

A quotation from Cicero

A person who lacks the means, within himself, to live a good and happy life will find any period of his existence wearisome. But rely for life’s blessings on your own resources, and you will not take a gloomy view of any of the inevitable consequences of nature’s laws. Everyone hopes to attain an advanced age; yet when it comes they all complain! So foolishly inconsistent and perverse can people be.

[Quibus enim nihil est in ipsis opis ad bene beateque vivendum, eis omnis aetas gravis est; qui autem omnia bona a se ipsi petunt, eis nihil malum potest videri quod naturae necessitas adferat. Quo in genere est in primis senectus, quam ut adipiscantur omnes optant, eandem accusant adeptam; tanta est stultitiae inconstantia atque perversitas.]

Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) Roman orator, statesman, philosopher
De Senectute [Cato Maior; On Old Age], ch. 2 / sec. 4 (2.4) [Cato] (44 BC) [tr. Grant (1960, 1971 ed.)]

#quote #quotes #quotation #aging #contentment #oldage #complaint #humannature #life #nature #self-sufficiency
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/cicero-marcus-tullius/65511/


"When pain, fear, anger, jealousy, confusion, etc is washed out of you (a cleans, a meditation, a bath in pure love, a surrender and state of acceptance - self induced or otherwise) - then you will see that you are whole, you can recognize your soul - you can realize who and what you are and how that fits into the greater hyper-dimensional reality. You can #experience true #bliss, #calmness, #peace, #contentment, #love => let's call that #paradise. Once you recognize that, you can have moments of bliss throughout the day, #anywhere, #anytime, if you just stop to #remember that it is there.

It seems obvious that most #human #beings are being kept from having this feeling, which is why paradise seems an unreachable concept, instead of a matter of course, as it could be."
#quote from #pa
