

"Cleanup Time" - Good song by John Lennon, but for now I'm cleaning images from a full-up hard-drive. More like swamp. Or river.

This image, and song, have been occupying space on my screen a long while now, so here is a "two-fer", some nature and (IMM) one of the greatest rock jams from one of Neil Young's biggest hits with his fans. Here with With Crazy Horse.

Down By the River

Photo is #myphoto, Moorhen and Egret #fenfotos #nature #bird #neilyoung #river #music #musica #musique

Happy Weekend! #StaySafe More recent nature photography hibernating @ http://www.fenichel.com/nature


The last summer weekend of 2021 (and 2020 combined, it seems).
So.... a final Sunday stroll. I have been in Central Park many times this summer, so today it was a walk down by the river.

That's the George Washington Bridge, NJ to the left, NY to the right, and Hudson River in between.
And this music is from Neil Young ...live, with Crazy Horse. Perfect time for this song - as soon it will be time for Harvest Moon.

Down by the River

Disclaimer: Down by the River, I shot some photos, NOT my baby! That's' Neil's lyric (only). 😉

More photography of NYC is "here" tagged #Fenfotos and also in a vast collection, from vintage to now, on my site. (safe/free)
A good starting place might be on my "NYC - Pandemic" page, which begins with some photos from this exact spot on my first walk after lockdown a year or million years ago. From there use links or click away intuitively to see much more from NYC. Enjoy.

#myphoto #NeilYoung #NYC #GWB #bridge #NewYork #music #musica #musique #river #HudsonRiver #classicrock