

The Workers Behind #AI Rarely See Its Rewards. This Indian #Startup Wants to Fix That

source: https://time.com/6297403/the-workers-behind-ai-rarely-see-its-rewards-this-indian-startup-wants-to-fix-that/

Chopra isn’t the first tech founder to rhapsodize about the potential of #AI data #work to benefit the world’s poorest. Sama, an #outsourcing company that has handled contracts for #OpenAI’s #ChatGPT and #Meta’s #Facebook, also marketed itself as an “ethical” way for tech companies to lift people in the Global South out of #poverty. But as I reported in January, many of its ChatGPT workers in Kenya—some earning less than $2 per hour—told me they were exposed to training data that left them traumatized. The #company also performed similar content moderation work for Facebook; one worker on that project told me he was fired when he campaigned for better working conditions. When asked by the BBC about low wages in 2018, Sama’s late founder argued that paying workers higher #could disrupt local economies, causing more harm than good. Many of the data workers I’ve spoken to while reporting on this industry for the past 18 months have bristled at this logic, saying it’s a convenient narrative for companies that are getting rich off the proceeds of their labor.

Our prosperity is based on merciless exploitation. No new knowledge and new technologies do not change this.

#technology #economy #problem #health #news #capitalism #future


The people paid to train AI are #outsourcing their #work… to #AI

Source: https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/06/22/1075405/the-people-paid-to-train-ai-are-outsourcing-their-work-to-ai/

“The problem is, when you’re using artificial data, you acquire the errors from the misunderstandings of the models and statistical errors,” he says. “You need to make sure that your errors are not biasing the output of other models, and there’s no simple way to do that.”

#technology #future #news #job #labour


Mit Mitte 50 noch mal freiwillig den #Job in der IT wechseln?

* GF und BR der alten und der neuen Firma sind involviert und es werden vertragliche Garantien ausgearbeitet
* man nimmt das wichtigste Projekt quasi mit zum neuen AG und wird dort gleich vom alten AG tageweise eingekauft - #Outsourcing. Ansonsten irgendwas mit IT-Security
* dem neuen AG eröffnet sich dadurch ein neues Geschäftsfeld
* seit 20 Jahren Erfahrung mit dem neuen AG auf Kundenseite
* massive gegenseitige Abhängigkeiten der Firmen voneinander auf allen Ebenen
* Verantwortung für die Familie. Wär' schon wichtig, dass in den nächsten Jahren auch verlässlich Kohle reinkommt.

Ich frage für einen Freund...