

Healthcare is BROKEN. Your DOCTOR will be trained in #CLIMATE #CHANGE #33
masonic manipulation of our #minds
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=5wMQUxBr6YU

This is happening more and #medical schools are also getting involved.

A quick look online brought up this article from the British Medical Association no less:
#Emergency measures: doctors' struggle against climate change
Global warming is considered a threat to health by many doctors, some of whom are prepared to take direct action to make their voices heard


health @ Savannah: GNU Health Hospital Management patchset 4.4.1 released

Dear community

GNU Health Hospital Management 4.4.1 has been released!

Priority : High

Table of Contents

  • About GNU Health Patchsets
  • Updating your system with the GNU Health control Center
  • Installation notes
  • List of other issues related to this patchset

About GNU Health Patchsets

We provide "patchsets" to stable releases. Patchsets allow applying bug fixes and updates on production systems. Always try to keep your production system up-to-date with the latest patches.

Patches and Patchsets maximize uptime for production systems, and keep your system updated, without the need to do a whole installation.

NOTE: Patchsets are applied on previously installed systems only. For new, fresh installations, download and install the whole tarball (ie, gnuhealth-4.4.1.tar.gz)

Updating your system with the GNU Health control Center

You can do automatic updates on the GNU Health HMIS kernel and modules using the GNU Health control center program.

Please refer to the administration manual section ( https://docs.gnuhealth.org/his/techguide/administration/controlcenter.html )

The GNU Health control center works on standard installations (those done following the installation manual on wikibooks). Don't use it if you use an alternative method or if your distribution does not follow the GNU Health packaging guidelines.

Installation Notes

You must apply previous patchsets before installing this patchset. If your patchset level is 4.4.0, then just follow the general instructions. You can find the patchsets at GNU Health main download site at GNU.org (https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/health/)

In most cases, GNU Health Control center (gnuhealth-control) takes care of applying the patches for you.

Pre-requisites for upgrade to 4.4.1: None

Now follow the general instructions at


After applying the patches, make a full update of your GNU Health database as explained in the documentation.

When running "gnuhealth-control" for the first time, you will see the following message: "Please restart now the update with the new control center" Please do so. Restart the process and the update will continue.

  • Restart the GNU Health server

List of other issues and tasks related to this patchset

For detailed information about each issue, you can visit :


For detailed information you can read about Patches and Patchsets

Happy hacking!

#gnu #gnuorg #opensource


there`s that #33 again

enter image description here

The director of the United Nations #UN office in New York has resigned

after thirty years with the organization,

over the #UN's handling of the ongoing #killing of #civilians in the #Gaza Strip

Reading the entire resignation letter is necessary
for every ignorant person who defended the Zionists from Western societies.

The speech exposes #Western #complicity in the #genocide of #Palestinians,

and the last paragraph of the speech explains
how international law and the order based on international #rules are #disintegrating,

with the support of the same global powers that promote their values and claim to defend them,

and that the American-backed global order will not be able to recover from the blow that toppled... his credibility as a result of his complicity.


#LDP #33 avec #FrancisRimbert (Jean-Michel #Jarre) - #Arkitek


Dans ce 33e épisode du #Live des #Producteurs, j’ai le grand plaisir de recevoir Francis #Rimbert connu pour sa #collaboration étroite avec #Jean-MichelJarre pendant de nombreuses années.
Nous reviendrons bien sur ses #aventures partagées au côté de Jean-Michel que ce soit pendant les #concerts ou un #studio.
Mais aussi sur sa carrière « solo » avec les différents projets qui la compose.
Vous pourrez bien sûr lui poser toutes vos questions durant ce Live qui s’annonce pour moi tout à fait exceptionnel !

#jeanmicheljarre #électronique #korg #synth #synthétiseur #synthesizer


Happy birthday, Saint Patrick #33


Happy birthday, Saint Patrick 🇨🇦#33 !!!

🏔 🎊 🎂 🇨🇦

Сегодня, 05-го октября свой день рождения празднует легендарный канадский голкипер «Колорадо Эвеланш» и «Монреаль Канадиенс», а также бывший главный тренер "лавин" — Патрик Руа.

