

Around 1995 my uncle showed me an #AI that could successfully guess what a user was thinking about within a particular category, similar to the game 20 questions.

My uncle's name was Alan Woodhouse, a 156 IQ computer #programmer who worked for what was then called the #Wellcome Foundation.

Unfortunately Alan is no longer alive so I am no longer able to converse with him, but I wanted to mention that the kind of AI that is now being made available #online in the public domain existed in 1995 if not earlier.

Unless there has been little to no AI #development since 1995, it seems obvious that what we're seeing in the public domain is at least 30 years behind where the cutting edge of #covert AI development truly is.

#artificialintelligence #suppressedscience


My 20 Year Career is Technical Debt or Deprecated

Source: https://blog.visionarycto.com/p/my-20-year-career-is-technical-debt

Technical debt is easily the most used buzzword these days. People say, “We are moving fast on our MVP while minimizing technical debt!”. They mention technical debt in there to sound cool or something.

I just laugh because everything is technical debt, eventually.

#technicalDebt #problem #software #development #developer #coder #programmer #knowledge #management #project #economy


[English below] Un #Fork à créer qui ajoute à #DNS66 un peu de #NetGuard dedans, à créer ?
C'est quiqui va arriver à faire rajouter dans DNS66 une option de fonctionnement comme dans NetGuard, simplement pour bloquer le wifi et les ondes réseau des logiciels natifs #Google de la #caméra et du #micro, pour les empêcher de #communiquer (avec le #serveur de la maison mère) ?
Sur la base de 2 logiciels libres et donc #OpenSource, c'est faisable, non ??

Y aurait pas un gentil #programmeur qui saurait faire ça ? ^^

A #Fork to be created that adds to #DNS66 a bit of #NetGuard in it, to be created?
Who is going to manage to add in DNS66 an option to work like in NetGuard, simply to block the wifi and network waves of the #Google native software of the #camera and the #microphone, to prevent them from #communicating (with the #server of the parent company)?
Based on 2 free and therefore #OpenSource software, it's feasible, isn't it ?

Is there a nice #programmer who could do that ?

#LogicielLibre #VPN #DNS #Numérique #Surveillance #Contrôle #Android #F-Droid #FreeSoftware #Digital #Control