


#GrahamHancock, formerly a foreign correspondent for "The Economist," has been an international bestselling author for more than 30 years with a series of books, notably "Fingerprints of the Gods," "Magicians of the Gods" and "America Before," which investigate the controversial possibility of a lost civilization of the Ice Age destroyed in a global cataclysm some 12,000 years ago. Graham is the presenter of the hit Netflix documentary series "Ancient Apocalypse."

Flint Dibble is an #archaeologist at Cardiff #University who has conducted field work and laboratory analyses around the Mediterranean region from #StoneAge caves to Egyptian tombs to Greek and Roman cities. Flint enjoys sharing #archaeology - from the nitty gritty to the grand - with people around the world. Subscribe to his YouTube channel, "Archaeology with Flint Dibble," or follow him on X/Twitter for behind-the-scenes deep dives into 21st century archaeology. 4hrs


Gefühl ist alles - 5000 Jahre sind Schall und Rauch.

Steinzeitmädchen mit Ziehspielzeug auf einer Schautafel am #Lautariusgrab bei #Metze:

Girl with Balloon in der Grebengasse in #Fritzlar:

Hinten links der Giebel eines Fachwerkhauses und die Turmspitzen des Doms:

Der Baumkronenhimmel über dem Lautariusgrab im Stadtwald von #Gudensberg.

#myphoto, #TourDeChattengau

Gefühl ist alles;
5000 Jahre sind Schall und Rauch,
Umnebelnd Himmelsglut.

#FaustByGoethe, Vers 3456 - 3458

Feeling is all;
5000 years are sound and smoke,
beclouding Heaven’s glow.

Translated by #PeterSalm

Le sentiment est tout,
5000 ans ne sont que bruit et fumée,
qui nous voile l’éclat des cieux.

Traduit par #GérardDeNerval

#Banksy, #GirlWithBalloon, #graffiti, #Wartberg-Kultur, #Steinzeit, #StoneAge, #Archäologie, #archeology, #Vorgeschichte, #Prehistory, #Foto, #photo, #Natur, #nature, #Radtour, #biking, #Schwalm-Eder-Kreis, #Nordhessen, #Hessen, #fedibikes, @fedibikes_de group, @fedibikes group


Der Himmel über dem Hasenberg.

#myphoto, #DaLiegtDerFels, #TourDeChattengau

Auf dem #Hasenberg, einer 4 km vom #Wartberg entfernten und zwischen den Fritzlarer Stadtteilen #Haddamar, #Lohne und #Züschen gelegenen 304 m hohen #Basaltkuppe, befand sich eine späte jungsteinzeitliche Höhensiedlung, die der #Wartberg-Kultur zugeordnet wird. Gefunden wurden insbesondere Pfeilspitzen, die im Regionalmuseum in #Fritzlar ausgestellt sind. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hasenberg_(Lohne)

Der #Hoheberg, 2100m vom Hasenberg entfernt und 376 m hoch:

#Foto, #photo, #Abendrot, #BlaueStunde, #Basalt, #Basaltkegel, #Natur, #nature, #Archäologie, #archeology, #Vorgeschichte, #Prehistory, #Steinzeit, #StoneAge, #Jungsteinzeit, #Neolithikum, #Neolithic, #Wandern, #hiking, #Radtour, #Fahrrad, #biking, #Chattengau, #Schwalm-Eder-Kreis, #Nordhessen, #Hessen, #fedibikes, @fedibikes_de group, @fedibikes group


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COMET #ZTF HAS ARRIVED: It only took 50,000 years. During the #StoneAge, faraway Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3) began falling toward the inner solar system. Today it finally reached #Earth, only 0.28 AU away. This is what the comet looks like from point-blank range:

"There is a strong curved dust tail, a long blue ion tail, and a vivid green coma," says photographer Michael Jaeger of Weißenkirchen in der Wachau, Austria. "It's a beautiful comet."

The ensemble is now glowing with an integrated magnitude near +4.8. It is barely visible to the naked eye (at best, a faint smudge), but a terrific target for small telescopes. Northern observers are favored. The comet is racing through Camelopardalis (the Giraffe), a constellation near the Big Dipper and the North Star. The best time to look is during the dark hours between midnight and dawn after the Moon has set.


On a journey from our place to or from London, we pass #Stonehenge on the #A303 and the traffic is almost always jammed there as the site is of historical and archaeological importance. It is afforded #UNESCO #WorldHeritage status. As the weather war fine, I decided for an impromptu visit as the journey is not one I undertake very often and who know when the weather conditions would be this good again. There were actually hundreds if not thousands of tourists there comprising people of all ages and numerous nationalities. Many were happy like us to walk the roughly 2 km journey from the visitors' centre but shuttle buses were also going up and down the stretch of road. It's a little unfortunate that you can only get within about 50 m of the #monument but it's still impressive.

This is a view looking approximately north west.

This is looking roughly south west with the #Sun centred above the stones and the monument in silhouette.
Stonehenge and the winter Sun

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Winter #SalisburyPlain #History #Culture #Archaeology #Science #Astronomy #Stoneage