated with a strong desire to advance in status and power. The knowledge and competitive nature of the Sagittarius would be put to use in order to accomplish this. Rahu intensifies our craving for power when it enters Capricorn. Rahu could be defeated or gained control over by Capricorn with a strong will and persistence.

Mars: A person with Mars in Uttarashada Nakshatra is likely to be very ambitious and diligent by nature. The native's possession of these traits will help them advance and succeed in life.

#Sun: An individual with the Sun in Uttarashada Nakshatra is more likely to have a workaholic personality. The individual will also assume a leadership role in their careers and personal lives. In addition, they will turn out to be overachievers.

Moon: An individual with the Moon in Uttarashada Nakshatra is likely to be highly compassionate. As time goes by, they will likewise develop a nurturing and loving mentality.

Mercury: Mercury is a buddy of the Sun but denotes an enemy sign in the Sagittarius quarter under Jupiter's dominance and a friendly sign in the Capricorn quarter under Saturn's rule when Mercury is in Uttarashada Nakshatra. Because Capricorn is in this nakshatra's second to fourth quarter, Mercury is strong there. Mercury emphasizes communication and business in the Capricorn sector. Due to their desire for attention, Capricorns will be driven to pursue a career in business and will need to connect with others frequently in order to succeed. Sagittarius will keep imparting knowledge without any ulterior motives at the same time.

Saturn: Saturn in Uttarashada Nakshatra tends to foster a generous and giving temperament in people. Additionally, they will evolve into being very spiritually inclined.

Ketu: Separation and loss are the results of Ketu being in the nakshatra of the enemy Sun. The Capricorn and the Sagittarius would already have established their authority and reputation. Due to Ketu, neither zodiac sign would neither desire to be a boss or work under someone else. They will also feel distant from materialistic goods.


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Zodiac Sign: #Sagittarius

Degree: 13:20 to 26:40 Sagittarius
Purusharth: #Moksha

Deity: #Apas (Goddess of Water)
Gana: #Manushya

Direction: #East

#Purvashada means "one who cannot be defeated" in #Sanskrit. #Venus, the planet's ruler, and Apas, the deity and goddess of #holy #waters, bring beauty and hope. As a result, everyone born under this #nakshatra is attractive and exudes charm.

An "Elephant's tusk" or "a fan/winnowing machine which separates grains from the husk" is the emblem for the #PurvaAshada nakshatra. Additionally, this nakshatra is linked to feminine traits like advancement, perseverance, bravery, and optimism. It gives people a guiding light that encourages them to promote information and awareness.


You act in a godly and modest manner. You maintain your convictions firmly and are highly sensible. You also have a secret talent for writing; in particular, you might enjoy reading and creating poetry. However, you do have one flaw: You tend to make hurried decisions, which also lead to misunderstandings. You have a unique quality in that once you make a decision, you follow through on it. Regardless of whether your choice was good or bad. Nobody can influence your decision more than you can, and you have the authority to make it right now. People fall head over heels for you just because of this trait of yours. You are the one who will not give up because of your incredible self-confidence. Additionally, you will maintain incredible patience under challenging circumstances. You strive for success and are always willing to take chances. You wait for the appropriate moment with all of your endurance and faith. Obstacles never cause you concern. Your education will be excellent, and you will succeed in the medical field exclusively. You'll also be quite interested in yoga and other spiritual pursuits. Your staff must be trustworthy and honest if you want to be a truly successful businessperson. You constantly have affection and love for everyone in your heart. You receive enough respect and recognition in society just because of this trait in your personality.

You constantly strive to smile. You are kind and interested in performing and other arts by nature. Additionally, you have a strong interest in literature, demonstrating your familiarity with it. You act honorably and with a good heart. Because you maintain friendships for a lifetime, it will be appropriate to refer to you as an ideal friend. Your words define who you are as a person. Your personality will be very attractive, and your education will be pretty solid. You'll be energized and enthusiastic. You never give up when things are bad. You have a great dislike for lying since you think it's important to always speak the truth. When it comes to your health, you need to take good care of it and you shouldn't ignore any problems with your breathing.


Navy, Sailors, Marine Engineers, Packaged Water Business, Oil Refinery, Biologist, Artist, Philosophers, Tourism Industry


Male inhabitants of the Purvashada nakshatra tend to be very self-assured. Despite the fact that they make excellent advisors, they dislike receiving counsel. They hold firmly held opinions and will not compromise on them. They argue and exert dominance. They think of themselves as superior to their colleagues and have great intelligence and sharp wits. They make decisions based solely on instinct and do not weigh the evidence. They show-off their bravery and heroism, but when the time comes, they revert to their fears. They act impulsively and don't weigh the advantages and disadvantages of their choices.

Married life in Purvashada nakshatra indicates positive trends. This nakshatra's males frequently married later in life. They spend a lot of time enjoying being single. Following marriage, they maintain a friendly contact with their spouses. They are lovely and decent if they have a housewife. They make no effort to get along with one another. They frequently follow the flow. With time, their love for one another only deepens. In conclusion, it can be claimed that they are enjoying their marriage.


This nakshatra's females are energized and eager to take on and succeed in any endeavor. They have excellent intelligence and are intelligent. They hold the highest ranks in any organization and have a very high level of ambition. They have excellent credentials and win academic honors. They come from the group of top pupils in every school batch. They are rational and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a situation before making a choice. Whether someone agrees with them or not, they stick up for what is right and never hesitate to speak up about it. They enjoy animals a lot. They pledge and create plans but don't follow through. They speak the truth and have a strong will.

Purvashada female's marital experience is excellent. If they decide to stay at home, they will run their homes efficiently. However, if they were working, their spouses would split the household chores evenly. After a certain age, their connection will only become passionate or romantic.


Compatible with people born in Ashwini, Bharani, Magha, Ardra, Mula Nakshatra, and Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.


Purvashada natives have easy careers. In whichever vocation they pick, they are successful. They stand an excellent possibility of becoming an effective physician. Because they wouldn't be able to find a reliable team, the business line is a dangerous professional path. The native women give the household a respectable amount of income. They would be wealthy enough to buy everything they want. They have established careers, and some might not be aware if they bring home too much money. The contribution of the females of this nakshatra in terms of riches pleases their family members.

