

#Crimes #Against #Humanity trials are scheduled to begin in #NewZealand through the truly independent #Maori #people.
"Oh joy of joys ... all these years and at last the well known and respected justice system of the Maori people will be able to bring truth and justice to the world!
Thank God that they are involved as they have the required armed forces to enforce their verdict globally!
And I am certain that the proceedings will be broadcast, worldwide, on all main stream channels along with all the worlds newspapers and radio covering it day to day!
What a tremendous outcome this is .... I can hardly wait to donate some money."

#quote from #pa

Mankind is saved at last


"When pain, fear, anger, jealousy, confusion, etc is washed out of you (a cleans, a meditation, a bath in pure love, a surrender and state of acceptance - self induced or otherwise) - then you will see that you are whole, you can recognize your soul - you can realize who and what you are and how that fits into the greater hyper-dimensional reality. You can #experience true #bliss, #calmness, #peace, #contentment, #love => let's call that #paradise. Once you recognize that, you can have moments of bliss throughout the day, #anywhere, #anytime, if you just stop to #remember that it is there.

It seems obvious that most #human #beings are being kept from having this feeling, which is why paradise seems an unreachable concept, instead of a matter of course, as it could be."
#quote from #pa


#quote from #pa
" #5G was being rolled out the beginning of 2020, just as the #covid scam began.

Since the ' #virus' displays the #same #symptoms as 5G #technology side effects, the ill effects of the 5G roll-out were #hidden by the 'viral outbreak'.

It is valid to ask: ' #How many of those with the wide gamut of 'symptoms' claimed to have been caused by the virus were actually reacting to 5G as it was turned on all over the world?'"


#quote from #pa
Manufactured Crisis To Bypass The Constitution - Criminals Hijacking Our System!
#EVERYONE READ THIS: Having listened to the above put up by Delight, it is clear that these NAZI OLD HAGS AND THEIR BOUGHT OFF PUPPETS are saying to us: 1. It is against the law to breathe in oxygen and out carbon dioxide. 2. It is ilegal to have any transportation....ergo you are virtually imprisoned in your SKYSCRAPER APARTMENT where we can turn off your ability to EXIT (so that we may turn off your food and water and air, thereby reducing the population of humans and your pets which will be collected, bagged while alive, and placed on the curb for the garbage trucks to crush them to death as they have reportedly done in a city of China, hence all the HIGHRISE BUILDINGS.) We will give you cockroach milk to drink and their bodies to EAT. We own all the Corporations Headed by Nazi's since 1953 when we flew over the whitehouse with our UFO's after Admiral Byrd lost the War in Antarctica against our UFO's. We will take over and away from you your money and property (you won't be able to pay the land taxes, etc.) The REAL REASON FOR OUR ACTIONS IS TO MURDER OFF THE WORLD POPULATION AND HAVE THE ENTIRE PLANET TO OURSELVES AND OUR TWO BILLION ALDEBARONS, DISGUISED BROTHERS; THE ALDEBARONS PRESENTLY MINING SPACE MINERALS IN YOUR CONGO now replace the TWO BILLION HUMANS WE HAVE MURDERED OFF WITH FAKE VACCINES. We have completely taken over your fake voting system with Global Computers and infiltrated your government agencies in a complete takeover. You have no idea who you are voting for. They are all owned and controlled by us. In this way, you will not have long to live. A handfull of HIDEOUS OLD HAGS LIKE WE NAZIS HAVE TAKEN YOU OVER AND YOU DO NOT HAVE LONG TO LIVE. Our THINK TANKS have devised a million and one ways to deprive and execute you by legislating mere words in our voluminous legislation which you KNOW NOTHING OF. HEIL HITLER!


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These nights will see the bright and nearly full, waxing gibbous moon shine near Virgo's brightest star, Spica. During the evening, the magnitude 0.95 star twinkles two finger widths to the moon's lower right (or celestial south). As the night wears on, the easterly orbital motion of the moon will carry it closer and then farther from Spica. The duo will set in the west-southwest around 5 a.m. local time.
from #pa


#quote from #pa

Rage Against War Demonstration February 19th 2023 Anti-War Rally in Washington DC USA
Extreme low number people showed up,amateurish camera work,bad sound , .
Why like this?is this been sabotaged?to disencourage to join or to be even associated with this so hard needed antiwar movement?to make this movement look tiny ,silly and powerless?

Or are Americans just too afraid trom what happened after the 6th january storming of the capitol?Or is there truly no real outrage about this war ,just too far from the bed?

