

Abus de pouvoir - ne nous laissons pas intimider - 29’
Le 11 mars dernier, #Xavier-Mathieu, ex-délégué syndical CGT de Continental, aujourd’hui comédien, a été arrêté et placé en garde à vue pendant 24h au commissariat du 17ième arrondissement de Paris. Fouillé à 800 mètres d’une manifestation calme et pacifiste, les policiers ont trouvé dans son sac un masque et des lunettes de piscine. Des ustensiles de protection considérés comme des armes! (mais ne le sont pas ! )
#GAV #garde-a-vue #violences-policieres #tuto #intimidation #fichages #mensonges #hargne #justice #opression #bigdata #donnees-personel #Arié-Alimi #avocat #Blast #police-terroristes
La terreur par la violence et l'humiliation.
Lunettes de piscine légal - …


In the video, passengers in one of the Odessa minibuses detain a woman who was filming military objects on her phone. As a result, her correspondence with the Russian curator was found in her phone.

This reminds me of Iran in the 80s. Catching those refusing to join the army. It was then I left.

Do not share this or else you will be called Putin supporter.

#Ukrsine #Opression #PoliceState #Democracy #Propaganda



This is an interview with Shawn Sutton, a longtime resident of eastern NC, musician, and participant in and prisoner of the 2020 #uprising. John was also a participant in the rebellion, is a longtime #NC resident, and has been involved in anti- #prison organizing and prisoner support for around 15 years. He met Shawn through correspondence while she was at NCCIW in Raleigh. Shawn got out in February 2022, and the interview was conducted by phone in June 2022. If you’re able, please help Shawn with her reentry by CashApp at $SeckundChanse1.

https://itsgoingdown.org/nc-george-floyd-timeline-and-interview/ blm #georgefloyd #police #greenville #usa #media #society #racism #opression #lgbtq #covid #solidarity


Some 83% of #LGBTQ+ Israeli Arabs are in the closet and 72% say their families don't support them, according to the first-ever comprehensive study of the LGBTQ+ community among Israeli Arabs.
The study, conducted by the Israeli Institute for #Gender and LGBTQ+ Studies at the Agudah - The Association for LGBTQ #Equality in #Israel, presents an up-to-date picture of the situation of LGBTQ+ people in the Arab sector. The LGBTQ+ community in the Arab sector is estimated to number about 100,000 to 125,000 citizens and the study involved about 167 members of the Arab LGBTQ+ community in Israel.

https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-711090 #society #opression


Since 2014, the world has gradually been learning about the horrors that occur in China’s #Xinjiang #Uyghur Autonomous Region. #Media reports have described how #Uyghurs are put in “vocational training camps,” which are effectively concentration camps. People can be put there for the smallest expression of religiosity, and any hope of getting out requires undergoing a “reeducation” process, though some never escape at all. Members of Xinjiang’s other ethnic groups are put in the camps, too — primarily Kazakhs. Since February 2021, the relatives and loved ones of Kazakh people currently being held in the Xinjiang camps have held daily #protests outside of the Chinese Consulate in #Almaty. Meduza is publishing photographer Ofeliya Zhakaeva’s project “Nearby,” which focuses on Chinese Kazakhs whose relatives have disappeared into the Xinjiang internment system. She photographed protest participants outside of the Consulate with objects that remind them of their loved ones and recorded their stories.

https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/06/07/i-asked-them-to-remove-mom-s-chains-they-refused #china #kazakhstan #opression #shanghai