Выдающемуся вратарю, 4-кратному обладателю Кубка Стэнли (1986,1993 — «Монреаль»; 1996, 2001 — «Колорадо»); обладателю Кубка Колдера-1985 в составе «Шербрук Канадиенс» / АНL; 3-кратному обладателю Везина Трофи-1989, 1990 и 1992 годов; участнику 11 матчей всех звёзд НХЛ; единственному 3-кратному обладателю Конн Смайт Трофи-1986, 1993 и 2001 годов (MVP плей-офф); члену Зала хоккейной Славы НХЛ (2007); 2-кратному победителю Мемориального Кубка 2006 и 2023 годов [трофей трех главных юниорских лиг Канады — CHL] в качестве генерального менеджера/главного тренера команды «Квебек Ремпартс» из QMJHL; обладателю награды Джек Адамс Эворд-2014 (лучший тренер сезона НХЛ), а ныне главному тренеру и генеральному менеджеру всё того же «Квебек Ремпартс» / QMJHL, — исполняется 58 лет !🎊

Наши искренние поздравления Патрику и огромное спасибо за те 11 сезонов (8 в качестве игрока, 3 — главного тренера) проведших в «Колорадо Эвеланш»👏🏻

📜За время своей карьеры Патрик Руа установил несколько рекордов НХЛ, среди которых:

— Наибольшее количество сыгранных матчей в плей-офф НХЛ среди вратарей (247)

— Наибольшее количество «Конн Смайт Трофи» (3)

— Наибольшее количество сыгранных минут в плей-офф НХЛ среди вратарей (15209)

— Наибольшее количество сыгранных минут за карьеру в НХЛ среди вратарей (60235+15209=75444)

— Наибольшее количество побед в плей-офф НХЛ среди вратарей (151)

Впервые были установлены, но спустя годы побиты Мартеном Бродером :

— Рекорд по количеству сухих матчей в плей-офф — (23)

— Наибольшее количество сыгранных игр в НХЛ среди вратарей (1029)

— Наибольшее количество сыгранных минут в регулярном сезоне НХЛ среди вратарей (60235)

Стоит обязательно учитывать, что Руа установил свои рекорды по количеству побед когда в НХЛ были ничьи, а Бродер побил их когда ничьи отменили.

#PatrickRoy #Canada #ColoradoAvalanche #MontrealCanadiens #NHL #Hockey 11:19

#patrickroy #canada #coloradoavalanche #montrealcanadiens #nhl #hockey #lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #колорадоэвеланш #vk_colorado_avalanche


104 yr Old #Book #Reveals The #Sacred #Spiritual #Knowledge

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=z899SKJ8WEc

Speaker: #RyanMcMahon

00:00 - INTRO
02:00 - Sacred Knowledge of The #Essenes (Primitive Christians)
04:25 - Sacred Texts Reveal Your #Body Is a #Temple #of #God
05:55 - The Sacred Secret #Secretion #Oil ( #Christos)
06:55 - #Ancient #Mystery of The #Solar-Plexus (Relationship With #Solar-System)
09:00 - The Psycho-Physical Seed Born Out Of The Solar Plexus Every 28.5 Days
11:30 - #How To Eat The Fruit Of The Tree Of Life (Within You)
13:25 - #Constantine: The Man Who Changed Everything
15:07 - Jacobs Ladder (The #33 Vertebrae of The #Spine)
16:55 - #JACOB - Heel Catcher In #Hebrew (The Man In The Sky)
18:10 - The True #Zodiac Revealed


The Temple of God -- The Human Body Itself

The Sacred Secret -- Secretion

Jacob's Ladder -- The Spine

The Tree of Life is not a physical place.

The Tree of Life is your cerebrospinal system.

The real place of #Salvation is your own body, the human form.

"Jacob's Ladder was not a real event that some man named Jacob witnessed, Jacob's Ladder was an allegory that talked about the spine. The Ladder that angels went up and down are the THIRTY THREE vertebrae of the spine, and angels are angles of light. They are also called "messengers" in Hebrew. The point is that Jacob's Ladder is not a story of a man named Jacob.

When you read multiple spiritual traditions from all over the world from sacred texts, you can't help but realise that they're always talking in metaphor, or parable, or allegory. So, the bible should be no different. There's certain people that want to take it literally, but you're talking about something spiritual. The only way to get at something abstract is to put it in some sort of language, some sort of story, some sort of way to reference the context of it. So, the spiritual texts are almost always referring to some sort of metaphor.