Or is this the effect of a desensitized and numb population who has no energy to care anymore..i really hope that im totally wrong,but if i see this weak response to the enormous threat of destruction & war it feels like we lost already..



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Elizardbreath and Plank. Plank can't help but flash some horny, goatish mischief (specifically his left hand).

"Overall the main point I'm making here is the big club's pawns and foot soldiers from the top photo just got thrown right under the bus.

Ironically most or all of them are likely unaware of who's big club they are actually worshipping in.

Wake up sheeple. And that goes double for the otherwise decent enough sheeple who are paid up members of the big club. " #quote from #pa


#quote from #pa
" micro-chipping the population to 'keep them safe'. 'If she had a 'chip' in her body, she wouldn't still be missing' will be the populist cry - aided and abetted by the scare-mongering media. My pet insurance company bombards me weekly with advice to microchip my cat...'in case he gets lost'. That's the start of it.
With the huge msm and social media coverage over this (never mind the non-reporting of the hundreds of thousands of people who go missing every year) I would not be at all surprised in these crazy times if this was an 'organised' abduction, with the intention of scaring/priming an already traumatised public into accepting some sort of 'tagging' 'to keep you safe'"


from #pa
A global disaster is coming in 2023 (that's for sure)!
"Listen to this from 50:39. The global disaster is deliberate war declared on LIFE as it has been....THE WHOLE SHEBANG. No one will be spared: man and woman and child, plant, animal, element. The intention to destroy the whole world "to build back better" in WHO's (?) image? It is absolutely an end game. I am sure this is the case and IMO we MUST turn within to seek Divine Intervention. I take it seriously that when I was growing up, I was TRAINED to disbelieve in a Higher Power that is able to effect our world AND to disbelieve in sheer EVIL as real force."


"Is #Russia diplomatically being setup to unknowingly attack an #EU Member in order to get Nato involved? Yes, Nato…

Quote On 10 January 2023, the EU and NATO signed a joint declaration in Brussels.

The declaration also sets out a shared vision of how the EU and NATO will act together against common security threats. The EU and NATO will expand and deepen their cooperation on areas such as:

the growing geostrategic competition
resilience and the protection of critical infrastructure
emerging and disruptive technologies
the security implications of climate change
foreign information manipulation and interference
To be brief, I do not believe for a second that the events happening in Moldova in the past “Month” are a coincidence and do not have a larger purpose.
One could argue that despite the fact that Russia is physically not near any part of #Moldova (yet), it does violate the last “bullet” point namely, foreign information manipulation and interference, interference by having pro-Russian troops occupying Transnistria, now under the new Moldovan Law… illegal.

By fast tracking Moldova into the EU (they can just do that right away now) the EU could activate the EU-Nato Cooperation act and bypass the entire plan they had for Ukraine (becoming a Nato member etc) and go at Russia “legally”. Like these types always do, provoking, sneaking around and when someone reacts to it, well… play the victim, in this case to get Civilians on-board without too much effort." #quote from #pa


#quote from #PA

"#Spiritual #beings can be dumbed down, though, to a point where they are not aware that they are a spiritual being.

The abducting ETs refer to us–that is, our physical bodies–as “containers”. I think that wording or characterization is very telling. ETs know that we are all spiritual beings. So they have rigged things genetically so that we are more hard-wired into our bodies than they are. They even have the technologically to transfer beings from one body to another different body.

And the Anunnaki, Mantis, Grays, Reptilians and their co-conspirators keep us in spiritual darkness by programming Earth humans with conflicting religious beliefs to keep us divided and fighting with each other. They also directly and intentionally intervene to cause wars and chaos to keep us distracted from discovering the truth of who we are. IMO, this is not a solution to the problem, but a continuation of it."


#Quote from #PA

"Ukrainians and Russians, two Slavic brothers pushed into a blood bath by NATO.

Damn NATO... and all the politicians sending weapons and money to keep the whole thing going -

Damn Boris Johnson for stopping the Peace Talks at the beginning of the Special Military Operation -

Those young men... someone's son, grandson, brother, friend... maybe father...

The care and effort involved with raising a child - for this!!! So upsetting and unnecessary...

I rarely watch videos of the military action but I watched this one because I felt I should and I will never forget those three young men caught up in it all - the 2 Ukrainians and the one Russian - but as the quote says... Slav Brothers...

edit to add... and if NATO pushes Russia too far and all this spreads + escalates it will be our sons and daughters, grandsons and grandaughters...maybe all of us - dying for nothing......

this has got to stop

the lies and insanity has got to stop..."



from #pa

What many of us loved about Trump was that he was a disrupter, he rummaged through the political landscape turning over every rock and stone in sight. Well-established Democrats and Republicans ran from him in droves, they quietly united against him behind the scenes. Some so-called Trump supporters openly spoke in favor of him but allied with the never-Trumpers behind closed doors. What is being shown to the American people is the magnitude of the problem, the swamp is deep in both parties.

