

#LochArkaig #OspreyCam: Live #Webcam - #WoodlandTrust

Mixed news from the #Osprey #Nest in #Scotland. Two #chicks are thriving and growing up fast but one died a few days ago. I could be very wrong but I when I tried to find out when the death had occured, I thought I saw that the parents were feeding the dead chick to the surviving two. If so, I had no idea they engaged in #cannibalism.


#Wildlife #UK


As prompted by @Noam Bergman, I've been keeping an eye on a #webcam trained on the #nest of a pair of #ospreys in #Scotland. Most of the time, one #bird is sitting on a solitary #egg while the other is out hunting, I suppose. Like most of life, things are a bit dull and all you see is a bird sitting patiently on the nest, incubating its egg.

A few minutes ago, the nesting #osprey started screeching and so I switched over to that tab to see what was going on. Its mate arrived with a fish for the other to feed on and the pair swapped roles. The nesting #bird flew away with the fish to feed on it somewhere else.


Here's a couple of screen captures of the change over.

#UK #Wildlife #Ornithology


"Chuckles and Yak-Yak"
Two loquacious juvenile Great Egrets.

Since I was a child, people have said, "your photos are postcards", as I compose through the viewer and "what you see is what you get", very rarely cropping. Sometimes I do experiment and wonder if a crop would be more dramatic. Case in point here. A long shot (original) provides the "context and perspective" I usually enjoy, but I tried a crop here to focus more on their expression, such as can be seen in the shadows and distance. Not sure which I prefer now...

More birds roosting on my web collection @ http://www.fenichel.com/birds

#birds #nature #photography #myphoto #egrets #nest #loquacious #fenfotos #nesting #spring


Unsere #Amseln haben den zweiten Anlauf gestartet, ich hab die Dame wieder auf dem #Nest gefunden. Am Mittwoch dann - Nest leer: Schnell mal das Handy hochgehalten, um zu sehen, was im Nest los ist.

Das sah beunruhigend "tot" aus. Jedes Mal, wenn ich in den Schuppen geluschert habe, war die Mutter weg! Also habe ich mal das getan, was man nicht tun sollte, ins Nest gefasst. Anscheinend lebte ein Junges noch. Besorgt immer mal wieder gekuckt, ob ich die Eltern zum Futteranflug sehe. Nein. *schnief* Die Lütte vermeldete, dass der Mann noch in unserem Garten Regenwürmer klaut. Hm. Ob die Wärme der Umgebung ausreicht, damit... Und der Alte versucht, die Jungen groß zu füttern?

Heute dann beim Fahrrad aus dem Schuppen holen:

Uff. Noch da. Und als ich das Rad wieder rein schob:

Ich zähle jetzt VIER Schnäbel! 😀 Ich schätze, der Dreck wird wieder riesengroß, wenn die ersten beiden raus fliegen und die letzten zwei verwirrt im Schuppen ihre Flugversuche starten.

#myphoto #PDM


My old mercury #thermostat died and I have to replace it. I am not very good with electrical stuff and a civil engineer expert in #HVAC, colleague of my wife, suggested us to install a #nest rather than a digital thermostat one.

Not even death! Besides the unaffordable price —😱 — I won't never allow #Gugl to take control over my apartment, I feel already extremely frustrated because my mobile.

Eventually I replaced it with the exact simple and analogic type but newer and without mercury; it works, it doesn't require battery to operate, it will last other fifteen years (more or less).

I am pretty happy but also relieved, check out this #scary story to realize how much is evil #Gugl and its nest...

A Gemini client is required


#Gemini #GeminiProtocol #softwareFreedom #dumbHome #smartHome #degooglify


#bees #nest
May 29, 2021

I had a beautiful, interesting and unexpected visitor today. I didn't know if he was hungry or not. I had nothing to feed him, but I put out a bowl of sugar water just in case.

It was a Carpenter Black Bee. I have never seen or even heard of such a bee before. I looked up his description on the Internet.to discover his identity. He is like a big bumblebee, but all black. Due to the never ending, heavy Downtown construction there hasn't been birds, bees or butterflies for many years. Their habit has been destroyed. To see such a bee is a good sign.

"Carpenter bees are considered solitary bees, which means they tend to live in small nests without a strict social structure or division of labor. However, this does not mean that they live totally alone. They tend to like to nest near others." (Sort of like the high-rise apartment building where I live in. Alone, together.)

Nest Building Time
"Carpenter bees get their name from their preferred nesting area. They like to dig tunnels in wood, particularly weathered and exposed wood." (He was checking out the nesting possibilities of my 1918 building.) Black carpenter bees tend to be most active during the spring and summer months. April and May are particularly noticeable times, as that is when new adult bees move out of their brood cells and begin to establish their own nests."


#birds #nest
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
I collect bird nest building materials in glass jars.

It's Nest Building Time- The Dos and Don't of materials to provide for birds to build their nests.
- Do provide any combination of the following: dead twigs and leaves, dry grass (make sure the grass is chemical-free), feathers, plant fluff or down (e.g., cattail fluff, cottonwood down), moss, bark strips, and pine needles.
- Don’t provide: plastic strips, tinsel, cellophane, aluminum foil, dryer lint, animal fur or hair (including human hair), yarn, felt, or bits of cloth.


Storch - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #goodmorning #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour

Guten Morgen #Welt!


Die Nächsten die sich aufmachen das #Nest zu verlassen:

#Christian, #Adele und #Yasmin

Ok, Adele und Yasmin sind da noch ein wenig verhalten, aber Christians #Flugübungen sehen schon ganz passabel aus.

Mehr als passabel sieht eine #Tasse #Kaffee am frühen #Morgen aus und die genieße ich ( -:

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


#Frühstück #Kaffee #Kakao #Welt #Tee


Flauschalarm - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #goodmorning #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour

Guten Morgen #Welt!


Ich darf vorstellen:

Die #Drei vom #Totholzhaufen

#Freja, #Anush und #Pablo

Haben das #Nest verlassen und sind tierisch hungrig!

Das mit dem #Fliegen klappt schon ganz gut, nur die kurzen #Schwanzfedern stabilisieren noch nicht so richtig.

Mich stabilisiert ein #Kaffee und der ist fertig :-)

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


#Frühstück #Kaffee #Kakao #Welt #Tee