#Outsourcing Is Not Smart • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/01/12/outsourcing-disservice/ ䷉ #Techrights #clowncomputing #outsourcing | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/01/12/outsourcing-disservice/
#clowncomputing and #security are opposites. The moment you are #outsourcing your systems your access exclusivity is breached. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/us-online-pharmacy-ravkoo-links-data-breach-to-aws-portal-incident/
Dr. #AndyFarnell explains the oft-overlooked, oft-ignored, oft-forgotten problems associated with #outsourcing schools to tech monopolies and, by doing so, giving unjust control to #surveillance -centric firms (usually foreign if not hostile to one’s country) over children’s lives and their future http://techrights.org/2022/01/01/article-on-digital-rights-in-2021-part-8/
WTF, "clown" everywhere? #clowncomputing = #surveillance by #outsourcing https://kifarunix.com/6-facts-you-should-know-about-global-cloud-communications/
#LastPass ( #clowncomputing / #outsourcing ) is for fools and willfully negligent hipsters; this is an epic disaster waiting to happen https://palant.info/2021/12/29/how-did-lastpass-master-passwords-get-compromised/
No, #clowncomputing is a joke, hype, a bubble. Companies that resort to #outsourcing their operations will suffer profoundly in the long run, technically, financially, and legally https://www.dqindia.com/why-cloud-will-be-tech-foundation-for-any-business-in-2022-and-beyond/
#bytemark is raising their prices. Welcome to #clowncomputing "bait and switch". When you resort to #outsourcing you're in control of... neither your infrastructure nor the costs. We need to re-de-centralise and #selfhost more. Over time...
old: #BigBlueButton instead of #outsourcing to #surveillance and #espionage firms https://blog.yorksj.ac.uk/moodle/files/2014/11/BigBlueButton-Case-Study.pdf
What ludicrous ad for #outsourcing in #clowncomputing clothing https://www.suse.com/c/customer-best-practices-which-make-the-trip-to-the-cloud-much-easier/ #suse #spam
Pushing #clowncomputing -- the downtime you're not in control of. #suse can do better than this #outsourcing to #microsoft Azure (LAYOFFS!) and #aws https://www.suse.com/c/2020-closing-thoughts-in-suse-aws-land/
Canonical loves #clowncomputing #outsourcing with #ProprietarySoftware (sadly, same is true for #ibm #redhat ... sucking up for US "defence"/Pentagon bucks) https://ubuntu.com//blog/canonical-achieves-aws-graviton-ready-designation
More #Microsoft #outsourcing of #firefox and #Mozilla doing politics with notorious oligarchs now. How far does Baker have to go before sacking by the Board?
Wow!! NOT good. lkml.org has been outsourced!! To #clownflare !! Who needs a bloody CDN for a site such as this? Who signed off this awful decision? #censorship #surveillance #outsourcing
Avoid #socialcontrolmedia for audience. I want to follow YOU or YOUR site, not some account of some OTHER SITE controlled by people who are not you. #outsourcing begets unwanted shadowbans, #censorship etc.
the #ferenOS Web site has a "follow" button but it's misleading; there's no RSS feed, they're outsourcing to a #socialcontrolmedia #surveillance site that can OBSTRUCT/HIDE following. Don't do those things. #outsourcing HURTS your site. You give some for-profit company a gatekeeper status. Many learned from their mistake in #google #youtube
With #clowncomputing the highest price or the component with the cost is the vendor lock-in associated with #outsourcing so DON'T DO IT. #marketing scam. http://techrights.org/2020/06/10/the-bezos-leaning-ploy/
The growth of this pseudo-thing called #clownComputing was enabled largely by #corruptMedia and fake 'analysts', selling #OUTSOURCING under false pretences.