1st Pada (Leo): Proud, Like Attention, Courageous, Confident

2nd Pada (Virgo): Extroverts, Over-thinker, Attain Success after Struggle, Careless

3rd Pada (Libra): Live in Luxury and Comfort, Cheerful, Talkative, Mentally Tough

4th Pada (Scorpio): Spiritual, Secretive, Strong, Brave, Straight Forward


#Venus: An individual with Venus in Purvashada Nakshatra is likely to be exceptionally intelligent and knowledgeable. Additionally, they are renowned for having excellent language skills.

Jupiter: An individual with Jupiter in Purvashada Nakshatra is likely to be exceptionally intelligent. They are regarded as the top counsel somebody might seek out in difficult situations.

Rahu: Rahu in Purvashada Nakshatra has a tendency to make the natives seem like very dissatisfied beings. They never seem content with what they currently have and are constantly in search of more.

Mars: Mars in Purvashada Nakshatra tends to make people very sympathetic. Additionally, the people develop a nurturing temperament for the people they care about.

Sun: When the Sun is in the Purvashada Nakshatra, people may become more egotistical and violent.

Moon: The influence of the moon in Purvashada Nakshatra tends to make people excellent counselors. When someone has a question about something, they will turn to the native to ask them for help.

Mercury: When Mercury is in Purvashada Nakshatra, the natives appear to be very imaginative and artistic.

Saturn: When Saturn is in Purvashada Nakshatra, people tend to be extremely diligent creatures. On the basis of their commitment to hard effort, the locals will succeed in everything.

Ketu: An individual is more likely to take a serious interest in research-based endeavors while Ketu is in Purvashada Nakshatra. The natives will like conducting research and may decide to make it their profession.



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#Hasta #Nakshatra
Zodiac Sign: #Virgo

Degree: 10:00 - 23:20 in Virgo

Purusharth: #Moksha
Deity: #Savitr (Form of Sun)

Gana: #Devta

Direction: #South

      As its name suggests, the emblem for the hasta nakshatra is an open fist or a hand extended in blessing. Hasta nakshatra's god or ruler is "Savitr," which is a form of the Sun. For this nakshatra, everything is always positive since they make sincere connections and help the people they come in contact with. As the Hasta nakshatra career involves using the hands, such as painting, martial arts, writing, sculpting, etc., they go by their sign and name. They also have the spirit of zeal and resolve.


You value discipline and use tact while dealing with issues. You have a lot of fresh ideas because your thinking is acute. You remain silent in the face of other people's crimes, even after falling prey to their deceit and trickery. You are a calm person by nature with a magnetic charm. You are happy, sociable, and cordial. You are the word wizard, very bright in studies. You alone possess the ability to comprehend any subject. You just settle in wherever with a few kind words and wit as well. You have a lot of mental strength, yet you can't make decisions right away. Because you value peace, you avoid conflicts. Despite your hesitation, you are still able to meet new people. Additionally, you are quite skilled at using friends to do your work. You alter the parties in accordance with your benefits. You appreciate running a business more than your job, which will help you succeed here. You value all forms of material pleasure. Your life is good, and because to your employment, you are respected. Simply put, you are committed to your choices. People cannot influence your decisions; you simply act on your feelings. Because you are skilled at saving money, you typically don't have to worry about money issues. You are the one who values peace, is constantly willing to provide a hand, and has no interest in being ostentatious.

Your family experiences many ups and downs, yet you never lose your smile. You are skilled at solving the problems. That is another reason why you make a terrific counselor. Because you see this life as a game and the entire world as a playground, you are effective at teaching others a lesson in a way that is both positive and enjoyable. You don't like to sit still, therefore you constantly keep your mind and body active. Despite having a happy disposition, you don't put up with errors. You have the unique ability to exert yourself and achieve the desired result.


Jewelry making, Artists, Surgeons, Agriculture, Stock brokers, Publishing and Printing


You can tell that males born under the Hasta nakshatra sign are gentlemen by their body language. Their view on life is constructive. They have an honest and open heart. They are funny and certain to make people chuckle. Unfortunately, because of the attention they receive, they frequently overindulge in relationships with people of the opposite sex or with women. And they are frequently in danger because they become overly attached and experience heartbreak. However, they always return as fighters. They want to save the world and are nice people. They have sharp minds and excel in the classroom.

Males born under the Hasta nakshatra have excellent relationships with their partners and families. Given the male, a Hasta nakshatra compatibility makes sense in its whole. They are upbeat people. They make their father, mother, and siblings happy. Their wives are very fond of them and need their undivided attention. Their lover really comprehends them. Of course there are conflicts, but they only persist for a short while. Overall, a male born under the Hasta nakshatra likely to have a happy and trouble-free marriage life. For guys, 30 is the hasta nakshatra marriage age.


This nakshatra's girls are reserved and awkward in social situations. However, they have a charisma about them that draws people in. They might not like it, though. They avoid communicating because they deem it disrespectful, especially the male indigenous. They will, however, be among the best individuals you will ever meet if you get to know them well. They don't talk much, but when they do, they don't hesitate to say things that sound unjust. They pay close attention to every detail and find the delayed procedure intolerable. They have wonderful hearts and clean souls. They try to aid individuals who are in need since they have a compassionate temperament. They do not care that they do not receive the same in return, though.

Hasta nakshatra marital compatibility is good since male natives and female natives get along well. The female marriage age for the hasta nakshatra is 25 and up. According to rumors, they are married to an affluent family. There won't ever be disagreements or problems related to money. They should use caution while choosing partners for dating and marriage because, like the male inhabitants of this nakshatra, they are vulnerable to heartbreak. Overall, they will get along well with their partners and never mix their personal and work lives. As a result, the life of a woman in a hasta nakshatra marriage is pleasurable.


Compatible with people born in Ashwini, Magha, Mula Nakshatra, and Shravana Nakshatra.


The careers of the natives of the Hasta nakshatra are secure. They become financially stable after age 30, but only then. They are experimental young adults. To choose their ideal occupation, they wish to explore a variety of employment options. They also make excellent counselors. They are frequently asked for advice on work-related matters. They consistently hold the highest positions in an organization. Most of them choose to go into business, lining their wallets with cash in their later years. In addition to their work in business, they are respected as lecturers, event coordinators, astrologers, writers, and consultants.


