

$8.6 Million #Shell #Lawsuit Threatens #Greenpeace's Ability to #Protest

Source: https://www.commondreams.org/news/greenpeace-shell-lawsuit

"I will stand up in scourt and fight this; and if Shell refuses to stop #drilling, I refuse to stop fighting for #climate #justice," one #activist named in the #suit said.

The most powerful have always tried to abuse the law for their own purposes in order to prevent protests against #injustice. This has forced the protest #movement into the #underground and strengthened #resistance. In the French #Revolution, the powerful were ultimately surprised by the pent-up #anger against the abuse of the #law.

#politics #economy #news #problem #activism #environment #nature #oil #fossil #fuel #future #earth #finance #money #capitalism


#octopus #fossil
Scientific American Magazine
Ancient Octopus Fossil
Octopus body shapes diversified widely earlier in evolutionary history than previously thought. Credit: From “Proteroctopus Ribeti in Coleoid Evolution,” by Isabelle Kruta, in Palaeontology, Vol. 59; November 2016


The #message from #Ecuador is clear: people will #vote to keep #oil in the ground

source: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/aug/24/the-message-from-ecuador-is-clear-people-will-vote-to-keep-oil-in-the-ground

The #referendum result obliges the state oil company to dismantle operations – 12 drilling platforms and 225 wells that produce up to 57,000 barrels a day – in block 43 of the Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini (ITT) project, an area of the Amazon rainforest famed for its ecological diversity, and which is home to two tribes that live in voluntary isolation. With more than 5.4 million votes in favour of halting production and 3.7 million against, this is the most decisive democratic victory against the #fossil #fuel industry in Latin #America and, arguably, the #world.

#democracy #politics #amazon #environment #nature #future #economy #news


A Shaligram Shila (aniconic form of Vishnu), Phokara, Nepal [+]

I had to look it up...

A shaligrama shila (Devanagari: शालिग्राम शिला Śāligrāma-śilā), also rendered as shaligram, is a particular variety of stone collected from riverbed or banks of the Kali Gandaki, a tributary of the Gandaki River in Nepal, used as a non-anthropomorphic representation of God Vishnu by Hindus. They are typically fossils of ammonite shells from the Devonian-Cretaceous period of 400 to 66 million years ago. The fossils are considered holy by Hindus because Madhvacharya received it from Vyasadeva, also called Astamurti, and also they resemble symbols associated with God Vishnu, mainly the Shankha (conch shell).

#hinduism #symbol #vishnu #holy #fossil #beauty #art #religion
@ramnath@nerdpol.ch @108madhuri@nerdpol.ch


Switching from #fossil #fuels to #renewable #energy could save the world as much as $12tn by 2050, an Oxford University study says.

The report said it was wrong and pessimistic to claim that moving quickly towards cleaner energy sources was expensive.

That is $13 trillion out of the pockets of energy companies. That is the main reason they are pushing #Nuclear and #Hydrogen solutions.
#Economy #Environment



Sehr geehrter Herr #Bundeswirtschaftsminister #Habeck.

Mit Freude habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen, dass Sie im Rahmen Ihrer Tätigkeit die #Bundesrepublik #Deutschland unabhängiger von externen #fossil‌en #Energieträger‌n machen und hierzu vor allem den Verbrauch reduzieren wollen.

Dies natürlich auch vor dem Hintergrund, dass weniger Verbrauch solcher Energieträger auch den Ausstoß #klima‌schädlicher #Treibhausgas‌e mindert.

Alles in Allem ein vor dem Hintergrund der #Klimakatastrophe, daraus resultierenden "Extrem"wetterlagen und damit verbunden Schäden an Leib, Leben und Eigentum der Bevölkerung, wie zum Beispiel im Ahrtal oder auch den aktuellen Waldbränden in Brandenburg, meiner Meinung nach begrüßenswertes Vorgehen.

Aus aktuellem Anlass möchte ich Ihnen darüber hinaus ans Herz legen, eine gesetzliche Regelung zu schaffen, die es insbesondere kommerziellen #Gartenbau‌firmen strikt untersagt, bei ohnehin nicht nennenswert gewachsenem Gras dieses mit fossil angetriebenen Geräten überflüssigerweise zu #mähen. Dies würde auch die durch die hohen Temperaturen und geringen Niederschläge schon beanspruchten #Rasen‌flächen vor der weiteren Belastung durch den Schnittvorgang schützen und damit den Bedarf nach Neuaussaat verringern.

Mir ist bewusst, dass dies möglicherweise einen potentiellen Einnahmeausfall für die betroffenen Betriebe und deren Mitarbeiter nach sich ziehen kann, da sehe ich Ihren Kollegen Herrn Bundesfinanzminister Lindner in der Pflicht, zu einer angemessenen Ausgleichsregelung zu finden.

Ich bitte um Berücksichtigung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Ich befürchte nur, das wird auch nix werden. Schade.
Unfassbar, wie diese "Auftrag ist erteilt, also machen wir - ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste" Mentalität nerven kann.


#dragonfly #fossil

Dragonflies are among the most ancient of winged insects.
The fossil record shows evidence of ancestors in the carboniferous period –over 300 million years ago! That’s before the dinosaurs came to be.
Carboniferous ancestor of dragonflies, fossil Meganeuridae indet.from Commentry in France, Museum des Sciences Naturelles, Brussels, Belgium. The griffenfly belonged to the genus Meganeura.