

Refugee from Nerdica, Pluspora and Google+ looking to reconnect

I don't have much luck with social networks, do I? I used to be mcv@nerdica.net, but nerdica seems to be quite thoroughly dead. Database is corrupt, and nothing can be recovered.

So that means I lost all my posts, comments, contacts, followers, and my place in the Fediverse. I'm trying to cobble things together, so if you recognise me, or even if you don't, please reach out and reconnect. I used to be on #Nerdica , #pluspora and I'm even a #googleplusrefugee.

So I'm not #newhere in the Fediverse, but I am new at this server. I run a #shadowrun #rpg #ttrpg campaign, occasionally post about a #boardgame I played, especially #18xx #railroad games, but also many others. I'm a #programmer , and I'm pretty sure I was also connected to a bunch of people in the #opensource #software world. I'm also interested in #tech, #science, and #computers in general.

I'm also occasionally interested in discussions of #politics, especially of the #leftwing #liberal #green and/or #libertariansocialism kind, though I'm not overly dogmatic on any of them. I #bicycle regularly, use #linux, and after all these social media servers I lost, I'm considering running my own #friendica server. I might even be nuts enough to try to write my own #fediverse software, which would probably end up much like Friendica (or #Diapora, or Google+), but not in PHP.

I'm probably forgetting a bunch of stuff, but I hope this post will help me reconstruct and reconnect what I lost.


Yuval Noah Harari backs critique of #leftist ‘indifference’ to #Hamas atrocities

The Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari has backed academics and #peace activists in his home country in an attack on the “indifference” of some American and European progressives to Hamas atrocities, accusing them of “extreme moral insensitivity” and betraying #leftwing politics.


Harari said that for the people in #Israel and #Gaza who “have suffered tremendously … your mind is so full of your own pain that any attempt to even draw your attention to the pain of somebody else feels like a betrayal”.

So, he said, “in a moment like this, we entrust the possibility of peace to outsiders”.

“We cannot hold it right now, but we hope that outsiders hold it for us and help de-escalate the current situation,” he said. “The job of intellectuals, artists and scholars is to try and go deeper. [It is] to try and see the complexity of reality, especially in today’s climate of post-truth. It feels intellectually and emotionally lazy to just pick a side.”


The true politics of our time is not between Left & Right, but between the degree to which societies are directed by their majority inhabitants and the degree to which they are directed by elites.

Left and Right are both co-opted by & subject to the will of elites & ultimately both subordinate the majority's interests to the elite's interests.

Politics decides the ratio of elite : majority rule.

#politics #leftwing #rightwing #usa #thewest #society #nietzscheanism #democracy #theelites #theelite #uk #judeoangloamericanempire #elites #elitism #representativedemocracy #fauxpoliticaldichotomy #politicians #plutocraticelites #plutocracy #davos #wef #wethepeople #builderberg #un #leftvsright #falsepoliticaldichotomy #politicalusurpation #peoplerule #ygl #thepeople


#Bitcoin is a Right-Wing Technology

#Tech Won’t Save Us #podcast: Paris Marx is joined by David Golumbia to discuss the ideology of #cyberlibertarianism, the right-wing politics of #cryptocurrencies and #blockchains, and why the left shouldn’t embrace them.

David Golumbia is an associate professor at Virginia Commonwealth University and the author of “The Politics of Bitcoin: Software as Right-Wing Extremism.”

#rightwing #leftwing #libertarianism


will mal etwas Werbung verbreiten ..., durch Corona ist leider einiges im Argen

Euer Lieblings-Kneipenkollektiv HANNEBAMBEL betreibt mit SWEAT den KUTTERGARTEN.
Diesen Sommer findet Ihr uns zusammen mit SWEAT im KUTTERGARTEN.
Schon lange haben wir den Wunsch nach einer tollen Location im Freien, um uns im Sommer das Leben mit Außengastronomie zu verschönen. Direkt am Main in Leider – zwischen Schwimmbad und Berufsschule – erstreckt sich in traumhafter Lage der KUTTERGARTEN: die perfekte Location zum Wohlfühlen, Verweilen und Genießen.
Neben guten Drinks und viel Musik gibt es in diesem Außenposten selbstverständlich auch leckeres Essen von eurer Lieblings-Kneipe. So haben wir kurzer Hand eine mobile Küche eingerichtet, um für Euer leibliches Wohl zu sorgen. Neue Klassiker und Köstlichkeiten mit gewohnter Geschmacksexplosions-Garantie zaubern wir Euch so im Biergarten auf die Teller.

Damit wir alle den Sommer möglichst lange und gesund zusammen verbringen können, bitten wir Euch inständigst, auf die vorgegebenen Hygienemaßnahmen sowie die G-G-G Regelungen zu achten.
Bis dahin: stay safe and don´t forget: you´ll never drink alone!

Link: https://hannebambel.de/

#deutschland #aschaffenburg #rheinmain #gastro #kollektiv #leftwing #interessiert