1st Pada (Aries): Bossy, Authoritative, Hot headed, Aim for Perfection

2nd Pada (Taurus): Great speakers, Charismatic, Emotional, Artistic

3rd Pada (Gemini): Talkative, Bright, Opinionated, Outspoken

4th Pada (Cancer): Professional, Sharp minded, Brave, Love to travel


Venus: When Venus is in the Hasta Nakshatra, a person tends to be quite passionate and romantic.

Jupiter: An individual develops a deep interest in astrological topics when Jupiter is in the Hasta Nakshatra. Additionally, they frequently have leadership qualities.

Rahu: Rahu in Hasta Nakshatra tends to make people brave and self-assured by nature.

Mars: An individual with Mars in Hasta Nakshatra is likely to be quite disciplined by nature. Along with this, the people are renowned for being devoted to their families.

Sun: An individual with the Sun in the Hasta Nakshatra is likely to be quite pragmatic by nature. But on the other side, it turns out that the locals are also incredibly knowledgeable people.

#Moon: A person tends to get affluent when the moon is in the hasta nakshatra. The indigenous are also revealed to be extremely sensitive people, though.

Mercury: An individual with Mercury in Hasta Nakshatra will be extremely intelligent and have an analytical attitude.

Saturn: When Saturn is in the Hasta Nakshatra, a person becomes extremely intelligent. On the other side, the people are also extremely pragmatic by nature.

Ketu: Ketu in Hasta Nakshatra has the tendency to make people quickly irritated by anything. Additionally, the locals are generally never content with what they already have.



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#UttaraPhalguni #Nakshatra
Zodiac Sign: Leo/Virgo

Degree: Leo 26:40 - Virgo 10:00

Purusharth: #Moksha
Deity: #Aryaman (God of material and spiritual bliss)

Gana: #Manushya

Direction: #East

'Later Red One' is the meaning of the term Uttara Phalguni. The twin nakshatra includes the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. The Purva Phalguni Nakshatra is the name of the other half. Furthermore, Aryaman and Bhaga, two Adityas, rule over this set of twin Nakshatras. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is ruled by Aryaman, and Purva Phalguni Nakshatra by Bhaga. Leo and Virgo are the two zodiacs which represent the natives of this nakshatra. The Moon's planetary position spans from 26:40 degrees in Leo to 10:00 degrees in Virgo.


You have a lot of energy and enjoy doing things carefully. Being always active can be viewed as a trait of yours. The social workers will respect you. You have a lot of experience with future planning. You might be successful in politics only on the basis of this particular trait. You have a lot of ambition and work hard to achieve your goals. It just doesn't sit well with you when it comes to accomplishing little things. Additionally, you prefer to work in a stable environment, thus you don't like to switch careers frequently. The government agencies will provide you with more advantages. When you make a friend, you maintain a close relationship with them throughout time.

Because of your constant willingness to learn new things, you consistently achieve success. However, you continue to be joyful and fortunate in certain ways. You are quite religious and endeavor to conduct yourself honestly and sincerely in everything. Although you have a pure heart, it's critical that you maintain control over your wrath. You are the knowledge vault, and it is your specialty to assist others without asking anything in return. You enjoy doing everything on your own. You continue to be quite enthusiastic about having a different personality in society. You always prepare for an agreement since you typically avoid disputes in order to preserve the dignity and respect of others.

You speak clearly and intelligently, and you live an honorable and sincere life. Additionally, you don't pass up the chance to use your riches and influence to benefit others. Additionally, you are effective at saving money. You can also receive ancestor's property. You have financial independence. The activities related to public relations are advantageous to you. You never feel fear when it comes to hard labor, which helps you succeed. Up until the age of 32, you may struggle, but after you reach the age of 38, you will succeed.


Politics, Sports, Entertainment field, Teachers, Engineering, Mathematics.


The native will lean toward spirituality. They will have a strong connection to God, which will make them happy and at peace. Additionally, they will have a trouble-free life full of joy and happiness. They might eventually turn out to be a little impatient, but this trait will be disguised by their willingness to serve others. Additionally, the native will work really hard and be laser-focused on their objective. Nothing can stand in their way of their objective if they have anything in their sights.

The native will be fortunate in terms of family. They will get along well with and adore their family members. Due to obligations at work, there is a risk that the native may have to spend some time away from their family, but this will not provide any issues. The love life of a guy inhabitant of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra would be quite smooth. He has a good possibility of marrying the woman of his choosing. Males born under the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra will enjoy happy marriages since their partners will be their pillars of support and strength.


The feminine traits of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra include a delicate voice and extreme politeness toward others. She won't let this behavior prevent her from advocating for herself, though. The native will speak her thoughts and will not put up with wrongdoing. Only a select few people might appreciate these aspects of her. They won't hold back from calling someone out, but if they apologize to the native, she will accept their forgiveness and move past their transgressions.

In the early years of her life, the native may quarrel with some members of her family. This is a result of her outspoken and forthright demeanor. These problems will eventually be handled, and the native will further develop a strong relationship with her family. Female marriage life in the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra would be quite easy. Her spouse will be well-off. In addition, he will be her total and unwavering ally. Her children will be her greatest source of strength as she ages.


Compatible with people born in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra, Hasta Nakshatra, and Chitra Nakshatra.


The career of a native of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra will be exceedingly prosperous. They will be endowed with the ability to think analytically, which will aid them in reaching the best judgments. They will put in a lot of effort and detest outside interference in their work environment. They want to operate alone and peacefully, thus there is a potential that a native will join the company. The native will succeed in anything they set out to do since they are incredibly dedicated. They will succeed as a result in any job or path they decide upon.


1st Pada (Sagittarius): Lively, Friendly, Ethical, Rational

2nd Pada (Capricorn): Disciplined, Organised, Hardworking, Aloof

3rd Pada (Aquarius): Humanitarian, Optimistic, Positive mindset, Balanced

4th Pada (Pisces): Emotional, Sensitive, Spiritual, Intelligent


Venus: Makes the native proficient in handling money. They will be well knowledgeable about the stock market, the expansion of investments, and related responsibilities. The native will be able to build money and riches for his family and himself as a result of this.

Jupiter: makes the native earn fame and knowledge. They will be passionate about learning everything they can and sharing what they learn with others.

