

War should not be understood under the traditional dichotomy of one righteous nation battling a degenerate opposing force. Rather, the evil is the impetus itself to go to war, and the good (a Platonic love for mankind, for beauty, and a decent moral life) is inherent in all the belligerents — they can resist the urge to engage in mass murder. Satan personifies evil, and he and Ballet Master Death use the players to demonstrate how easily people and nations can be misled by their virtues. — https://publicdomainreview.org/essay/vernon-lees-satan-the-waster-pacifism-and-the-avant-garde/
#war #play #ballet #vernonlee #ww1 #art



Double Feature (1/2)

Curious about the local culture, I went to see a #play. We entered an amphitheatre of sorts, although the audience sat or stood in the centre, with a few different sets on the slopes around us.

The first scene was in a set on my left; the hero was leaving their home. The second scene introduced the antagonist, in a set straight ahead of me. The coming tension was clear. Good start!

But then two scenes, and later three or more, happened at once in different directions. I didn't know which one to watch or how to follow the plot. I turned this way and that trying to take it all in, but was frustrated.

After the show I spoke to some locals. "How do you follow the #story? I couldn't keep up!"

They looked puzzled. Eventually I saw realisation on someone's face. "Ah, you've only seen the play once. You have to go at least three times to understand the story."



Oh Yes, ‘Diablo Immortal’ Is Absolutely #Pay-To-Win, Eventually

source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/06/04/oh-yes-diablo-immortal-is-absolutely-pay-to-win-eventually/

And there it is. 5 star crests give the most bonuses and can be awakened so they can slot in the most extra legendary gems for ultra-endgame builds. It is quite literally impossible to accumulate any significant amount of useful, uncapped legendary gems #playing for free, so it’s essentially like the final stages of the endgame don’t exist at all without paying. And paying a lot, with some calculations putting a “final” build in #Diablo #Immortal at $40,000-$100,000 of gem-hunting currency for max 5 star awakened everything.

Diabolo feels like a totally #overpriced rust bucket you bought from a sleazy used car dealer. It's like the former cool school friend who contacts you again after years only to pitch a shabby crypto scam to you.

#Game #Gamer #fail #wtf #omg #money #finance #Blizzard #mobile #gaming #play #problem #Pay2Win #PayToWin #economy #business #loutBox #meme #memes