

Dillo release 3.1.0

Also Dillo is still alive?? Hunh?


  • Add support for floating HTML elements, which involved a big redesign.
  • Add support for OpenSSL, LibreSSL and mbed TLS for HTTPS, which is now enabled by default.
  • Add a CI pipeline to build Dillo on Ubuntu, MacOS, FreeBSD and Windows (via cygwin).
  • Add automatic HTML rendering tests.
  • Improve and extend the Dillo manual.

In memory of Sebastian Geerken

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #web #html #code #softtware #opensource #freesoftware


Refugee from Nerdica, Pluspora and Google+ looking to reconnect

I don't have much luck with social networks, do I? I used to be mcv@nerdica.net, but nerdica seems to be quite thoroughly dead. Database is corrupt, and nothing can be recovered.

So that means I lost all my posts, comments, contacts, followers, and my place in the Fediverse. I'm trying to cobble things together, so if you recognise me, or even if you don't, please reach out and reconnect. I used to be on #Nerdica , #pluspora and I'm even a #googleplusrefugee.

So I'm not #newhere in the Fediverse, but I am new at this server. I run a #shadowrun #rpg #ttrpg campaign, occasionally post about a #boardgame I played, especially #18xx #railroad games, but also many others. I'm a #programmer , and I'm pretty sure I was also connected to a bunch of people in the #opensource #software world. I'm also interested in #tech, #science, and #computers in general.

I'm also occasionally interested in discussions of #politics, especially of the #leftwing #liberal #green and/or #libertariansocialism kind, though I'm not overly dogmatic on any of them. I #bicycle regularly, use #linux, and after all these social media servers I lost, I'm considering running my own #friendica server. I might even be nuts enough to try to write my own #fediverse software, which would probably end up much like Friendica (or #Diapora, or Google+), but not in PHP.

I'm probably forgetting a bunch of stuff, but I hope this post will help me reconstruct and reconnect what I lost.


Food Diary App

*Food Diary App


Приложение Food Diary позволяет пользователям регистрировать приемы пищи, используя ввод на естественном языке, и оценивает пищевую ценность.

Функции включают регистрацию приемов пищи, анализ пищевой ценности, запрос прошлых приемов пищи, обновление записей и общение со специалистом по питанию с искусственным интеллектом.


#lang_ru #ru #opensourcefriend #открытыйисходныйкод #opensource


4 Tools to Share Large Files Over the Internet Securely

Tux penguin in foreground with a representation of a file manager icon behind it.
These are privacy respecting tools to consider. But what signifies as a big file? Any file that you cannot seem to send through an encrypted messaging app like Signal or Telegram’s secret chat. Ideally, it should be anything more than 1 GB.

Internxt is probably the most convenient being online, whilst an option like OninionShare is fully peer-to-peer but then does require the app to be installed at both ends (but is available for all generally used platforms).

See itsfoss.com/share-large-files-…
#Blog, #filesharing, #opensource, #privacy, #technology


Оплачиваемая стажировка и трудоустройство без опыта...


Оплачиваемая стажировка и трудоустройство без опыта — ну ничего себе **😳**

Все возможно с Добровольным квалификационным экзаменом! Это бесплатный проект Правительства Москвы, где ты можешь показать свои знания по специальности, запомниться потенциальным работодателям и получить оффер в престижные компании Москвы.

Тебя ждет всего три шага:

1️⃣ Пройди тест

После регистрации на сайте ДКЭ тебе будет доступно 70 профессий по 7 направлениям. Выбирай тест по своей специальности и проверь уровень своих знаний!

2️⃣ Реши кейс

Если ты успешно сдал тест, тебя пригласят на следующий этап, где ты с другими участниками в команде будешь решать реальный кейс одного из работодателей.

3️⃣ Стань победителем

Окажись в числе лучших по общему количеству баллов за оба этапа и получи шанс попасть на оплачиваемую стажировку с дальнейшим трудоустройством.