Rahu: Rahu in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra tends to make people very charitable and kind-hearted. Additionally, the locals will turn out to be quite diligent people.

Mars: Mars in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra has a tendency to instill great courage in people. Along with this, the locals are renowned for having great ambition.

#Sun: It results in a slightly egoistic disposition in the native. They will treat people with dominance since they believe they are the leader of the household. Additionally, if the native pursues a career as a teacher, they will excel academically and have a strong chance of success.

Moon: Moon in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra has a tendency to make people appear to be exceedingly intelligent. Along with this, such people will develop into highly esteemed members of society.

Mercury: Mercury in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra causes the native to be extremely egocentric and to have a strong need for sexual gratification. The native will choose business endeavors over service-related activities.

Saturn: When Saturn is in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, the native has a strong sense of justice. They will be karma's sincere believers. Additionally, the native will go to tremendous efforts to please their families out of a profound affection for them.

Ketu: A person who has Ketu in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is likely to be very disciplined. The natives are also reputed to have a strong spiritual bent.



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mrigashira nakshatra
Zodiac Sign: Taurus/Gemini

Degree: 23:20 in Taurus - 6:40 in Gemini

Purusharth: #Moksha
Deity: #Soma (God of Nectar)

Gana: #Devata

Direction: #East

Two Sanskrit words are combined to form the word #Mrigashira, #Mriga, which means deer, and #Shira, which means head. Consequently, the word Mrigashira can be translated as the head of a deer when used collectively. Mrigashira nakshatra is occasionally referred to as Makayiram nakshatra. The heart rather than the mind governs the people of this nakshatra. They are highly sensitive people who think emotionally and not with their mind. They are fortunate in their careers, but they could run into problems in other areas of their lives.


You have a natural curiosity and are excellent at research work. You are always open to learning new ideas about emotions, psychology, and otherworldly realms. Your only goal is to gain more expertise and information. You have a keen mind and have a broad understanding of numerous topics. Your disposition is one of courtesy, good humor, friendliness, and enthusiasm. Your brain and mind are constantly working, and you are constantly having new ideas. Meeting new individuals and offering assistance to them offers you comfort. You treasure adhering to the teachings and leading a modest life. Additionally, you have fair and unbiased opinions.

You have amazing communication skills and the talent of a great poet and singer. Furthermore, you are in no way inferior to anyone when it comes to humor and satire. Typically, you steer clear of disputes, controversies, and arguments. It gives the impression that you are a sheep, which is untrue. The reality is that you want to treasure the best parts of your life and give no weight to the unnecessary stuff. You think that success and happiness are based on support and love.

You place a lot of value on logic, which is why you examine everything in great detail. You have a strong sense of faith in your ideas and views. You act politely toward people and anticipate the same behavior in return. But regrettably, it never does. You must use caution while interacting with friends, partners, and family members because you have a history of lying. You possess a unique leadership quality. You strive to start all the new projects and address all the issues.


Music, Artist, Writer, Construction business, Textile industry, Occult sciences


They believe that if they reveal their actual emotions to others, others will mock them and reject them. As a result, people frequently keep their emotions to themselves and much less so express who they really are. He has also experienced pain in the past, therefore he finds it difficult to trust others. Even while they may appear to trust you, they really don't. In addition to all of these traits, the males born under the Mrigashira nakshatra are also a little irritable and dislike having their personal space invaded. A native will also go to great lengths to make someone else happy if they begin to love and trust them.

The native will be devoted to his family. There is a possibility that he won't get along well with his father, but this will start to change over time and when he gets thirty-five. Mrigashira nakshatra male marriage life may have a rough start. In the early stages, they might feel some discomfort and run into certain issues, but everything will be alright later. They will have a strong bond with their spouse and serve as their rock. The native's children will also be his greatest source of strength as he ages.


The native will be inherently materialistic. Nothing in the world will make them happier than receiving expensive presents and stuff. The native has some traits that are domineering, irritable, and forthright. She will never be afraid to express her opinions, and this will be the main reason why she gets into so many arguments. Additionally, the native will experience a superiority complex and believe she is superior to everyone and everything. They won't change to be kind or kind, but rather be remembered for her scathing remarks and sharp rejoinders.

Her family won't be very fond of the native. Her personality features and qualities may be the cause of this. Additionally, there is a potential that the native will not have a good relationship with her mother, which could contribute to her demise. Additionally, she will exercise dominance in her relationships. She will also never be happy with what she already has and will always want more. One of the main reasons she and her partner split up was due to this.


Compatible with people born in Pushya Nakshatra, Rohini Nakshatra, Anuradha, and Shravana Nakshatra.


They made wise choices, which will result in a good influx of cash. Additionally, the native will do well in school. Additionally, the native will have a strong desire to learn new things and will like imparting their expertise to others. The native will find greater success in their professional lives in the business sector as opposed to the service sector. The natives could lose all of their money, though, due to poor money management abilities. This will be the main source of worry and stress for the locals. He will never run out of money since he is bad at managing his money.


1st Pada (Leo): Creative and Artistic, Attention seeker, Self-centered

2nd Pada (Virgo): Good communication skills, Kind and Forgiving, Strong Mind

3rd Pada (Libra): Materialistic, Fond of Luxury, Fair and Just, Gregarious

4th Pada (Scorpio): Argumentative, Overthinkers, Observant, Genius


Venus: The native excels in financial problems while Venus is in Mrigashira nakshatra. Therefore, the native will gravitate toward academic disciplines like math and finance. Additionally, there are excellent prospects for the local to succeed in allied professions like investment banking, stock market management, etc.

Jupiter: Jupiter's position in this nakshatra tends to make a person have a highly devoted and caring partner. Additionally, there is a probability that the native will give birth to a child prior to getting married.

Rahu: Rahu causes Mrigashira nakshatra's native to have an extremely aggressive nature and makes them insensitive. In addition, the native will become estranged from their family as a result of their anger problems.

#Mars: Mars in Mrigashira nakshatra makes the native exceptionally skilled in tasks involving study. As a result, the native will also be quite knowledgeable in science and may decide to make a career out of conducting scientific study.

Sun: Such individuals find it difficult to have peace in their life. Their success will result from their constant need for more, which they will always have. Additionally, the native will have a never-give-up mindset, which when coupled with their hunger for more, will ensure success.