There's two meanings. There is The Ladder which is the human spine in which the prodigal son of the sacred oil -- or Christos -- travels up and down to offer healing and enlightenment to the human form. Then, there's also the Heel Catcher. The word -- the name, Jacob, and in very ancient zodiacs, you'll see a man drawn in the center of them where his back is arched and his heels circle around and touch the back of his head to create a circle. And, that's what the word "Jacob" means: "The Man in The Sky" which refers to the Zodiac which is a reflection of the time cycle of the human body."



The making of the new world religion
The Science is an undiagnosed religion

People don't realise they follow a belief system. I'd say that was true with old science in most cases, although The Science is far more religious.

  • No questioning, and dissent is relegated to the 'dangerous' category
  • The Science Pope, Facui. He changed his mind back and forth and #people #followed #obediently
  • Paraphernalia like #masks and #PVC screens
  • Rituals like 6 foot apart and bleaching of hands #666 beast system #mark digital id

#quote from #pa

" #ClimateChange #33 " ( #AKA " #Global #Warming NWO " )... is it a #scam?

Global warming was and is intended to be a control mechanism placed on the population. The #plan was to #control #human #behavior and financial resources. The problem was naming this control mechanism global warming gave it a finite start and finish date. It began when the globe started to warm and it ended when the globe began to cool. They needed something that would allow them to put these controls in place into perpetuity. Climate Change can now encompass all possible weather scenarios, including heating, cooling, tsunamis, droughts, floods, freezing, snow, earthquake, rising water levels, shrinking water levels, etc. Hence the renaming to Climate Change. Problem solved for all time, the climate changes every minute of every day and it will never stop.

When controlling people based on climate change you control, the cars they drive, houses they live in, clothes they wear, how, where and the frequency they are allowed to travel, etc. There is no end to the control.

This is exactly what they have recently done with equality. They have renamed it equity. Think of it this way, you can provide equality all day long by giving people the same opportunities for jobs, housing, training, education, etc but that does not guarantee an equal outcome. But if you lose equality and tell people the goal is now equity it will never ever be attained. Once again equality can be easily measured but equity is subjective to whoever is doing the measuring. It is now another control mechanism that goes into #perpetuity.


Pic Alphonse Meillon (2930n), Pic Chabarrou Nord (2925m)

Deux sommets peux fréquenté juste en face du Vignamale ...
Retour par le vallon de Pouey-Trénous (Magnifique)

#1 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Arrivée a Waalon

#2 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Vallon d'Aratille

#3 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Lac d'Aratille

#4 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Pics d'Aratille

#5 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Lumieres du matin

#6 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Col d'Aratille

#7 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Ca monte !

#8 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Pas de doute ca monte 😉

#9 - 6 Septembre 2022 - rio Ara (España)

#10 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Vue sur Chabarrou Nord (2eme sommet)

#11 - 6 Septembre 2022

#12 - 6 Septembre 2022

#13 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Infiernos (Enfers)

#14 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Tomates sur Alphonse Meillon

#15 - 6 Septembre 2022 - entrevue de l'Ossau

#16 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Arraillé

#17 - 6 Septembre 2022

#18 - 6 Septembre 2022 - re-Ossau

#19 - 6 Septembre 2022

#20 - 6 Septembre 2022

#21 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Lac Chabarrou

#22 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Vignemale

#23 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Ambiance

#24 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Guerretet

#25 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Binome

#26 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Vallon de Pouey-Trénous

#27 - 6 Septembre 2022

#28 - 6 Septembre 2022 - On a descendu ce merdier

#29 - 6 Septembre 2022

#30 - 6 Septembre 2022

#31 - 6 Septembre 2022

#32 - 6 Septembre 2022

#33 - 6 Septembre 2022

#34 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Miam

#35 - 6 Septembre 2022 - Aprés l'effort le reconfort

#photo #photographie #photography #fotografie #fotografia #rando #hicking #Pyrenees #Pyrénées #Pirineus #Pirineos #montagne #mountain #landscape #Vignemale #Chabarrou #Aratille #Alphonse-Meillon #Cauterets


#Спонсор Serverless в цифровой трансформации К 2025 году 50%...



**Serverless в цифровой трансформации

** К 2025 году 50% крупных компаний развернут платформу бессерверных функций как сервис. Мы хотим быть на шаг впереди и поэтому проводим для вас настоящий ликбез по бессерверным вычислениям.

На вебинаре Наталия Воронова расскажет, как Serverless упрощает жизнь бизнеса, помогает в цифровой трансформации и экономит ваш бюджет. Вы узнаете, как легко запустить чат-бот, виртуального помощника или веб-сайт с Serverless и сможете задать вопросы на Q&A-сессии.

