

Picked up these pomegranate branches from the park next door.

They are cleaning up the park and cutting the branches on the lower end of the trees and I picked these 3 to bring home.

Removed all the leaves and branches below and cut the top off ao it gives it a better chance to #propagate.

Putting them in 3 different pots hoping that at least one of them develops roots so I can have a #pomegranate tree in my future house.

It will be amazing if it works.

#Trees #Propagation #Gardening #Plants #BalconyGarden #ContainerGarden #France #FruitTrees



Quel plaisir – et quelle impatience dans cette luxurieuse attente – de sentir grossir, rougir, s'exhaler, exploser, jouir - non, il n'y a pas d'autre mot ! - tant sur le palais que dans l'œil, ce jour, cette heure, à l'angle de la terrasse, sous le luxuriant soleil aquitain, la 'pomegranate', la grenade si chère à D. H. Lawrence… !

Pomegranates to warm your hands at;
And crowns, kingly, generous, tilting crowns
Over the left eyebrow.

And, if you dare, the fissure!

Des grenades pour se réchauffer les mains ;
Et des couronnes, royales, généreuses, des couronnes inclinées
Sur le sourcil gauche.

Et, si vous l'osez, la fissure !

Lundi 5 septembre 2022, 17 h 27.

#Excentric-News #photographie #photography #fotografia #pomegranate #grenade #D-H_Lawrence #Aquitaine #France


#Pomegranate #Fruit #Chinese #Painting #Ink #Colour #Silk #Art #Cultural #History #Our #Colourful #World


China, Late Southern Song dynasty, or early Yuan dynasty, about 1200-1340


Album leaf, ink and colour on silk

-- Cultural History of the Pomegranate --

Pomegranate is native to a region from Iran to northern India. Pomegranates have been cultivated throughout the Middle East, South Asia, and Mediterranean region for several millennia, and also thrive in the drier climates of California and Arizona.

Carbonized exocarp of the fruit has been identified in early Bronze Age levels of Jericho in the West Bank - Palestine, as well as late Bronze Age levels of Hala Sultan Tekke on Cyprus and Tiryns. A large, dry pomegranate was found in the tomb of Djehuty, the butler of Queen Hatshepsut in Egypt; Mesopotamian cuneiform records mention pomegranates from the mid-third millennium BC onwards.

It is also extensively grown in South China and in Southeast Asia, whether originally spread along the route of the Silk Road or brought by sea traders. Kandahar is famous in Afghanistan for its high-quality pomegranates.

Although not native to Korea or Japan, the pomegranate is widely grown there and many cultivars have been developed. It is widely used for bonsai because of its flowers and for the unusual twisted bark the older specimens can attain. The term "balaustine" (Latin: balaustinus) is also used for a pomegranate-red colour.