Moon: Moon in Mrigashira nakshatra enhances the beauty and attractiveness of the native. Additionally, as a result of this, the native will draw attention everywhere they go. They also earn a spot on everyone's good list due to their amazing sense of humor, moral principles, and good character.

Mercury: An individual may become restless due to Mercury's placement in this nakshatra. Additionally, the person will also be mentally fickle and unstable.

Saturn: An individual is more likely to suffer significant losses when Saturn is in this nakshatra. Additionally, the native speaker won't be very adept at communicating.

Ketu: An individual with Ketu in this nakshatra is more likely to have a mystic temperament. They will also turn out to be highly spiritual people in their later years.



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#rohini #nakshatra
Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Degree: 10:00 - 23:20 degree

Purusharth: #Moksha
Deity: #Brahma

Gana: Manushya

Direction: East

The meaning of the name Rohini is "The #Red #One." The Red #Lunar #Mansion is the literal translation of Rohini Nakshatra in English. Out of the 27 Nakshatra that are described in Hindu mythology and astronomy, the Rohini Constellation is the fourth. This #Nakshatra corresponds to Taurus zodiac sign births with the Moon between 10 and 23:20 degrees of the sign. The natives of this Nakshatra tend to be attention seekers and, also, can be quite attractive and alluring because the #Moon is their ruling #planet.


You might have a magnetic personality in addition to being thin, adaptable, and gorgeous. Your smile makes my heart race, and your eyes are pretty lovely. You adore the outdoors and have a sensitive heart. You are incredibly modest, polite, and kind. Additionally, you are highly aware of how to act around other people. It's also true that you command considerable attention from individuals in your category. You find it easy to make an impression on others with your abilities and appearance. People therefore tend to trust you pretty readily. You, on the other hand, are fairly straightforward, honest, and uncomplicated by nature. Serving your family, your house, your community, your country, or the entire world is all you want to do to show off your skills.

You have excellent acting talent and wonderful expressive skills. You are an admirer of the arts, knowledgeable about them, and gifted with imagination. You also have a talent for getting people's attention. You typically uphold family and societal norms and beliefs. Additionally, you are very committed and focused on your goal. You value happiness and fulfillment when you are with your close pals. Even though you are regarded of as traditional, you don't adhere to the outdated beliefs at all because you willingly accept new ideas and developments. You constantly need to be on guard and vigilant when it comes to your health. That is most likely the reason you live a long time and are disease-free.

Typically, you make decisions based on your feelings and blindly trust others, which might occasionally lead to fraud against you. Your desire to be honest is unaffected, though. You constantly avoid the stress of the future by living in the present. There are many highs and lows in your life. You make an effort to finish things with devotion. Exclusive success is possible if you work slowly and patiently to complete everything.


Farming, Arts and Beauty Industry, Fashion designing, Jewelry, Tourism, Finance.


Males born under the Rohini Nakshatra have a variety of qualities. With their family and loved ones, they develop into highly tender, sensitive, and loving people. Making money is their ultimate objective, but in the office or workplace, they start to become goal-oriented and focused. The indigenous, in general, have a short fuse and have a hard time trusting other people. The natives' logical and reasoned worldview is one of the things that distinguishes them from other people.

The Moon is this Nakshatra's ruling planet, therefore although the locals will have a loving relationship with their mother, there may be tension in their relationship with their father. There is a potential that the natives may abandon the home at a young age or that they will be responsible for their father's passing. The male marriage life under the Rohini nakshatra and the Rohini nakshatra They are not very compatible with their spouses. Small disputes, confrontations, and anger management problems are common in the home. The native will also be under stress as a result of this in his daily life.


The Rohini nakshatra female traits include being irritable, just like the male native. Additionally, the locals are frequently quite sensitive. They enjoy dressing up because they always portray themselves in the finest way. They are well-behaved and have spiritual impact. Moreover, they place the biggest importance on respecting elders. As a result of their devoted nature, they will stop at nothing to protect their loved members.

Women born under the Rohini Nakshatra have great blessings in all facets of family and marriage. Rohini Nakshatra The woman's husband will be a caring and devoted partner with whom she can conquer the globe. There will be a lot of love and support from the family. Her relatives will show the native affection and provide for her. In this regard, she hasn't had any particularly traumatic or disappointing situations. She does, however, have jealousy tendencies that must be managed if she is to lead a peaceful, lovable, and joyful existence.


Compatible with people born in Chitra Nakshatra, Vishakha Nakshatra, Dhanishta, Anuradha and Uttarashada Nakshatra.


The native of the Rohini Nakshatra will encounter success eventually in their job. The male residents of the Rohini Nakshatra lack trust. The native has a difficult life and prefers to keep things to himself. The native will experience many challenges in practically every area of his life, but after he turns thirty-two, things will quickly turn around for the better. Success will come, and the native will receive a large and unexpected inflow of cash. As a result, it is only a matter of time before the odds are on their side.


1st Pada (Aries): Courageous, Good Leaders, Short tempered, Materialistic

2nd Pada (Taurus): Artistic, Attractive, Intelligent, Fond of luxury

3rd Pada (Gemini): Good Speakers, Intellectual, Shrewd, Flexible

4th Pada (Cancer): Intuitive, Possessive, Successful, Homely


Venus: It tends to foster a person's natural creativity. Furthermore, the individuals are also generally intelligent people.

Jupiter: It makes the person knowledgeable in some way. Additionally, the individuals are renowned for having a rigid nature.

Rahu: It has the power to transform a person into a knowledgeable person. Additionally, such people have a strong interest in writing.

Mars: This position makes the person romantic in nature. Along with this, the natives are renowned for being intensely passionate lovers.

Sun: This position of Sun seems to make people more creative and gregarious. They are happy-go-lucky individuals.

Moon: In nature, it tends to make a person caring. Furthermore, the natives have a solid, focused and tranquil mind.

Mercury: Mercury in this position makes an individual very sociable. Furthermore, the individuals are thought to be extremely intelligent.

Saturn: Saturn in Rohini Nakshatra makes a person workaholic. Such individuals are very driven when it comes to their career.

Ketu: It tends to cultivate a person's spiritual essence. They also frequently turn out to be wise individuals.


