

#Super #Seven #Elestial #Skeletal #amethyst

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Meaning & Energy
Super Seven is the key ingredient to accessing the #spirit #realm and unlocking the #knowledge and #ancient #beings within. The high #frequency of this #stone helps one attune their #energy to that of #celestial beings, allowing one to better understand the meaning and purpose of their #soul. Super Seven helps provide answers to questions one may have for an entire lifetime, while also ushering in the ability to connect to one's past life experiences. These past life episodes contain ancient knowledge one has been able to carry with them for multiple lifetimes. This unique blend of minerals helps bring this knowledge to the forefront, so that it may be unlocked and used in one’s current life.

Working with Super Seven repeatedly will help expand one’s consciousness while pushing for complete mental clarity. This stone helps bring the strength of one's mind to the forefront, unlocking it and pushing one to process lingering thoughts and emotions. Once one is able to begin clearing their mind, they can then begin the journey of channeling the higher knowledge down to an earthly plane. Once this energy is grounded, it can then be used to push one in the direction of their most desired dreams.


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#BLUE #Trolleite #Stone Mineral Rhombus Halsjober

Trolleite is a captivating #crystal with a delicate and alluring hue. Its beautiful color spans from soothing pale blue to fascinating turquoise, making it a treasure that captivates and calms.

The aluminum, phosphate, and copper that makes up Trolleite is an interesting chemical combination. Due to its unique chemical constitution, crystal collectors and #astrologers #prize it for its #beauty and #energy.

Trolleite has fascinated crystal and #metaphysical enthusiasts since its discovery. This stone was first discovered in #Sweden, with a rich #history dating back to the early 1900s. It is named after the renowned Swedish chemist and mineralogist Hans Gabriel Trolle-Wachtmeister.

Crystal enthusiasts and collectors admire Trolleite’s capacity to inspire #inner #tranquility, #intuition, and #spiritual progress. This gem has a deep link to the #heavenly #realm and can help with self-discovery and introspection.

Did you know that, in #ancient #folklore, Trolleite was often associated with #mystical #beings and tales of #hidden #wisdom? This exquisite crystal was believed to have the #power to #reveal #secrets and unlock the doors to higher #knowledge. Today, it continues to be regarded as a #gem of insight and #revelation, #empowering those who seek its transformative energy.

About Trolleite
Trolleite activates all energy centers and channels, making it an excellent tool for spiritual growth and development. Its blue color is linked to the #Third-Eye #chakra, representing wisdom, truth, and clarity. This stone enhances spiritual powers by opening a divine connection, allowing for a deeper understanding of oneself and the #universe. Trolleite is an intuition stone that helps manifest desires for the highest good and facilitates the release of fear, anger, and pain that can block manifestation. Its energy is #calming and #soothing, making it an excellent stone for #meditation and spiritual practices.



The spiritism religions of South America include ideas of astral cities which are rather like earth and have structures and activities like earth. People who do astral traveling report all kinds of structure, hierarchy, etc.

Once one accepts that these accounts may be more than singular imaginings and point to a finer BUT material construction, then one questions WHY this whole HUGE creation (?) looks like earth or we look like it. #WHY #SUFFERING!!!!

I did not make up the following but it makes sense and makes for questions I want the answers for......

#Earth as a #school makes little sense if you cannot recall what you already learned. So, WHY do we forget?

Earth as a #prison makes no sense at all if you are being punished for events you cannot recall.

Earth as a #farm makes sense.

As above so below?

BELOW, it is acceptable to manipulate others.
It is acceptable to use others energy.
It is acceptable to use MIGHT (force, power) 0ver right.

We are born into #trauma. We are #damaged by our exposure to #poisonous mind/body/soul #assaults. We are pitted against the rest of us #traumatized #beings in a #world of " #scarcity" where we literally BUY our debt and can never be free of it UNLESS we leave "society".

It looked like the deaths we will face would release us, I thought. I AM NOT SURE ANY LONGER WHAT IS true and #how should we face these issues?

MY personal take is that I feel a relationship with a power greater than I am who HELPS me. I have had interesting experiences with knowing things but the knowings are NOT academic or wordy or educational. There is a sense of well being and protection. There is NO info to share. THERE IS energy of positive nature to extend. There is emotional healing. There is insight on a feeling level I translate.

Others have much mental/spirit INFORMATION from some "other" realm. They GO somewhere and it seems an established "place" and others GO there too? The glimpses I have heard reported have some serious holes of incongruity that need clearing up for me.

For instance, why DO people (including Edgar Cayce) share there are discrete "Libraries" where beings "go" to learn things (so there is not any OMNISCIENCE). People are sometimes FORCED to return in NDEs.(Free will?). People report needing to go through further "learning" to get close to "God"(and others say you cannot from where they re situated reach God). IS not God OMNIPRESENT?

God as Omnipotent made it all but we don't get to be there as we cannot handle it?

Here on earth events indicate the " #technocratic world" life is OBVIOUSLY becoming #insufferable. We are placed in tracks (like educational/work) which are dependent on other tracks to function in a convoluted system that is apparently VERY entrenched in a HUGE realm where we cannot reach the "boss". Does it end?

AS above so below is feeling oppressively like we are in a farmed, controlled, imprisoning trap that will not end until we can stand up and spit it out. That takes some major stand alone ability. Can we?

We are told to stand for ideals then I learn the lies and tricks in every corner mean we are in a circular arrangement, a wheel. There are also wheels within wheels. You do not know who/what you REALLY supporting BECAUSE we cannot suss when we cannot read others intentions.