Готов проявить себя? Регистрируйся и начинай проходить тест — https://dke.moscow

Реклама. АНО &"РАЗВИТИЕ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКОГО КАПИТАЛА&", АНО &"РЧК&". ИНН 7710364647. erid: LjN8KMpyR

#lang_ru #ru #opensourcefriend #открытыйисходныйкод #opensource


Video Overview of the Meshtastic Radio Mobile App Interface and Settings

Teal coloured background with title in white on the left saying Meshtastic Off-Grid Comms, Using the Mobile app. To the right are two small radio devices with antennas. One is while and the other is green and back. Both have small screens on the front.
This video explores what the Android app looks like, how to use the main screens, and what various settings and menu options it has. It gives a good feel of how you’d use Meshtastic radio communications from the app to control the radio settings and to communicate. I did a previous video that dealt with a non-technical intro to what Meshtastic radio is, and this is well worth just watching first if Meshtastic is completely new to you.

Meshtastic is license-free, so anyone can use it, and has really started picking up in popularity in the last year, so much so, that stock has often not been available for a month or two at a time. It’s a really fun way to also connect to neighbours nearby, or keep in contact in the wilderness when out hiking.

Watch youtu.be/GAGOkXUlbaY
#Blog, #Meshtastic, #offgrid, #opensource, #radio, #technology


Nano 8.0 Command-Line Text Editor Released – Key Bindings Have Now Joined The 21st Century

As per title text
That is not the only improvement, but it is pretty significant to be able to now use CTRL-Q to quit, CTRL-C to copy, CTRL-X to cut, CTRL-V to paste, CTRL-F to search forward, CTRL-Z to undo, etc. The old key bindings (being very old) were a bit like using Morse code in modern times (I nearly said like Vim or Emacs, but luckily, I didn’t as that would be sacrilegious). You can still opt though to revert to the old key bindings if you really wish.

I do also like it being open directly to a line number with nano filename:number.

See linuxiac.com/nano-8-0-command-…
#Blog, #linux, #nano, #opensource, #technology


erid: LjN8KEijt

erid: LjN8KEijt

ИТ — самая востребованная сфера уже не первый год и одно из самых перспективных карьерных направлений.

Высокие зарплаты, удаленная работа, бонусы от государства и еще множество привилегий. 

Не мучай себя поисками новой работы, переходи на канал Лиги Цифровой Экономики. Там мы говорим о технологиях и предлагаем актуальные вакансии из мира ИТ.

Если ты новичок, хочешь удачно и быстро стартовать в ИТ-карьере — приходи к нам на стажировку с дальнейшим трудоустройством.

Все подробности ищи у нас в канале.


Реклама. ООО &"ЭЙТИ КОНСАЛТИНГ&". ИНН 7715744096.

#lang_ru #ru #opensourcefriend #открытыйисходныйкод #opensource


Safe Content AI

*Safe Content AI


Быстрый и точный локальный API для обнаружения изображений NSFW. Идеально подходит для модерации контента на цифровых платформах.

Под капотом использует модель искусственного интеллекта Falconsai/nsfw-image-detection

Кэширует результаты на основе хэша SHA-256 данных изображения.


Site: https://safecontentai.com/

#lang_ru #ru #opensourcefriend #открытыйисходныйкод #opensource


Koodo Reader is an open-source ebook reader for Linux, Windows, macOS and the Web

Koodo web page showing various books listed in the middle with their book covers and titles. Down the left side are view options for Books, Favourites, Notes, Highlights, Trash, and Shelves for Study, Work and Entertainment.
This is a great looking ebook reader for ePub, PDF, comic book archive and a few other formats. It allows highlighting, bookmarks and notes per book, and for non-PDFs there is also a reading mode with a side-by-side view (no page flipping animation, but it has a page-slide animation).

I like that it has numerous settings to changer colours and most of the layout settings you can think of. You can also customize the source folder and synchronize among multiple devices using OneDrive, iCloud, Dropbox, etc.

It has touch-screen support, but one thing I don’t see is handwritten annotations (although you have typewritten notes you can add).

See github.com/koodo-reader/koodo-…
#Blog, #ereader, #KoodoReader, #opensource, #technology