What these 20-21 disrupters are telling the American people and their fellow congress members is that the border must be closed, we have to curtail spending, we need to open all Jan 6th documents to the public and we need to debate term limits, all this just for starters. These brave men and women are to be applauded and held in high regard, not condemned like we are seeing on Fox News and the mainstream media.


from #pa
FREAK OUT #ALERT - #Dr. records #HydraVulgaris #swimming in the #eye of an 11yr old #vaxxed #patient
enter image description here
I am so hoping that someone can prove this is a hoax. I haven't been able to do it yet.
Talk about predictive programming. In the Sci Fi classic Prometheus there is a scene where one of the characters becomes infected with (you guessed it) black goo and low and behold it looks like a prototype for what this poor kid has in his eye...

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video//kvDEFTz3Q0FV


great thread on #pa

Why Humans Have To Learn To Swim
Great thread!!! Here is one thing that I have wondered about for many years. Every animal on the planet has natural ways to adapt to deal with the weather without buying a coat and shoes!. Nature has provided for them in a myriad of ways, change of coat thickness, hibernation, metabolic changes ect. Of course, not every animal lives through every season. Weather can sometimes be far colder, warmer or dryer than the norms.

The big question I have is why is it not the same with humans? We could definitely survive without clothing in some climates but in a huge number of areas we wouldn't make it a year. As far as I know we are the only species that perpetually requires outside assistance just to require homeostasis.

As a side note, there have been accounts of humans (Yogis) that have been able to survive the heights of the Himalayas without clothing. According to the most amazing Baba Lokenath he was able to adapt over a year period to climb to great elevations in the Himalayan mountains by an acclimation process that allowed him to create a white waxy like skin that allowed him to tolerate any level cold. Some may find that bunk, but I believe it.

It just occurred to me that if we were altered or created to require "Products", stuff, clothes ect. isn't that an incredible method for potential control.


#quote from #pa

"If you think freedom will sprout elsewhere than in the west, I think you haven't been objectively watching what's going on. The G20 signed an agreement to let the WHO run the show during the next pandemic, including forcing the use of vaccine passports. All the nations I have heard of are pursuing the establishment of a central bank digital ID. Everyone seems to be on board with the centralized control of the population. My wife, a Russian, tells me that the city of Moscow is touting a program to turn it's citizens into cyborgs. China already is establishing a social credit digital monitoring system. India has already established biometric IDs for most of its citizens, under the auspices of a buddy of bill Gates.

So where is this freedom loving non-western world going to come from? Iran that's executing protestors for removing hijabs? From China that practices genocide against uigers or the falon gong? From Russia that invades and destroys it's neighbour for wanting to go it's own way? From North Korea which starves it's population whilst further developing nuclear weapons?

Show me the peaceful, freedom loving nations that are going to lead the world to harmony. You can't because they don't exist"

we are truly fucked ! its a no hope situation


#quote from #pa

" #ClimateChange #33 " ( #AKA " #Global #Warming NWO " )... is it a #scam?

Global warming was and is intended to be a control mechanism placed on the population. The #plan was to #control #human #behavior and financial resources. The problem was naming this control mechanism global warming gave it a finite start and finish date. It began when the globe started to warm and it ended when the globe began to cool. They needed something that would allow them to put these controls in place into perpetuity. Climate Change can now encompass all possible weather scenarios, including heating, cooling, tsunamis, droughts, floods, freezing, snow, earthquake, rising water levels, shrinking water levels, etc. Hence the renaming to Climate Change. Problem solved for all time, the climate changes every minute of every day and it will never stop.

When controlling people based on climate change you control, the cars they drive, houses they live in, clothes they wear, how, where and the frequency they are allowed to travel, etc. There is no end to the control.

This is exactly what they have recently done with equality. They have renamed it equity. Think of it this way, you can provide equality all day long by giving people the same opportunities for jobs, housing, training, education, etc but that does not guarantee an equal outcome. But if you lose equality and tell people the goal is now equity it will never ever be attained. Once again equality can be easily measured but equity is subjective to whoever is doing the measuring. It is now another control mechanism that goes into #perpetuity.


#quote from #pa
" #World #peace really begins with a peaceful home. Millions of peaceful homes have their due effect on the global scheme. But you cannot show me millions of peaceful homes; mostly because of low EQ prevailing - even in america of all places."