

Oldest fortresses in the world discovered

#prehistory #archeology

In a groundbreaking archaeological discovery, an international team led by archaeologists from Freie Universität Berlin has uncovered fortified prehistoric settlements in a remote region of Siberia. The results of their research reveal that hunter–gatherers in Siberia constructed complex defense structures around their settlements 8,000 years ago.

This finding reshapes our understanding of early human societies, challenging the idea that only with the advent of agriculture would people have started to build permanent settlements with monumental architecture and developed complex social structures.



Humans have existed for at least 200,000 years. Yet until recently, historians believed that cities, astronomy, architecture and numeracy did not arrive until agriculture emerged some 12,000 years ago. But what if that was wrong? What if cities existed before agriculture and our hunter gatherer ancestors enjoyed a far more complex existence than we thought? And if they did, then what are the implications for modern political theory - which justifies inequality on the basis that we live in a higher, more sophisticated form of society that was always inevitable? What if there were social revolutions before documented history? And what if humankind had engaged in innumerable experiments in how best to live - including ones that involved the rejection of what we would consider to be ‘civilisation’? Aaron Bastani discusses all of that, and more, with archaeologist and co-author of the bestselling ‘Dawn of Everything’ David Wengrow.

Everything We Think We Know About Early Human History is Wrong | David Wengrow on Downstream #wengrow #bastani #graeber #prehistory #history #archaeology #anthropology #civilisation #agriculture #enlightenment #book ">

The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow
[PDF] | [epub]


Gefühl ist alles - 5000 Jahre sind Schall und Rauch.

Steinzeitmädchen mit Ziehspielzeug auf einer Schautafel am #Lautariusgrab bei #Metze:

Girl with Balloon in der Grebengasse in #Fritzlar:

Hinten links der Giebel eines Fachwerkhauses und die Turmspitzen des Doms:

Der Baumkronenhimmel über dem Lautariusgrab im Stadtwald von #Gudensberg.

#myphoto, #TourDeChattengau

Gefühl ist alles;
5000 Jahre sind Schall und Rauch,
Umnebelnd Himmelsglut.

#FaustByGoethe, Vers 3456 - 3458

Feeling is all;
5000 years are sound and smoke,
beclouding Heaven’s glow.

Translated by #PeterSalm

Le sentiment est tout,
5000 ans ne sont que bruit et fumée,
qui nous voile l’éclat des cieux.

Traduit par #GérardDeNerval

#Banksy, #GirlWithBalloon, #graffiti, #Wartberg-Kultur, #Steinzeit, #StoneAge, #Archäologie, #archeology, #Vorgeschichte, #Prehistory, #Foto, #photo, #Natur, #nature, #Radtour, #biking, #Schwalm-Eder-Kreis, #Nordhessen, #Hessen, #fedibikes, @fedibikes_de group, @fedibikes group


Der Himmel über dem Hasenberg.

#myphoto, #DaLiegtDerFels, #TourDeChattengau

Auf dem #Hasenberg, einer 4 km vom #Wartberg entfernten und zwischen den Fritzlarer Stadtteilen #Haddamar, #Lohne und #Züschen gelegenen 304 m hohen #Basaltkuppe, befand sich eine späte jungsteinzeitliche Höhensiedlung, die der #Wartberg-Kultur zugeordnet wird. Gefunden wurden insbesondere Pfeilspitzen, die im Regionalmuseum in #Fritzlar ausgestellt sind. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hasenberg_(Lohne)

Der #Hoheberg, 2100m vom Hasenberg entfernt und 376 m hoch:

#Foto, #photo, #Abendrot, #BlaueStunde, #Basalt, #Basaltkegel, #Natur, #nature, #Archäologie, #archeology, #Vorgeschichte, #Prehistory, #Steinzeit, #StoneAge, #Jungsteinzeit, #Neolithikum, #Neolithic, #Wandern, #hiking, #Radtour, #Fahrrad, #biking, #Chattengau, #Schwalm-Eder-Kreis, #Nordhessen, #Hessen, #fedibikes, @fedibikes_de group, @fedibikes group