Вебинар будет интересен всем, кто активно следит за трендами и трансформирует бизнес в любых условиях. Кстати, если вы планируете что-то поменять и мигрировать в российское облако, предлагаем сделать это до конца лета на выгодных условиях.

Подробности расскажем на вебинаре.Присоединяйтесь & #33;

#lang_ru #ru #чёрныйтреугольник #чёрный_треугольник #blacktriangle


Retro 📷 2021 #11

  • Lurien + Arriel
  • Gourgs Blancs

#1 - 26 Aout 2021 - L'ossau au petit matin

#2 - 26 Aout 2021 - Lac du Lurien

#3 - 26 Aout 2021

#4 - 26 Aout 2021

#5 - 26 Aout 2021

#6 - 26 Aout 2021

#7 - 26 Aout 2021 - Lac d'Artouste

#8 - 26 Aout 2021 - En haut du Lurien

#9 - 26 Aout 2021 - L'Ossau

#10 - 26 Aout 2021

#11 - 26 Aout 2021

#12 - 26 Aout 2021

#13 - 26 Aout 2021

#14 - 26 Aout 2021 - Palas !

#15 - 26 Aout 2021

#16 - 26 Aout 2021 - Bala et Frondella

#17 - 26 Aout 2021

#18 - 26 Aout 2021

#19 - 29 Aout 2021

#20 - 29 Aout 2021

#21 - 29 Aout 2021

#22 - 29 Aout 2021

#23 - 29 Aout 2021

#24 - 29 Aout 2021 - Lac de Clarabide, one of my favorite !

#25 - 29 Aout 2021

#26 - 29 Aout 2021 - Posets

#27 - 29 Aout 2021

#28 - 29 Aout 2021

#29 - 29 Aout 2021 - Lac Glacé

#30 - 29 Aout 2021

#31 - 29 Aout 2021

#32 - 29 Aout 2021

#33 - 29 Aout 2021

#34 - 29 Aout 2021

#35 - 29 Aout 2021

#36 - 29 Aout 2021

#37 - 29 Aout 2021 - Col des Gourgs Blancs

#38 - 29 Aout 2021

#39 - 29 Aout 2021 - Fin d'Aprem ❤️

#40 - 29 Aout 2021

#rando #hicking #Pyrenees #Pyrénées #Pirineus #Pirineos #montagne #mountain #landscape #photo #photographie #photography #fotografie #fotografia #retro2021#Arriel #lurien #Artouste #Ossau #Gourgs-Blancs #Clarabide #La-Soula


Retro 📷 2021 #3


#1 - 8 Mai 2021

#2 - 8 Mai 2021 - Carlit, des lac, des lac et encore des lacs ...

#3 - 8 Mai 2021

#4 - 8 Mai 2021 - Douceur

#5 - 8 Mai 2021

#6 - 8 Mai 2021 - Plouf !

#7 - 8 Mai 2021 - Avec Carlito in background

#8 - 8 Mai 2021 - Le degel

#9 - 8 Mai 2021

#10 - 8 Mai 2021

#11 - 13 Mai 2021 - Un air de printemps

#12 - 13 Mai 2021

#13 - 13 Mai 2021

#14 - 13 Mai 2021

#15 - 13 Mai 2021

#16 - 13 Mai 2021

#17 - 13 Mai 2021 - La dent d'Orlu

#18 - 13 Mai 2021

#19 - 13 Mai 2021 - Orlu

#20 - 13 Mai 2021

#21 - 13 Mai 2021

#22 - 13 Mai 2021

#23 - 13 Mai 2021

#24 - 13 Mai 2021 - Soupoudrage

#25 - 13 Mai 2021

#26 - 13 Mai 2021

#27 - 13 Mai 2021

#28 - 13 Mai 2021

#29 - 13 Mai 2021 - Lanoux

#30 - 3 Juin 2021 - Etange d'Arraing

#31 - 3 Juin 2021

#32 - 3 Juin 2021 - Pic de Crabere

#33 - 3 Juin 2021

#rando #hicking #Pyrenees #Pyrénées #Pirineus #Pirineos #montagne #mountain #landscape #photo #photographie #photography #fotografie #fotografia #retro2021


Lurien (2826m) + Arriel (2824m)