One of our self-funded films is ‘ #Narmada, the #eternal #river’. Originating at #Amarkantak in #MadhyaPradesh, the #River-Narmada flows for about 1300 kilometers from east to west through the gorge between the Vindhya and the Satpura mountain ranges and merges into the sea near Khambat Sagar at Gadurreswar in #Gujarat.

This valley was formed by the struggle of active land parts of the #Precambrian era, along with the remains of primitive sea creatures and #dinosaurs.

For this reason, the Narmada has been considered the #oldest river in #India.

Along with the evidence of the presence of early #StoneAge #humans in the #caves of the valley, the continuous presence of numerous ancient #Sanatana sites situated on the banks of the river narrates the story of the continuous cooperation of this river in the development of India.

In this short documentary, made under the guidance of Shri Samanand Ji from the Saptmatrika temple of #Maheshwar in Madhya Pradesh, we have tried to showcase the enigmatic story of this eternal river from the geological, anthropological, and cultural points of view.

More importantly, the video is an informative and spiritual look at the Narmada River, one of the most #sacred rivers in India. The video begins with a montage of images of the river, from its source in the Vindhya Mountains to its confluence with the Arabian Sea. The voiceover then introduces the river's history and significance and discusses its importance to the cultures of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.

The video then goes on to explore the river's natural beauty, from its lush forests to its pristine waterfalls. A few original audio tracks and numbers make this video more attractive. The video also features interviews with people who live along the river and share their stories and insights about the river's importance to their lives. Insights shared by some spiritually accomplished personalities enhanced the knowledge value of the video.

The video also unfolds the importance of Narmada Parikrama, which is a spiritual journey that involves the circumambulation of the Narmada River, a 3000-kilometre route, on foot, leaving behind all belongings and economic means! The #journey is said to be a way to cleanse oneself of sin and attain #moksha, or #liberation.

The short documentary had been selected for official screening at the Mahakaushal Short & #Documentary #Film Festival and later was awarded the best documentary award upon its showcasing at the Shaheed Smarak Auditorium, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, on 18th December, #2022!



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This star is associated with a strong sense of tradition and a realistic approach to starting new businesses.

Monsters, humans, and gods are the three types of #Nakshatras. A human #nakshatra is #UttaraAshadha. In general, members of this group are ambitious and self-driven.

According to Vedic astrological principles, the #Uttarashada nakshatra is the twenty-first of the twenty-seven nakshatras. The #Sun is the lord or ruling planet of this nakshatra. It extends from the constellation of Sagittarius to the constellation of Capricorn. The nakshatra is represented as an elephant tusk or a little bed.

The first pada falls under the Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius. If the Sun, Jupiter, and Mars are connected with good houses, the person has an incomparable personality.

The last three Pada come under the Capricorn sign, which is controlled by Saturn. They are sincere and will take on any project with zeal and see it through to completion. They do not deceive anyone, and their natural honesty is another personality feature that is clearly observed and quite charming.

The first pada of the Uttarashada Nakshatra is located in the Sagittarius Navamsa, which is ruled by Jupiter. This pada is the beginning of the Uttarashada Nakshatra. Developing one’s own sense of ethics and self-assurance will be the primary focus here. A significant amount of new information will be learned.

Uttarashada Nakshatra 2nd Pada: The Capricorn Navmansa is the second pada of Uttarashada Nakshatra. The thoughts, aspirations, and plans that people have formed in order to accomplish their aims are in the spotlight here.

The third pada of the Uttarashadha Nakshatra falls in the Aquarius Zodiac sign Navamsa, which is controlled by Saturn. The emphasis here is on knowledge gain and material comforts.

Uttarashadha Nakshatra 4th Pada: Jupiter rules the Pisces Star sign Navamsa, where the fourth pada of Uttarashada Nakshatra is located. In the following, the focus will continually change from the tangible aspects of things to the spiritual aspects of those same things.

The behavioral traits

They are reserved individuals who require numerous encounters and a period of acquaintance with others before others can begin to comprehend their characteristics. Despite this, they are very straightforward individuals who despise pretense and hypocrisy. The person has a strong resolve and does not give up easily, despite their seeming simplicity and directness in day-to-day interactions. Another attribute of such people is that they consult with others before making any decisions, and they are calm and controlled.

A few favourable characteristics of those born under this nakshatra are their modesty and their willingness to appreciate others for who they are and what they accomplish, regardless of their position in life. Despite their profound disagreements, they are respectful of one another and never express any animosity.

Natives often don’t have the drive to do things and expect constant approval or praise for their work. If they don’t get it, they tend to be unhappy and depressed. They are modest and have a lot of patience for people who may not deserve it. On the one hand, being too humble and not being able to be harsh with people can be seen as a good thing, but it can also get them into trouble and show up as a bad thing at times.

Uttarashada Nakshatra’s ruling god is Lord Ganesha. After being beheaded, Lord Ganesha is claimed to have been brought back to life by having an elephant’s head attached to his body. Therefore, he has a strong connection to both Uttarashada nakshatra and elephants.

Favourable: It is one of the best Nakshatras for Initiating Activities, Planning Events, Spiritual Activities, Rituals, using Discernment, Business Affairs, Signing Contracts, Promotions, Dealing with Authority, Artistic Ventures, Laying a Foundation for a Building, Moving into a New Home, Marriage, Politics, and Legal Matters, Contracts, Art, Politics, Law

Unfavourable: Travel, Conclusions or any Kind of Endings, Illegal Activities, Unethical Activities, Criminal Activity, Impulsive Actions, and Rude Behaviour

Meaning: “Second of the Invincible One”, “The Latter Undefeated”, “Later Victory”

Star: Uttara Ashada

Rasi (Zodiac): Sagittarius/ Capricorn

Range: 26o 40’ Sagittarius- 10o 00’ Capricorn

Padas: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Ruling Planet: Sun , Deities: #Vishvedeva

Meaning: “Second of the #Invincible One”, “The Latter Undefeated”, “Later Victory”

Indication: “The #Universal #Star

Body Part: The Thighs, The Waist

Guna (Quality): #Sattwa

Gana (Race): #Manushya (Human)

Purushartha (Goal): #Moksha (Spiritual liberation or emancipation)

Tridosha: #Kapha (Phlegm or Water + Earth)

Nature of Star: #Dhruva (Fixed)

Varna (Caste): #Kshatriya (Warrior)

