

Hi! I come here to discover other personalities, to get out little by little of the traditional social networks and to share my work with you elsewhere if you allow me. It's hard to be anonymous in these conditions. Too bad, that's how it is! ,-) In short, thank you for welcoming me in your community. I look forward to reading you and seeing your creations.
#newhere #nouveauici #diaspora #welcome Alicui salutem !

1924 Miss Elizabeth Ramey. Alexandria, Va.
2021 © Marie-Lou Chatel Restored & Colorized - Photographer © Not mentioned. - Library of Congress Washington N&B LC-DIG-npcc-12377. No known restrictions.

#photorestoration #colourised #colorized #colorization #colorizedphoto #historycolored #photography #oldpic #oldphoto #history #historic #historical #oldpicture #pic #photo #history #historic #historical #picture