

#foto #photo #mywork #Pflanzen #Herbst #Natur im #November - Wieder ein arbeitsfreies Wochenende. Morgens ins Hallenbad. Die Wetter-App meldete ab mittags anhaltenden Regen. Also ab auf's Rad und zur Biomolkerei ins nächste Dorf gefahren. Im Sonnenschein hin, durch den Wald zurück und ein bischen auf Fotopirsch bis die Wolken aufgezogen sind. Hackengas und ab nach Hause, ... gerade rechtzeitig vor dem ersten Schauer.

Ich wünsche euch allen ein schönes Wochenende, ... mit und ohne Regen.


November - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC #fedibikes #MdRddG #MdRzA #Frühstück #Kakao #Tee


#Welt! Bist du noch da?

Der #November

… hat sich bei uns gut eingeführt:
+ #Wind - check
+ #Regen - check
+ #Herbstfärbung - check
+ #Temperatur - ok, da müssen wir noch etwas nach unten drehen

#Kaffee kommt!


Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


#poem #november

Ah, November, time of wonder!
How now shall you cast my trust asunder?
Deftly weave your captive hypnotic spell
that I have learned to love so well.
You shatter my defenses, unbalance my soul.
And leave me feeling purely whole.
Dear November, so like love and lust
Drug maddened dove,
I’ve clasped you dearly through falls past.
Why does your magic never last?
So weary, wandering in my mind.
I tend to hide behind a blind,
entranced in fantasy, wondrous free,
while building barricade imagery.
If thought be trap, then where’s the spring
of Autumn that migrations bring?
When dreams of leaving soak the brain,
to concede, proclaim all faith insane.
Mad revel in the loss of rules.
‘Til fearing that I look the fool,
I scurry down ‘neath winter’s frost.
And count the moments that I’ve lost.



Cat Ivins

..."the whole month flavored by an INTENSE Sun/Mars conjunction on November 18th when they (as we) start a new cycle together in #Scorpio.

(Sun/Mars conjunctions are important launch pads - four years ago they met in Virgo and we spent the next two years enmeshed, collectively, in health and work matters, two years ago they met in Libra and we spent the past two years enmeshed in balance, relationship and partnership matters and now we usher in two years of Scorpio drama - death, merged monies, transformation, sex, gender, secrets. Oh course Mars was debilitated in Libra and is now strong/stable in Scorpio, that's good.)

We are the heroes we have been waiting for guys, so how are we going to handle these November challenges?
If we are haunted right now by the beating of the drums of war, maybe the most important thing we can do - with the Sun in Scorpio - is what we don't do.

Let's not normalize any of this sh*t. Let's catch ourselves projecting our shadow onto THE OTHER and welcome it back into ourselves like we might a long lost cousin. Let's not over-indulge our pandemic weary minds in death and destruction.
Anyone born in the 1960's with Neptune in Scorpio, maybe I am especially talking to you - stop idealizing death in any way you are idealizing death. Pray. And you, Pluto in Scorpio generation (roughly born 1984-1995), we need your power and not your manipulations, please bring us your best and highest selves. And the Uranus in Scorpio generation (roughly late 1974-late 1981) - the world needs you to show us how to change! What do you need to change?

This won't be about stuffing what is uncomfortable because Sun/Mars with that Scorpio vibration for the next two years tells us the dead are not going to stay buried. The North Node in Aries is answering to Mars, so this all matters more than ever. There is only one way through - NEW ACTION. Courage. Yes, maybe fighting. But we don't have to kill each other. Yes, Scorpio rules death. But, Scorpio is also the phoenix rising from the ashes. We can TRANSFORM each other. "...


November - Yeah!

Die #Monatsauswertung für den #November #2022 wird schon seit Tagen weltweit mit Spannung erwartet. Tada - die Statistikabteilung hat keine nächlichen Überstunden gescheut und wacker durchgezählt...

2022 hat auch im November 1a #Solarstrom geliefert und sich an die Spitze in der ewigen Bestenliste eingetragen: Satte 563 kWh hat die Anlage erzeugt, also fast doppelt so viel wie in 2017.

Und noch was: Der Verbrauch des zugekauften Stroms ist mit 467 kWh deutlich geringer als in den Vorjahren und sogar niedriger als die eigene #Erzeugung. Das war auch noch nie in diesem Monat!

Statistiktabelle PV: November

Und hier noch die aktualisierten Highscores - 2022 hat sich drei mal darin verewigt - inklusive Platz 1.
Statistiktabelle: TopTen November
#Photovoltaik #PVgegenPutin #PVaufJedesDach #NochEinDachFrei? #SpaßMitPV #SpaßMitSQL


Today’s #cycle ride was under typical grey #November skies. There was no wind to speak of and so it didn’t feel as though it was much effort even though when I got back my top was sweaty. Total journey length of 31 km.

It has been quite wet recently and so there were patches of water on the path all along the journey and in one area, a length of about 30-40 m was completely waterlogged meaning that I got completely drenched but only from the shins downwards – #mudguards on the wheels are a must. The strange thing was that on the return leg of the journey, the flooded area had completely dissipated and I actually felt a bit sad that disappointed not to be able to ride through the mega-puddle again.

#Biking #Cycling #Bicycle #Bike