Gotra (Clan): Kratu (name translates as the “One who Inspires”)

Direction: South

Pancha Mahabhuta (Element): Air (Vayu)

Shakti (Power): Apradhrishya Shakti (The Power to “Give an Unstoppable or Permanent Victory”)

Basis Above: The Strength to Win

Basis Below: The Goal that can be Won

Desire: To Gain Victory that can never be Lost

Result of Shakti, Basis, & Desire: Become the Unchallenged Winner

Activity: Balanced

TriMurthi (Process): Shiva (Dissolve)

Direction of Mouth / Motion: Urdhwa Mukha (Looking Up/ Facing Upwards)

Yoni (Gender): #Male

Animal Symbol: #Mongoose

#Bird: #Stork, Cock (Kukkuta Pakshi)

Sounds: Bay, Bo, Jaa, Jee

#Tree / Plant: Palasa, Phanus, Bread Fruit, #Jackfruit (Latin Name: Artocarpus Heterophyllu)

Colour: Copper



#UttaraPhalguni #Nakshatra
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“The Star of Patronage”

Symbol: Back Legs of Bed (especially the Marriage Bed), Hammock (symbolises stillness of Life and Thoughts like a state of Deep Meditation and the Pleasure Associated), Four Legs of a Couch (symbolises the Four Planes of the Soul’s Evolution namely Physical, Mental (Conscious), Astral (Sub-Conscious) and Ethereal (Supra-Conscious))

Deity: Aryaman (One of the 12 Adityas or Vedic Solar Deities is the God of Patronage, Kindness and Favours, the God of Leadership, Honour, Nobility and Society, he is also the God who Protects the Inheritance. He is also called the God of Contracts and Unions and the King of Ancestors)

Favourable: Marriage, Sexual Activity, Beginning Activities, Founding an Organization, Dealing with Authority Figures, Administrative Work, Buying a Home, Inaugurations, Performing Ceremonies, Giving to Charity, Diplomacy, and Wearing New Garments or Jewellery

Unfavourable: Endings, Completions, Confrontations, Retaliation, Activities requiring Harsh Behaviour, Retribution, Combat, and Lending Money

Video Player

Elements connected to Uttara Phalguni
Deity #Aryaman
Symbol Back Legs of Bed
Planet #Sun
Purushartha #Moksha
Gana Manushya
Varna Kshatriya (Warrior)
Element Agni (Fire)
TriMurthi Shiva (Dissolve)
Animal Female Cow
Bird Peacock)
Tree Rose Laurel, Juvvi Tree
Sound Tay, To, Paa, Pee
Bit lines about Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Key Themes

Large Legacies or Inheritances from Family
Prosperity through Contracts and Marriages
Charity, Philanthropy and Healing Systems

Star: Uttara Phalguni

Rasi (Zodiac): Leo/ Virgo

Range: 26o 40’ Leo- 10o 00’ Virgo

Ruling Planet: Sun

Padas: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Meaning: “The Latter Reddish One” or “the Latter Fig Tree”

Indication: “The Star of Patronage”

Body Part: The Lips, Sex Organs, and Left Hand

Guna (Quality): Rajas

Gana (Race): Manushya (Human)

Purushartha (Goal): Moksha (Spiritual Liberation/ Emancipation)

Tridosha: Vata (Wind or Air + Space)

Nature/ Category of Star: Dhruva (Fixed/ Permanent)

Varna (Caste): Kshatriya (Warrior): Gotra (Clan): Pulastya (name translates as “One having Smooth Hair”)

Direction: East

Pancha Mahabhuta (Element): Agni (Fire)

Shakti (Power): Chayani Shakti (The Power of “Prosperity, Wealth and Accumulation through Partnerships or Marriage”)

Basis Above: Wealth obtained from one’s Family

Basis Below: Wealth obtained from the Partner or Partner’s Family

Desire: To become Lord of the Animals

Result of Shakti, Basis, & Desire: Accumulation of Wealth

Activity: Balanced

TriMurthi (Process): Shiva (Dissolve)

Direction of Mouth / Motion: Urdhwa Mukha (Looking Up/ Facing Upwards)

Yoni (Gender): Female

Animal Symbol: Cow / Bull

Deity Connected to the Animal Symbol: Shiva

Bird: Peacock

Sounds: Tay, To, Paa, Pee

Tree/ Plant: Payari , Rose Laurel, Juvvi Tree (Latin Name: Ficus Arnottiana)

Colour: Bright Blue


Inner Sound Meditation is A Required Course, Not An Elective One, in Sant Mat - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

Forget Not the Way of the Sound Current

Initiation In Earlier Times... and Now

Swami Ji Maharaj Opened the Floodgates of Initiation

Thanks to the innovations of Guru Arjan Dev, Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar, Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, and Soamiji Maharaj of Agra, the Path of Initiation into Inner Light and Sound Meditation (Surat Shabd Yoga) has gradually become progressively more and more available to an ever-growing percentage of humanity. "Satsang shall spread far and wide in future." (Last Words of Soamiji Maharaj) "After Swami Ji Maharaj, the floodgates of initiation opened up and many people would be able to get the initiation." (Baba Ram Singh) And the Sant Mat spiritual classic and scripture known as the Anurag Sagar (Kabir's Ocean of Love) predicts that as this Kali Yuga age continues to unfold, the Path of the Masters will be far more well-known and followed than it is at present. But at every step and in each generation of time, Masters have had to intervene and reboot the Path whenever it begins to go off course, "falls into the mouth of Kal", the negative power, the gnostic demiurge or false god, in other words, eaten by illusion, eaten by time. Soamiji Maharaj of Agra once said of spiritual paths: "Without Bhakti [love], they are all hollow and sham, outer husks without a kernel." It is the inner "kernel" or "seed" of Life we’re really after, not developing attachments to institutions or organizations, or going through the motions of holidays, traditions, and rituals, well within the confines of the grinding wheel of fate and transmigration.