Joli doublé dans les Pyrénées Atlantiques, ou je vais peu souvent ...
Léger voile, a cause des fortes températures ...
D+: ~2600m, 26km

#montagne #mountain #rando #Lurien #Arriel #Ossau #Pyrenees-Atlantiques #photos #photographie #Arremoulit #Artouste

#1 - 26 Aout 2021 - Pic du Midi d'Ossau

#2 - 26 Aout 2021 - Le Lurien commence a se montrer

#3 - 26 Aout 2021 - Lac du Lurien

#4 - 26 Aout 2021 - Lac du Lurien

#5 - 26 Aout 2021 - Reflets du matin

#6 - 26 Aout 2021 - Shades

#7 - 26 Aout 2021 - col du Lurien

#8 - 26 Aout 2021

#9 - 26 Aout 2021 - Le Lac d'Artouste

#10 - 26 Aout 2021 - Le Sommet

#11 - 26 Aout 2021 - Sur le sommet du Lurien, Arrious juste devant, Arriel au fond

#12 - 26 Aout 2021 - Au fond l'Aragon

#13 - 26 Aout 2021 - Pic du Midi d'Ossau

#14 - 26 Aout 2021 - Eryngium bourgatii Gouan, 1773 / Apiaceae

#15 - 26 Aout 2021 - Descente sur Artouste

#16 - 26 Aout 2021 - Artouste (aka Disneyland), tous ces gens sont montés avec le petit train d'Artouste

#17 - 26 Aout 2021 - Retour au calme

#18 - 26 Aout 2021 - Pic d'Arrious, un jour peut etre

#19 - 26 Aout 2021 - Jolie vu sur le Palas

#20 - 26 Aout 2021 - Une breche

#21 - 26 Aout 2021 - Le Lurien, la d'ou je viens

#22 - 26 Aout 2021 - Lac d'Artouste, Arremoulit, Palas

#23 - 26 Aout 2021 - Arriel, 2eme sommet pour les tomates

#24 - 26 Aout 2021 - Pics d'Enfer, Garmo Negro

#25 - 26 Aout 2021 - La Fache, Le Vignemale

#26 - 26 Aout 2021 - Balaitous, Frondella's

#27 - 26 Aout 2021 - zoom sur le Balaitous

#28 - 26 Aout 2021 - Responmuso, en bas

#29 - 26 Aout 2021 - Le Palas

#30 - 26 Aout 2021 - Jean-Pierre (Ossau)

#31 - 26 Aout 2021 - Lacs d'Arremoulit

#32 - 26 Aout 2021 - le pic d'Arriel (ou Saget), la d'ou je vient

#33 - 26 Aout 2021 - Une Carline


Le Grand Barbat (2813m) - Hautes Pyrénées, France

Depuis le Lac d'Estaing (Val d'Azun) ...
En bas il b'ont pas vu la lumiere de la journée
Croisé personne de la journée !!!

#photo #Val-d-Azun #Estaing #Barbat #Grand-Barbat #Lacs #Pyrénées #landscape #photographie #photography #flowers #nature #coiws #rando #hiking

#1 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Une grange

#2 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Ca se degage ...

#3 - 30 Juillet 2021 - C'est par la

#4 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Pas tout a fait

#5 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Et voila !

#6 - 30 Juillet 2021 - La de Bardat

#7 - 30 Juillet 2021

#8 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Reflections

#9 - 30 Juillet 2021 - La de Bardat

#10 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Montée evidente ...

#11 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Ca monte a gauche

#12 - 30 Juillet 2021

#13 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Effet Wahou a la breche Bardat, au fond l'Espagne

#14 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Monté directe vers le Grand Bardat

#15 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Balaitous et Palas

#16 - 30 Juillet 2021

#17 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Vallée et plaine sous les nuages, pour ne pas dire sous la pluie ...

#18 - 30 Juillet 2021 - vue depuis le sommet !

#19 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Balaitous

#20 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Palas, Ossau, Lurien

#21 - 30 Juillet 2021

#22 - 30 Juillet 2021

#23 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Glacier de Las Neous (ce qu'il en reste)

#24 - 30 Juillet 2021

#25 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Lac Long

#26 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Lac Nere

#27 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Le Bala ❤️

#28 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Les nuages remontent

#29 - 30 Juillet 2021 - Peace

#30 - 30 Juillet 2021

#31 - 30 Juillet 2021

#32 - 30 Juillet 2021

#33 - 30 Juillet 2021