This "knowing" that I have is all I can go on and it feels like I have a spherical beingness (and it is not a human or any form... much like a space of contained charge) which is held in an energy WAY greater than possible to imagine BUT real and present and personal. Since everything I can think is part of the spin, I can observe everything as equally unimportant in the big picture. Even what I am writing here is a spin. PARADOX rules. The point is to be observational and curious about what is interesting IMO>

My plan is when I die to already be well established in focus on staying in this space with the Unknown god. Maybe I am just deluded but every day I affirm my relationship to ORIGINAL source energy of an Unknown yet energetically tangible nature, I feel more certain and it reveals info confirming itself. That is tricky. Therefore, I have to be comfortable with allowing ambiguity. I am IN a zone of singular protection because I requested it. Everyone can choose whatever they wish. The realest thing IMO we can know is that we have an observing "I am". Maybe I am wrong every where else.

What appears IN DAILY life is positive. Since I actually FEEL connected, I am not looking for help. IMO the spin being promulgated by demiurge energies, who may own EVERYTHING MATERIAL (nonphysical included) will NOT do me in.

This is all mysterious. I am still wondering why I feel this sense of Presence that communicates as if it is in my physical "universe" through feelings of energy and that life is easier and richer without any particular effort. This seems great though isolated. I want others to have this ease and to escape any "traps".


Originally, #Humanity as a #collective was #taught the #knowledge of who we really are as #spiritual #beings and living holograms of the #Universe; how to reconnect with Higher Self by raising #kundalini energy from the base of the spine up to the third-eye and crown #chakras…and lived at a much, much higher level of #consciousness and full potential in human form
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…before the Earth’s people and grid system was deliberately #hijacked by #dark #beings with a #negative #agenda, who definitely don’t want us to wake up to our true #history and #who we really are.

Here’s the thing. By #Universal #Law, we have to give our #consent for what they have done here, and the only way they can accomplish this consent is by outright lies, #deception and #duplicity because if #people knew the true agenda of these controllers, the majority of Humanity would never, ever, ever accept anything that has taken place here.


massive plasma wall around our solar system

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It’s unclear how difficult this #wall of #hot #plasma will make #interstellar travel, once we decide to go beyond Mars and eventually leave our #solarsystem, but considering both Voyager 2, and even Voyager 1 (also launched in ’77) made it through OK, it seems like at least our interstellar ships wouldn’t be too negatively affected. Although it’s unclear how the plasma wall will affect we #biological #beings. Regardless, the discovery is exciting because, as JPL notes, this is the “cosmic shoreline… where the environment created by our #Sun ends and the vast ocean of interstellar space begins.”


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A #camel reacts before being #sacrificed in honor of those who died during the revolution overthrowing Moammar #Gaddafi, during a gathering at the main square in #Tripoli, #Libya on Sept. 29, 2011.

#Animal sacrifice is older than #history. #Human #beings have #slaughtered #birds and #livestock throughout the ages in attempt to propitiate the #gods—to alter fate, to enhance fortune, to pay for sins.

One of the great hymns of the #Rigveda is that of the #Horse #Sacrifice, which only a king can perform. The rituals continue to this day, as the photographs in this collection show: in the #Muslim and #Hindu worlds, as well as in #Judaism.

The #first #murder related in the #bible stems from jealousy over sacrifice. #Cain’s sacrifice of vegetables did not please God as much as his brother’s sacrifice of animals—and so Cain slew #Abel.

Of the #world’s great #faiths, #only #Buddhism and #Daoism #eschew #rituals of animal sacrifice, indeed, the taking of any life. Indeed, according to legend, one of the #Buddha’s previous #incarnations gave up his #life to #feed a #hungry #tiger.

The various #Christian #sects and denominations very #rarely #perform animal #sacrifices.

But the very Catholic societies of #Spain and #Latin-America still hold #bullfights, which are descended from pagan animal sacrifices. And, of course, at the heart of #Christianity is a #sacrament that is essentially a human sacrifice.



"When pain, fear, anger, jealousy, confusion, etc is washed out of you (a cleans, a meditation, a bath in pure love, a surrender and state of acceptance - self induced or otherwise) - then you will see that you are whole, you can recognize your soul - you can realize who and what you are and how that fits into the greater hyper-dimensional reality. You can #experience true #bliss, #calmness, #peace, #contentment, #love => let's call that #paradise. Once you recognize that, you can have moments of bliss throughout the day, #anywhere, #anytime, if you just stop to #remember that it is there.

It seems obvious that most #human #beings are being kept from having this feeling, which is why paradise seems an unreachable concept, instead of a matter of course, as it could be."
#quote from #pa


#quote from #PA

"#Spiritual #beings can be dumbed down, though, to a point where they are not aware that they are a spiritual being.

The abducting ETs refer to us–that is, our physical bodies–as “containers”. I think that wording or characterization is very telling. ETs know that we are all spiritual beings. So they have rigged things genetically so that we are more hard-wired into our bodies than they are. They even have the technologically to transfer beings from one body to another different body.

And the Anunnaki, Mantis, Grays, Reptilians and their co-conspirators keep us in spiritual darkness by programming Earth humans with conflicting religious beliefs to keep us divided and fighting with each other. They also directly and intentionally intervene to cause wars and chaos to keep us distracted from discovering the truth of who we are. IMO, this is not a solution to the problem, but a continuation of it."