Inner Sound Meditation is A Required Course, Not An Elective One, in Sant Mat - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

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One issue with the old Sant Panths of past centuries has been, they divided initiation (deeskha) into two parts: the first initiation into Simran of Sacred Names and Light, the second into the Sound Current. All well and good if practiced, but... if most never get to apply for the Sound initiation, that's a problem. That's a spiritual crisis, if almost nobody receives the initiation into the Sound Current. Eventually, over the course of time, the Way of the Sound Current becomes only the experience of a handful of devotees. In some paths, knowledge of the Sound Current, the Word, the Logos, has been lost altogether. The Masters have always taught that the Path of the Sound Current, the Audible Life Stream, the Shabda, the Naam, is intended for all the true disciples, is a required practice for all, and not an elective practice only for some small minority. Maharshi Mehi said: "Surat Shabda Yoga is the practice of transcending the mind and entering the level beyond the mind, that is, the level of Oneness. The vehicle for this inward journey is Sound. The way to employ Sound and to understand its use is the practical application of Surat Shabda Yoga. This is also known as Nadanusandhana. Surat Shabda Yoga as a means to attain the Unbounded State is an integral and indispensable aspect of the Sant Mat tradition. Any tradition devoid of this essential aspect is not true Sant Mat." (Philosophy of Liberation) So Satgurus such as Sant Tulsi Sahib, Soamiji Maharaj, and Sant Darya Sahib of Bihar would incarnate and reboot the spiritual Path here in this material realm (Pinda Desh), the Ocean of Samsara (World of Changes), so that souls would continue to make spiritual progress following a Living Path of Moksha (liberation, salvation) free of the outer husks of rites, rituals, and earthbound traditions dominated by maya (illusion). "As long as the discipline of the Sound Current is preserved unadulterated, the line of succession will truly continue. But when it is mixed with outer rituals and display of external garbs, My Sound Current will part company. My Divine essence will depart, and the souls will go into the mouth of Kal. I shall then come to this world, and shall proclaim the teaching of the Sound Current again. Proclaiming the teaching, I shall found the line of succession. And emancipating the souls, I shall take them to my Abode. For aeons I have been coming, and imparting the teaching of the true Sound Current." (Sant Dariya Sahib, sounding here more like the cosmic figure of Kabir, Adi Guru of Sant Mat)

"I will make the souls firm in the Shabda of the Gracious Forgiver, Sat Purush. Such souls will be Sahaj [on a natural Path]: pure and content. They will do the devotion of the soul, and they will be the abode of pure qualities. By doing the Simran of Sat Purush they will sing the praise of the Immovable Naam. I will send the souls to Sat Lok... Spreading the Nectar of Naam I will awaken the souls. O Dharam Rai [negative power], listen carefully. I will humble your arrogance. By doing the practice of devotion, they will get the passport and I will connect them with the Naam of Sat Purush. The Negative Power can't come near such a soul, and he will bow down to them when he sees their union with Sat Purush." (Anurag Sagar, Kabir's Ocean of Love)

In Divine Light and Sound, Sat Naam Saheb,
James Bean

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Santmat Mystic Poetry of Maharshi Mehi Paramhans, The Padavali, a Sant Mat Satsang Podcast of Spiritual Awakening Radio

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O Traveler! Seek the Path That Lies Within You — Padavali 52, Maharshi Mehi

O traveler! Seek the path that lies within you,
You and your Beloved are in the same body;
Your Beloved is pervading everywhere, but not being perceived,
Those initiated by Guru are able to recognize Him within their bodies,
O traveler! If you wish to go alone on the path of the Lord,
You look for the path within and do not delay;
The four spheres of darkness, light, sound and soundlessness –
They all lie within the fort of your body,
You stepped down to the darkness, but your beloved is in the sphere of
Now you again go back to the sphere of soundlessness through the tenth
Pursuing the inner light and practicing the yoga of sound,
Listen to the orchestration of sounds and closely watch the dazzling light,
And go along the path where the five Naubats resonate,
Mount up as you get drawn towards them;
Never think that there are other means of going to the sphere of
Without the Yoga of vision and the Yoga of sound.
Mehi says, that going along this lone path,
Is the secret path to Divinity, as shown by the saints,
Catching the most subtle one amidst different sounds,
Go along the solitary path, lying within your body.

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The Philosophy of Liberation! Spiritual Freedom! The Teachings of Maharshi Mehi Paramhans - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

Learning to rise above body-consciousness, knowing yourself as a spiritual being, you are free. As a soul, you experience spiritual freedom. From the early archives of Spiritual Awakening Radio and now shared for the first time with the podcast world, a program dedicated to one of the great spiritual classics of Sant Mat spirituality called, The Philosophy of Liberation (Moksha-Darshan), A Manuel of Sant Mat Mysticism, by Maharishi Mehi , on the Goals and Practices of the Sant Tradition of India , translated into English by Professor Veena Howard .

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There are several techniques described, the specific details of which are taught to students at the time of their deeksha (initiation) into the meditation practice:

1) developing a daily routine, the habit of meditating at the same time or times each day; 2) proper posture so that one is truly focused at the Third Eye and remains alert and awake; 3) Manas Japa (Simran), a mantra repetition of a sacred word done mentally; 4) Manas Dhyan, the technique of mentally visualizing a form of God or one's teacher; 5) Drshti Yoga, the technique of focusing upon an Infinitesimal Point (Inner Light Meditation). This Point will eventually blossom into inner Light or visions of Light. One gazes into the middle of the darkness or the Light one sees while in meditation. Think of the Infinitesimal Point as being like a laser pointer or cursor keeping one focused. One passes from scene to scene and vision to vision always looking toward the center; 6) Nada Sadhana (Surat Shabd Yoga, Inner Sound Meditation), the practice of inner spiritual hearing; and, 7th) reaching the State of Kaivalya, Oneness with the Supreme Being in the Pure Conscious Realm. The ultimate goal is to merge into the upper level of Kaivalya known as Sabdatita [Sabtatit] Pad – the State beyond the Sound, the Ultimate Reality of God in the Nirguna or Formless State, also described with terms such as Anami (Nameless), Anadi (Soundlessness), and Ocean of Love.

God is the Ocean of Love.

Jai Guru, Sat Naam Saheb, Radhasoami, Satya Raam, Bandagi Saheb, Peace Be to You, In Divine Love, Light, and Sound,

James Bean

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Spiritual Awakening Radio (and Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts) with James Bean, heard on various community, public radio stations and the web, explores the world of spirituality, comparative religion, world scriptures and other books, East and West, God, meditation, out of body or near death experiences (inner space), the vegan diet and other ahimsa ethics -- education for a more peaceful planet.

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